High taxes make for a slow-growing economy. And communities feel the pinch of high taxes as more and more native Pennsylvanians leave the Keystone State to prosper elsewhere. To remain economically competitive, Pennsylvania must lower state taxes and ensure businesses have the opportunity to succeed. Lower taxes will incentivize more individuals to call Pennsylvania their home, ultimately spurring our statewide economy forward.


Film: A Stone’s Throw

  • January 6, 2009

Our sister think tank, the Mississippi Center for Public Policy, recently released “A Stone’s Throw.” The film documents the frustrations of parents in Mississippi–a state notorious for its low…


Read More: Film: A Stone’s Throw

Government Accountability

Another $1 million spent to defend lawmakers in “Bonusgate”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 6, 2009

As new legislators are coming to Harrisburg to be sworn in, Brad Bumsted reports that the Pennsylvania Senate Republicans have spent $1 million in legal fees (despite the number…


Read More: Another $1 million spent to defend lawmakers in “Bonusgate”


Downsize the Federal Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 2, 2009

Cato Institute video on “Downsizing the Federal Government” starting with the US Department of Agriculture. If, like me, you thought that the Dept. of Agriculture was a relatively small…


Read More: Downsize the Federal Government


New Pollution Regulations Will Cost You

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 30, 2008

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania DEP reinstated CAIR (the Clean Air Interstate Rule) after a successful appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. In July, the…


Read More: New Pollution Regulations Will Cost You

Taxes & Economy

Is Christmas bad for the Economy?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 29, 2008

Readers who are spending this week returning gifts they don’t really want – or those who think Wal-Mart playing Jingle…


Read More: Is Christmas bad for the Economy?

Taxes & Economy

When has an “economic stimulus” ever worked?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 23, 2008

The Club for Growth recently put out a statement opposing a federal “economic stimulus” plan, like that currently being pushed by the incoming administration (and lobbied for by…


Read More: When has an “economic stimulus” ever worked?

Taxes & Economy

Residents Still “Movin Out” of Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 23, 2008

The Census Bureau released the latest annual population estimates.  The trends for Pennsylvania remain much the same: Pennsylvania grew by 0.2% between July 2007 and July 2008 – ranking…


Read More: Residents Still “Movin Out” of Pennsylvania

Government Accountability

Taxpayer Funded Lobbying and the Growth of Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 22, 2008

Americans for Prosperity has a new analysis of taxpayer-funded lobbying of the federal government.  I don’t want to point out the obvious, but this taxpayer-funded lobbying is almost all…


Read More: Taxpayer Funded Lobbying and the Growth of Government

Taxes & Economy

Corporatism vs. Socialism vs. Free Markets

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 19, 2008

As President Bush announces a revised bailout for automakers, David Boaz examines the policies of Bush and proposals of Obama and concludes neither is a “socialist”, but neither…


Read More: Corporatism vs. Socialism vs. Free Markets

Public Union Democracy

Taxes, Union Bailouts, and “Crybabies”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 17, 2008

Every other Tuesday, Matt Brouillette hosts The Politics of Business on Pittsburgh Renaissance Radio on WMNY 1360 AM from 2-6pm. This week he tackled a variety of issues that rankled at…


Read More: Taxes, Union Bailouts, and “Crybabies”

Taxes & Economy

Big Government Leads to Corrupt Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 17, 2008

John Stossel has a good article on Townhall today on Blagoevich, the bailout, and public choice theory The Public Choice economists remind us that contrary to what…


Read More: Big Government Leads to Corrupt Government

Taxes & Economy

Buchanan: GOP should embrace xenophobia, not economics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 16, 2008

Pat Buchanan on Townhall.com calls for an automakers bailout based on xenophobia and on repeating the mistakes of the past, rather than sound economic policy. Is…


Read More: Buchanan: GOP should embrace xenophobia, not economics

Taxes & Economy

State College Debates a Drink Tax

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 16, 2008

The Tax Foundation exposes the poor logic behind a proposed drink tax targeted at “freeloading” PSU students. Local officials in State College would be wise to consider the fall…


Read More: State College Debates a Drink Tax

Taxes & Economy

Ten Problems with a Federal Bailout of the States

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 15, 2008

Chris Edwards has an article in National Review Online on why a bailout of the states is bad policy.  Here are his top ten reasons. 1. The federal government…


Read More: Ten Problems with a Federal Bailout of the States

Taxes & Economy

Bigger Government is no Stimulus

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 15, 2008

Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute has a great video on why government spending has, and will, fail to “stimulate” the economy. The evidence detailed by Mitchell…


Read More: Bigger Government is no Stimulus

Taxes & Economy

Happy Bill of Rights Day

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 15, 2008

Today is the 318th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights Institute has some resources, as does The Examiner.


Read More: Happy Bill of Rights Day

Taxes & Economy

Stop the Bailout of the States

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 12, 2008

ALEC has a new page opposing a federal taxpayer bailout of the state, including the letter from a coalition of groups. They currently collecting names of state legislators…


Read More: Stop the Bailout of the States

Taxes & Economy

US Auto Sales by Manufacturer

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 12, 2008

I thought I’d post this data on US car sales (new car and light truck) by brand, since it took a while to find. The data is available at…


Read More: US Auto Sales by Manufacturer

Taxes & Economy

Big 3 Bailout vs. Free Market Solution

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 11, 2008

In his blog today, John Micek offers some criticism of Mark Hendrickson’s commentary on the auto-makers bailout, which we ran today.  Micek points to the lack of “solutions”…


Read More: Big 3 Bailout vs. Free Market Solution

Taxes & Economy

Cutting Taxes Better Stimulus than Government Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 11, 2008

With all the push for more government spending (at both the state and federal level) to “stimulate the economy”, readers should take a look at new research highlighted…


Read More: Cutting Taxes Better Stimulus than Government Spending

Taxes & Economy

The auto bailout is a blood transfusion for a dying patient

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 10, 2008

David Leonhardt has a good article in the New York Times explaining why the “Big 3 Automakers” have higher labor costs than Honda, Toyota, et. al.  Greater fringe benefits…


Read More: The auto bailout is a blood transfusion for a dying patient