Pennsylvania’s notoriously high level of regulation is a burden on our state economy. To make the Keystone State a competitive place to live, work, or grow a business, reforms are needed to rein in the regulatory process. Taxpayers deserve a streamlined regulatory process that scrutinizes proposed regulations to ensure frivolous reforms do not overburden the state economy and do not prevent job-seekers from accessing employment.


Lackawanna County: Where’s the Film?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 19, 2008

Another case study on corporate welfare for the film industry was featured in the Morning Call. Lackwanna County officials are wondering what happened to the $500,000 of taxpayer money…


Read More: Lackawanna County: Where’s the Film?


Study: Smoking Bans increase drunk driving

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 15, 2008

A new study in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Public Economics finds that “smoking bans increase drunken-driving fatalities”; reported on the Marginal Revolution blog. This effect is…


Read More: Study: Smoking Bans increase drunk driving


Rendell’s Stimulus

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 5, 2008

Yesterday, Gov. Rendell announced his wealth redistribution scheme, which he calls “economic stimulus”. His plan includes Cash welfare payments: Rendell is proposing spending $130 million (borrowing it from the…


Read More: Rendell’s Stimulus


Specter and the NFL

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 3, 2008

The response to news that Arlen Specter wants to hold hearing with the NFL over “spy-gate” has been met with universal disdain – see, for instance, Don Boudreaux’s…


Read More: Specter and the NFL


$47 million for Soccer?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 1, 2008

Lowman Henry writes on the Lincoln Blog that $47 million for a soccer stadium doesn’t seem like a good use of tax dollars, and responds to some email comments…


Read More: $47 million for Soccer?


Professional licensing and the Italian Stallion

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 31, 2008

In light of recent news about state licensing boards going after eBay sellers and our discussion of professional licensing boards in Government on a Diet, here are some…


Read More: Professional licensing and the Italian Stallion


State Liquor Stores Show Age

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 31, 2008

Delco Times editorial on the need to privatize the state liquor stores. Dismissing the myth of state-run stores protecting against underage drinking (through anecdotal evidence, though a report…


Read More: State Liquor Stores Show Age


Pennsylvania takes on online auctions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 30, 2008

Philadelphia Inquirer story on the state’s pursuit of eBay sellers with no auctioneer’s license. As we pointed out on this issue before, eBay’s seller rating do a better…


Read More: Pennsylvania takes on online auctions


Plan would bar linking bonuses to pensions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 23, 2008

Rep. Sean Ramaley proposes ending the pension bump from bonuses. Currently a bonus (or other compensation, such as “unvouchered expenses”) increases the salary used to calculate pensions for state…


Read More: Plan would bar linking bonuses to pensions


Public Pension Reform Introduced

  • October 30, 2007

Commonwealth Foundation applauds legislation to enroll new public employees in more predictable, affordable “Defined-Contribution” pension plan HARRISBURG, PA — The Commonwealth Foundation joined Rep. Scott Boyd (R-Lampeter), Sen. Pat Browne…

Press Release

Read More: Public Pension Reform Introduced

Criminal Justice Reform

Private Prisons Increase Capacity, Save Money, Improve Service

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 24, 2007

Good Afternoon, my name is Nathan Benefield, I am the Director of Policy Research with the Commonwealth Foundation, a research and educational organization based in Harrisburg. I would like to…


Read More: Private Prisons Increase Capacity, Save Money, Improve Service


Smoking Bans

  • July 10, 2007

The effort to ban smoking in restaurants, bars, and private businesses is a product of bad science and worse economics.

Fact Sheet

Read More: Smoking Bans


Gov. Ed Rendells Ransom

  • July 9, 2007

PA Governor holds state workers and public services hostage for higher taxes and fees, despite $650M tax surplus. HARRISBURG, PA – Nearly 25,000 state workers were furloughed and many public…

Press Release

Read More: Gov. Ed Rendells Ransom


Public Benefits from Private Liquor

  • April 19, 2007

Commonwealth Foundation joins Reason in call for LCB privatization HARRISBURG, PA — The Commonwealth Foundation joined with privatization experts from the Reason Foundation to discuss the potential divesture of the…

Press Release

Read More: Public Benefits from Private Liquor


Free-Market Approaches to Fiscal Policy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 27, 2007

Good morning. My name is Nathan Benefield; I am the Director of Policy Research for the Commonwealth Foundation, a research and policy institute in Harrisburg. I want to thank the…


Read More: Free-Market Approaches to Fiscal Policy


Spending Restraint Needed

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 14, 2007

Good afternoon. My name is Nathan Benefield, I am the Director of Policy Research for the Commonwealth Foundation. I would like to thank Chairman Armstrong and the members of the…


Read More: Spending Restraint Needed


What Happened to Yesterday’s Hometown Heroes?

  • February 6, 2007

Each morning my local county newspaper shows up late. Speaking with the delivery man and calling the office hasn’t changed things. So, rather than canceling the 20,089 daily circulation paper…


Read More: What Happened to Yesterday’s Hometown Heroes?

Health Care

The Pension and Healthcare Non-Crisis

  • Richard Dreyfuss
  • January 29, 2007

Despite the well-documented unfunded liabilities in Pennsylvania’s largest public employee pension plans (PSERS and SERS), the response from Harrisburg to the coming fiscal crisis ranges from denial to paralysis. Following…


Read More: The Pension and Healthcare Non-Crisis


Ed Rendell brings hope to seniors

  • October 24, 2006

John Baer of the Philadelphia Daily News quotes Gov. Rendell on why slot machines are so important to Pennsylvania. “These are people who lead very gray lives,” he said.


Read More: Ed Rendell brings hope to seniors


Why make state beholden to California?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 23, 2006

Sam Smith (House Majority Leader) Op-Ed in the Patriot News on the battle over using federal EPA or California standards for vehicle emissions. Also check out the memo…


Read More: Why make state beholden to California?