Pennsylvania’s complex state budget has enabled policymakers to keep taxpayers in the dark when it comes to state spending. Year after year, some elected officials use budget gimmicks to both make the budget appear balanced and to secure their own agendas. Pennsylvanians deserve reforms that bring true transparency to the budgeting process. We must limit spending growth to a sustainable rate, ensuring the state government—like hardworking taxpayers—live within its means.

2024 state budget resources


The Phony “Surplus”

  • Nathan Benefield, Richard Dreyfuss
  • June 2, 2011

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue released May General Fund tax collection data, and many lawmakers are clamoring to spend this “surplus”. But the idea there is any “surplus” is…


Read More: The Phony “Surplus”

Public Union Democracy

Pennsylvania’s State Union Contracts

  • June 2, 2011

On June 30, 2011, 15 of the state's 19 government union contracts expire, with two more expiring in August. These 19 public sector unions represent 62,271 state employees, whose compensation…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania’s State Union Contracts


Have Casinos Hurt Lottery Sales?

  • June 1, 2011

According to a new report from the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee, the presence of casinos does not have a negative impact on state lottery revenues.  At the same…


Read More: Have Casinos Hurt Lottery Sales?

State Budget

Is Gas Drilling Behind the Surplus?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 26, 2011

A reader asks if natural gas drilling is behind April’s higher than estimated tax revenues — what legislators are now calling a “budget surplus.” It would be difficult to definitively make that claim,…


Read More: Is Gas Drilling Behind the Surplus?

State Budget

PA House Passes Fiscally Responsible Budget

  • May 25, 2011

Last night, the Pennsylvania House passed a $27.3 billion General Fund budget bill (HB 1485). The fiscally responsible proposal includes no new taxes, prioritizes resources and maintains the…


Read More: PA House Passes Fiscally Responsible Budget

Health Care

Rescuing the States from Medicaid

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 19, 2011

State Medicaid spending has increased four times faster than elementary and secondary education spending and nine times faster than transportation spending over the past two decades. In Pennsylvania,…


Read More: Rescuing the States from Medicaid

State Budget

PA House GOP Outlines Budget Proposal

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 11, 2011

The House Republicans unveiled their Pennsylvania State Budget Proposal yesterday, HB 1485.  The bill is set for an Appropriations Committee vote this week, and a full House vote…


Read More: PA House GOP Outlines Budget Proposal


A Penny Saved or a Penny Burned?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 11, 2011

For any family, saving a few dollars for the future and paying off credit card bills would be the fiscally prudent path.  Likewise, state lawmakers should resist the temptation to…


Read More: A Penny Saved or a Penny Burned?


Bad Economists and Good Budget Cuts

  • Charles Mitchell
  • May 10, 2011

Yesterday in the Patriot-News, yet another Penn State administrator campaigned against Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed cuts to the generous subsidies our public universities receive from taxpayers (many of which…


Read More: Bad Economists and Good Budget Cuts


On School Spending “Cuts”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 6, 2011

A reader writes in, noting that a school board member is pushing the “stop the billion dollar cut” campaign, and asking for some info. Here are some quick facts.


Read More: On School Spending “Cuts”

Government Accountability

Reining in Spending with Performance-Based Budgeting

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 4, 2011

The House State Government Committee held a hearing today on reforming the budgeting process. HB 726, sponsored by Rep. Stan Saylor, would institute performance based-budgeting. Today, most of the…


Read More: Reining in Spending with Performance-Based Budgeting


A Half-Billion Saved is a Half-Billion Earned

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 4, 2011

After April’s General Fund tax collections came in at 9 percent above forecasts, some lawmakers are clamoring to spend any surplus Pennsylvania has at the end of the…


Read More: A Half-Billion Saved is a Half-Billion Earned


PSU: Progress Seems Underway

  • Charles Mitchell
  • April 29, 2011

On March 8, Gov. Tom Corbett started a statewide conversation about higher education through his budget address, in which he proposed significant cuts in the subsidies Pennsylvania public universities receive…


Read More: PSU: Progress Seems Underway


When Bell Bottoms Were Cool…And PSU Charged $675

  • Charles Mitchell
  • April 28, 2011

I just sent the following to a student at Penn State who is writing a paper on Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed cuts to the subsidies our public universities receive from…


Read More: When Bell Bottoms Were Cool…And PSU Charged $675


A Pitt Student’s Take on Corbett’s Budget Proposal

  • April 27, 2011

As a Pitt student, I will not be joining in those manufactured protests, nor will I be participating in lobbying activities like Pitt's yearly "Harrisburg Day" when the University spends…


Read More: A Pitt Student’s Take on Corbett’s Budget Proposal


Provost Spins Unsuccessfully

  • Charles Mitchell
  • April 22, 2011

I used to be one of those people who have Google Alerts set for their names. I’m not anymore, so it’s come to my attention only belatedly that on April…


Read More: Provost Spins Unsuccessfully


On Higher Ed, Will Legislators Choose the ObamaCare Approach?

  • Charles Mitchell
  • April 21, 2011

This week in the Wall Street Journal, columnist William McGurn had an excellent piece on higher education (subscription required). He wrote mostly about federal policy—and on that point…


Read More: On Higher Ed, Will Legislators Choose the ObamaCare Approach?


The Really Devastating Thing Would Be a Tax Increase

  • Charles Mitchell
  • April 20, 2011

My wife and I returned to Pennsylvania last year, and boy, are we feeling welcome right now.  The warm fuzzies really took over earlier today when my wife called to…


Read More: The Really Devastating Thing Would Be a Tax Increase

State Budget

Pennsylvania State & Local Taxpayer Debt

  • April 15, 2011

Gov. Tom Corbett's FY 2011-12 budget proposal includes $63.6 billion in total operating spending—$27.3 billion in General Fund spending—a reduction of $3.3 billion from FY 2010-11. This budget restores overall…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania State & Local Taxpayer Debt

State Budget

Spending Increases by Department

  • April 15, 2011

Gov. Tom Corbett's FY 2011-12 budget proposal includes $63.6 billion in total operating spending—$27.3 billion in General Fund spending—a reduction of $3.3 billion from FY 2010-11. This budget restores overall…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Spending Increases by Department


Can’t Cut, Can We?

  • Charles Mitchell
  • April 13, 2011

While Pennsylvania’s public universities continue to cry poverty, pesky facts keep proving otherwise.  Here’s a snippet from a piece by Debra Erdley in yesterday’s Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Professors at…


Read More: Can’t Cut, Can We?