Pennsylvania’s complex state budget has enabled policymakers to keep taxpayers in the dark when it comes to state spending. Year after year, some elected officials use budget gimmicks to both make the budget appear balanced and to secure their own agendas. Pennsylvanians deserve reforms that bring true transparency to the budgeting process. We must limit spending growth to a sustainable rate, ensuring the state government—like hardworking taxpayers—live within its means.

2024 state budget resources

State Budget

Budget Facts 2013: Spending Increases By Department

  • April 17, 2013

Governor Corbett's proposed budget of $28.4 billion in general fund spending and $67.6 billion in spending from all funds represents our highest spending levels ever—exceeding years when federal stimulus dollars…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Budget Facts 2013: Spending Increases By Department


Pennsylvania State Budget 2013

  • March 26, 2013

Governor Corbett's proposed budget of $28.4 billion in general fund spending and $67.6 billion in spending from all funds represents our highest spending levels ever—exceeding years when federal stimulus dollars…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania State Budget 2013

Health Care

Expanding Medicaid: Eat Now, Starve Later

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 20, 2013

When the governor released his budget last month, the loudest opposition hinged on Medicaid - government insurance for the poor and disabled. Advocates of expanding the program via the Affordable…


Read More: Expanding Medicaid: Eat Now, Starve Later


Remove Politics from Pensions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2013

A letter to the editor I sent to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette takes on some of the myths and facts of pension reform: Nina Esposito-Visgitis, president of the Pittsburgh…


Read More: Remove Politics from Pensions

Health Care

No “Free Lunch” with Medicaid Expansion

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 28, 2013

If I offered you a "free lunch" every day for the rest of your life, you'd take it, right? Oh, but there are a few strings attached. The lunch may…


Read More: No “Free Lunch” with Medicaid Expansion

Health Care

Where Does Government Get Money?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 28, 2013

Where does the federal government get its money? Does it grow on trees? Does it fall from the sky like manna from heaven? Is there a genie who keeps granting…


Read More: Where Does Government Get Money?

State Budget

Budget Proposal: 5 Key Facts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 14, 2013

As we head into months of meetings, hearings, and special interest protests at the Capitol, here are five must-know facts about Governor Corbett’s budget proposal: Gold Stars: “Recommends against”…


Read More: Budget Proposal: 5 Key Facts


Kane Delay on Lottery Could Cost Taxpayers (Again)

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 12, 2013

The Patriot News reports that private lottery manager Camelot Global Services may not be willing to extend its bid beyond the current expiration date of Saturday. Attorney General Kathleen…


Read More: Kane Delay on Lottery Could Cost Taxpayers (Again)

State Budget

Transportation Plan Falls Short of Principles

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • February 11, 2013

We’ve received several requests for our assessment of Governor Corbett’s transportation proposal, in light of our principles for transportation funding. Here is our take. First, transportation is a…


Read More: Transportation Plan Falls Short of Principles

State Budget

Corbett’s Medicaid Decision Could Save Jobs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 11, 2013

The Affordable Care Act—often dubbed Obamacare—included 20 new taxes or tax increases. As these taxes are beginning to go into effect, businesses are starting to feel the impact, and…


Read More: Corbett’s Medicaid Decision Could Save Jobs

State Budget

Standing with Taxpayers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 6, 2013

Most Pennsylvanians probably weren't aware – or don't care – that Governor Corbett delivered his 2013-14 budget proposal this week.  But they should!  Spending $20,900 per family of four, the…


Read More: Standing with Taxpayers

Health Care

Medicaid Expansion: The Price was Wrong

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 6, 2013

Governor Corbett made the right call yesterday when he decided to recommend against expanding Medicaid in Pennsylvania. Here is my letter to the editor to the Philadelphia Inquirer explaining…


Read More: Medicaid Expansion: The Price was Wrong

State Budget

Gov. Corbett’s Budget Stands with Taxpayers

  • February 5, 2013

Statement of Matthew J. Brouillette, president and CEO of the Commonwealth Foundation, Pennsylvania’s free-market think tank, on Governor Corbett’s budget proposal: Gov. Corbett has chosen to prioritize government spending…

Press Release

Read More: Gov. Corbett’s Budget Stands with Taxpayers

State Budget

Spending Restraint Fosters Economic Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 5, 2013

Critics, and likely election challengers, of Gov. Tom Corbett point to the singular fact that the state’s unemployment rate is higher than the national average (though not significantly,…


Read More: Spending Restraint Fosters Economic Growth

Health Care

Lawmakers: Medicaid Expansion Not the Answer

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 4, 2013

Rep. Gordon Denlinger and 37 House members sent a letter to Governor Corbett, urging the governor not to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare).


Read More: Lawmakers: Medicaid Expansion Not the Answer

Public Union Democracy

Private Lottery Management FAQ

  • December 21, 2012

To protect seniors from future service cuts, the Corbett administration is seeking a private management agreement (PMA) to ensure Lottery profits will meet seniors' needs. Lottery services company Camelot submitted…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Private Lottery Management FAQ

Health Care

But It’s Only A Few Billion More…

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 3, 2012

Medicaid spending will increase by more than one trillion dollars nationally over the next decade if all states participate in the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion, according to new analysis by…


Read More: But It’s Only A Few Billion More…

Criminal Justice Reform

Three of Four Alarms Still Ringing

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 3, 2012

Late last month, the Independent Fiscal Office released its annual report looking at Pennsylvania’s economy and forecasting state budget expenditures and revenues. The trends remain alarming. Most notably, state…


Read More: Three of Four Alarms Still Ringing

State Budget

Federal Funds Aren’t “Free”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 20, 2012

There’s no such thing as a free lunch—meaning everything in life, including government programs, must be paid for.  Unfortunately, many advocates of government health insurance expansion explain the Affordable…


Read More: Federal Funds Aren’t “Free”

State Budget

Debt or Prosperity? It’s Our Choice

  • November 2, 2012

Can Americans afford slower economic growth and a lower standard of living in the future? That will be the impact of growing government debt on the economy, according to a…


Read More: Debt or Prosperity? It’s Our Choice

Health Care

Contain Medicaid Fire, Turn Hose on Pension Crisis

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Nathan Benefield
  • October 23, 2012

Last night’s presidential debate (despite the focus on foreign policy) featured much talk on skyrocketing debt and unsustainable entitlement programs. Protecting the middle class from growing debt isn’t a problem…


Read More: Contain Medicaid Fire, Turn Hose on Pension Crisis