Pennsylvania’s complex state budget has enabled policymakers to keep taxpayers in the dark when it comes to state spending. Year after year, some elected officials use budget gimmicks to both make the budget appear balanced and to secure their own agendas. Pennsylvanians deserve reforms that bring true transparency to the budgeting process. We must limit spending growth to a sustainable rate, ensuring the state government—like hardworking taxpayers—live within its means.

2024 state budget resources

State Budget

The Best And Worst Ways To Eliminate A Budget Deficit

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • October 5, 2009

John Nothdurft of The Heartland Institute wrote this last February…  Anybody listening in Harrisburg? Legislatures in at least 39 states will have to take steps by the end of…


Read More: The Best And Worst Ways To Eliminate A Budget Deficit

State Budget

PA House Approves More Debt for Pork

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 5, 2009

Lost in the shuffle over the Pennsylvania state (operating) budget was a vote over the weekend over the state capital budget, which was approved by the Pennsylvania House. The…


Read More: PA House Approves More Debt for Pork

State Budget

“Big Helicopter” and Big Hollywood

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 3, 2009

While debating their myriad of tax increases (which was eventually approved by the chamber), Pennsylvania House Democrats continued to demonize “Big…


Read More: “Big Helicopter” and Big Hollywood

State Budget

What’s in the PA House Democrats Tax Bill?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 2, 2009

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania House Rules Committee approved a “gut-and-replace” amendment to HB 1531 – which had previously been a bill to extend tax relief for military families – which…


Read More: What’s in the PA House Democrats Tax Bill?

State Budget

Pennsylvania Revenue Collections Fall Short Again

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 2, 2009

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue released their revenue estimates for September.  The collections were $119 million below estimates for the month, and $300 million less than collected one year…


Read More: Pennsylvania Revenue Collections Fall Short Again

State Budget

October Surprise: Rush to Vote on Tax Hikes

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • October 1, 2009

I’ve just received word that Democrats are planning to rush a tax increase vote in the state House of Representatives tomorrow! Specifically, House Democrats are going to hold a vote on legislation…


Read More: October Surprise: Rush to Vote on Tax Hikes

State Budget

Governing “Responsibly”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 1, 2009

Lowman Henry has another good commentary on the Pennsylvania state budget “deal” over at PA Town Hall: I find it interesting that when Democrats stick to…


Read More: Governing “Responsibly”

State Budget

Pennsylvania Budget Deal Appears Dead

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 30, 2009

The news service Capitolwire (subscribers only) is reporting that PA House Democrat leaders are admitting they don’t have enough votes to pass the state budget deal, give all of…


Read More: Pennsylvania Budget Deal Appears Dead

State Budget

An Honest Budget Debate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 30, 2009

Gov. Rendell and many lawmakers continue to push higher taxes in Pennsylvania, using the rhetoric that if we don’t, students won’t learn,…


Read More: An Honest Budget Debate

State Budget

Re-examine Public Welfare Spending

  • September 30, 2009

Pennsylvania has, as of this writing, gone 90 days without a budget, longer than any other state.  The impasse has been driven by Gov. Rendell's demand for higher spending and…


Read More: Re-examine Public Welfare Spending


Is Gov. Rendell “for the Kids” at All?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 28, 2009

On Friday, the REACH Foundation hosted a rally at the state capitol in defense of Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit, which…


Read More: Is Gov. Rendell “for the Kids” at All?

State Budget

PA Budget Deal Undone?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 28, 2009

It would seem that the reported Pennsylvania state budget ‘deal’ is in jeopardy: GrassrootsPA reports at least 5 Senate Republicans will…


Read More: PA Budget Deal Undone?

State Budget

Higher Taxes to Buy More Nintendo Wii’s?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 25, 2009

A PA House GOP staffer dug up this little item of pork barrel spending, courtesy State Representative Jesse White: The Wii challenge came about after I helped…


Read More: Higher Taxes to Buy More Nintendo Wii’s?


Will Lawmakers Put Hollywood Before School Children?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 24, 2009

Governor Rendell and three legislative caucuses are kicking low-income children out of their classrooms to fund handout to Big Hollywood studios. This is beyond bad policy – it’s blatant…


Read More: Will Lawmakers Put Hollywood Before School Children?

Government Accountability

How did the PA Budget Process Get So Broken?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 23, 2009

Dale Davenport had an excellent editorial in the Patriot over the weekend, noting how annual budgeting and the move to a full-time, professional legislature altereed Pennsylvania’s state budget forever: …


Read More: How did the PA Budget Process Get So Broken?

State Budget

Understanding the Single Sales Factor

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 23, 2009 Blogger Ben Waxman has a post about moving Pennsylvania to a single-sales factor on corporate income taxes, calling it a “big tax break for corporations”, based on…


Read More: Understanding the Single Sales Factor

State Budget

Stupid Quote of the Day

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 23, 2009

Sen. Jake Corman tells the Associated Press that a proposal to charge the sales tax to performing arts and museums is a “user fee”: A plan to extend…


Read More: Stupid Quote of the Day

State Budget

Historical Follies Set the Stage for Out-of-Control Debt

  • September 23, 2009

A new commentary in American Enterprise Institute’s journal, The American, highlights a seemingly “perfect storm” of historical events that have facilitated the out-of-control spending of…


Read More: Historical Follies Set the Stage for Out-of-Control Debt

Government Accountability

Reforming the Budget Process in Pennsylvania

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • September 22, 2009

In the political world, 2009 will be remembered as the year that Pennsylvania went longer than any other state without a budget.  The Commonwealth went months past the June 30th…


Read More: Reforming the Budget Process in Pennsylvania