Pennsylvania’s complex state budget has enabled policymakers to keep taxpayers in the dark when it comes to state spending. Year after year, some elected officials use budget gimmicks to both make the budget appear balanced and to secure their own agendas. Pennsylvanians deserve reforms that bring true transparency to the budgeting process. We must limit spending growth to a sustainable rate, ensuring the state government—like hardworking taxpayers—live within its means.

2024 state budget resources

State Budget

Where to Find Ideas to Balance the PA Budget

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 27, 2010

John Micek of the Morning Call has a piece today noting that the two candidates for Governor — Dan Onorato and Tom Corbett — have promised no, or few, new…


Read More: Where to Find Ideas to Balance the PA Budget

Health Care

PA Medicaid Enrollment Reaches All-Time High

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 23, 2010

One in six Pennsylvanians are now eligible for Medicaid or Medical Assistance, thanks to the economic downturn and generous eligibility standards. The Post-Gazette reports 2.2 million individuals now rely…


Read More: PA Medicaid Enrollment Reaches All-Time High

State Budget

Being Tough on Crime Is Not Enough

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 22, 2010

With one in 28 Pennsylvanians in jail or prison, on probation, or on parole in 2007 — at the cost of more than $1.8 billion — Pennsylvania is at a…


Read More: Being Tough on Crime Is Not Enough

State Budget

Rendell Starts State Bailout of Cities

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 13, 2010

Yesterday, Gov. Rendell announced a $4.3 million bailout for the city of Harrisburg. The city, following decades of wasteful spending on things like a Wild West Museum and owning…


Read More: Rendell Starts State Bailout of Cities

State Budget

Is Harrisburg a Prediction of Things to Come?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 10, 2010

Harrisburg’s inability to pay off massive debts accumulated by years of wasteful spending made headlines in the Wall Street Journal. Last week, Harrisburg skipped a $3 million debt payment…


Read More: Is Harrisburg a Prediction of Things to Come?


Gov. Rendell’s Gamesmanship

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 27, 2010

While table games have been in Pennsylvania casinos for more than a month, I don't know if Gov. Rendell has tried his luck. But it would be a safe wager…


Read More: Gov. Rendell’s Gamesmanship

State Budget

Why Lawmakers Don’t (And Shouldn’t) Raise Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 26, 2010

Terry Madonna and Michael Young have a new column asking why Pennsylvania lawmakers are so loath to raise taxes: This response differs dramatically from past practice. Throughout most…


Read More: Why Lawmakers Don’t (And Shouldn’t) Raise Taxes


Rendell’s Pinocchio Moment on WAMs

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 19, 2010

During yesterday’s press conference, Roxbury News reported Gov. Rendell saying, “Opportunity Grants are not WAMS.” Really? Forget the numerous failures of Opportunity Grant recipients, like the $750,000 awarded to…


Read More: Rendell’s Pinocchio Moment on WAMs

State Budget

“Across the Board” Budget Cuts are Lazy Policy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 18, 2010

Gov. Rendell announced that to balance the Pennsylvania state budget — after getting $250 million less from Congress than predicted — he would be ordering cuts of 1.9% “across-the-board,”…


Read More: “Across the Board” Budget Cuts are Lazy Policy

State Budget

State Budget Gaps and State Budget Growth

  • August 17, 2010

In a recent report, Matthew Mitchell from the Mercatus Center provides solutions to the “rock and hard place” situations states are finding themselves in while they try to…


Read More: State Budget Gaps and State Budget Growth

State Budget

Rendell and the Missing $30 Million

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 12, 2010

Yesterday, Gov. Rendell told lawmakers that after Congress passed legislation to increase federal aid to states for Medicaid (FMAP) and to school districts – and also cut funding…


Read More: Rendell and the Missing $30 Million


Are Taxpayers Subsidizing Learning or Partying?

  • August 9, 2010

The good news: Penn State is no longer the #1 party school in the US, according to the Princeton Review’s (user account) annual student-produced rankings. It has fallen…


Read More: Are Taxpayers Subsidizing Learning or Partying?

State Budget

Which Taxpayer-Funded Video Studio Tells More Lies?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 9, 2010

Yesterday, Bob Caton, spokesman for the Pennsylvania House Democrats, and Steve Miskin, spokesman for the House Republican, engaged in a Twitter argument over which caucus’ TV shows were more…


Read More: Which Taxpayer-Funded Video Studio Tells More Lies?


Rendell’s Made-Up Government Workers Layoffs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 5, 2010

Here is a letter to the editor I recently submitted on Gov. Rendell’s threats of layoffs if Congress doesn’t give him FMAP Money: Gov. Rendell has been busy lobbying…


Read More: Rendell’s Made-Up Government Workers Layoffs

Government Accountability

Non-Competitive Contracts Don’t Compute

  • August 2, 2010

The PA Revenue Department’s main computer system was installed in 1975. The outdated system’s technological language, COBOL, is not even taught in universities anymore, narrowing the number of applicants…


Read More: Non-Competitive Contracts Don’t Compute

State Budget

What Happens to PA Budget without FMAP Money

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 2, 2010

Gov. Rendell is supposed to meet with lawmakers today to discuss options if Congress doesn’t approve the $850 million in federal FMAP funds. Pete DeCoursey (subscription) breaks down the…


Read More: What Happens to PA Budget without FMAP Money

State Budget

How to Reduce Welfare Fraud

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 28, 2010

Following Matt Brouillette’s commentary on whether Tom Corbett (should he win) can balance the budget and keep his ‘no tax’ pledge,…


Read More: How to Reduce Welfare Fraud

State Budget

What if State Government Hired a Psychic?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 28, 2010

The Tribune Review adds on to the continuing Orie sisters saga, that not only did they seek the advice of a clairvoyant, but that clairvoyant asked for a…


Read More: What if State Government Hired a Psychic?

State Budget

Can Tom Corbett Keep His “No Tax” Pledge?

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • July 27, 2010

Attorney General Tom Corbett has taken significant criticism for his pledge to not raise taxes if elected governor.  That was to be expected from his Democrat rival, Allegheny County executive…


Read More: Can Tom Corbett Keep His “No Tax” Pledge?


Free Parking? Only in “Monopoly”

  • July 26, 2010

Privatization Watch, which warns against privatizing government services, alerts locals that if Pittsburgh parking garages are leased to a private company the per day parking cost would increase by…


Read More: Free Parking? Only in “Monopoly”