Pennsylvania’s complex state budget has enabled policymakers to keep taxpayers in the dark when it comes to state spending. Year after year, some elected officials use budget gimmicks to both make the budget appear balanced and to secure their own agendas. Pennsylvanians deserve reforms that bring true transparency to the budgeting process. We must limit spending growth to a sustainable rate, ensuring the state government—like hardworking taxpayers—live within its means.

2024 state budget resources

Health Care

A Sign of Things to Come?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 13, 2013

Cancelled health care plans, an unusable exchange website—do we still trust the federal government to deliver on its health care promises? In what could be a sign of what’s to…


Read More: A Sign of Things to Come?

Government Accountability

PLCB Annual Report: I Read it So You Don’t Have To!

  • November 1, 2013

This week, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board released its annual report. In case reading a 56-page government document isn’t in your weekend plans, here are my notes: Their stated…


Read More: PLCB Annual Report: I Read it So You Don’t Have To!


We Just Lowered the Debt Ceiling

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 17, 2013

Yesterday, House and Senate leaders came together to negotiate a deal—that passed with bipartisan support in both chambers—to reduce our debt ceiling. If that sounds unbelievable, I should…


Read More: We Just Lowered the Debt Ceiling

State Budget

New Video: Budget Season Wrap Up

  • July 12, 2013

Gov. Corbett signed a more than $28 billion budget at the end of June—but was it a win for you the taxpayer? CF policy experts offer answers on this and…


Read More: New Video: Budget Season Wrap Up

Public Union Democracy

Government Unions Torpedo Agenda

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 3, 2013

The state budget deadline came and went without passage of any of the “Big Three” policy items—liquor store privatization, pension reform, or transportation tax and fee increases. It was clear…


Read More: Government Unions Torpedo Agenda

Health Care

Lawmakers Stand up for Taxpayers, Reject Medicaid Expansion

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 2, 2013

Yesterday, 108 House Representatives voted to protect taxpayers from an expansion of the broken and unaffordable Medicaid program. You can thank them here. Medicaid expansion is an optional part of…


Read More: Lawmakers Stand up for Taxpayers, Reject Medicaid Expansion

Public Union Democracy

Disappointing Budget Shows Need to Keep Fighting

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • July 1, 2013

This past weekend was not for the political faint of heart. Special interests, led by government union bosses and crony capitalists, prevented real liquor privatization and effective pension reform from…


Read More: Disappointing Budget Shows Need to Keep Fighting

Health Care

Medicaid Expansion is Risky Business

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 29, 2013

Both Republicans and Democrats have recently engaged in some risky business by pushing for the Medicaid expansion. They’ve been quick to assure state taxpayers they won’t be left with an enormous…


Read More: Medicaid Expansion is Risky Business

Government Accountability

What Can You Do?

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • June 27, 2013

The next hours and days could dramatically shape Pennsylvania’s future, but will it be for the better? As time winds down before the final budget passes, several critical issues hang…


Read More: What Can You Do?

Government Accountability

Mailbag: That “Delaware Loophole” Thingamajig

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 26, 2013

A few readers responded to my op-ed on corporate tax reform, asking “If you want fairness, why don’t you support ‘ending the Delaware Loophole’?” Unfortunately, many believe that the…


Read More: Mailbag: That “Delaware Loophole” Thingamajig

Health Care

Budget Could Transform Pa., For Good or Ill

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 21, 2013

About one week remains for lawmakers to finalize a state budget. But along with a spending plan, a number of major policy reforms remain in the mix. The outcomes of…


Read More: Budget Could Transform Pa., For Good or Ill

Public Union Democracy

Budget Opens Door for Prevailing Wage Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 20, 2013

Before taxpayers are asked to give more for Pennsylvania’s transportation needs, are current transportation tax dollars being spent wisely? That’s the question several lawmakers are asking, as time winds down…


Read More: Budget Opens Door for Prevailing Wage Reform

State Budget

The Case for Corbett’s Tax Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 13, 2013

Combined with the federal tax rate, Pennsylvania businesses pay the second highest tax on their profits in the entire industrialized world.


Read More: The Case for Corbett’s Tax Reform

State Budget

Senate Transportation Proposal Rolls On

  • June 6, 2013

In a bipartisan vote, the state Senate approved a bill that would fund a $2.5 billion increase in Pennsylvania’s transportation funding. Like Gov. Corbett’s…


Read More: Senate Transportation Proposal Rolls On

Health Care

More Reasons to Pass on Medicaid Expansion

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 5, 2013

Elected officials are standing strong in their opposition to the Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, despite a number of “independent studies” touting the benefits of “…


Read More: More Reasons to Pass on Medicaid Expansion


Cyber School Funding in Pennsylvania

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Priya Brannick
  • May 30, 2013

Cyber schools currently spend significantly less per student than school districts and only represent about 1% of spending on public education. Discrepancies in cyber school funding are the result of…


Read More: Cyber School Funding in Pennsylvania


New Life for Landmark Pension Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 7, 2013

Landmark pension reform legislation was unveiled today, as the Commonwealth Foundation stood with Gov. Tom Corbett, state lawmakers, business leaders, school board members and other groups.  The new bills, introduced…


Read More: New Life for Landmark Pension Reform


Why We Can’t Just “Let Act 120 Work”

  • May 6, 2013

In a guest post, State Rep. Glen Grell addresses the pension reform myth that Act 120 has fixed the pension crisis.  For more facts & myths, click here. The…


Read More: Why We Can’t Just “Let Act 120 Work”

Health Care

Reality Check: We’re Overspending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 2, 2013

Bad revenue collections and updated projections highlight a big problem in the state budget: We are spending more than we are collecting. The problem is much worse than a recent…


Read More: Reality Check: We’re Overspending

Health Care

States Fix Medicaid

  • April 26, 2013

That's why leaders in statehouses across the country should do the right thing and follow Pennsylvania's lead. Instead of waiting for dollars and dictates from D.C. to expand a broken…


Read More: States Fix Medicaid


Pennsylvania’s Pension Crisis: Myths and Facts

  • April 25, 2013

Pennsylvania’s two main government worker pension systems, the Public School Employee Retirement System (PSERS) and the State Employee Retirement System (SERS), are dramatically underfunded. Together these funds owe more than…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania’s Pension Crisis: Myths and Facts