New Year, New Taxes in Pennsylvania
Originally published at RealClearPennsylvania The new year is always a great opportunity to shed vices like smoking and binge eating. For state and local lawmakers, their guilty pleasure tends…
Read More: New Year, New Taxes in PennsylvaniaHigh taxes make for a slow-growing economy. And communities feel the pinch of high taxes as more and more native Pennsylvanians leave the Keystone State to prosper elsewhere. To remain economically competitive, Pennsylvania must lower state taxes and ensure businesses have the opportunity to succeed. Lower taxes will incentivize more individuals to call Pennsylvania their home, ultimately spurring our statewide economy forward.
School Tax Hikes in Allegheny County
Interesting article in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about property tax hikes. Twenty of 43 school districts in Allegheny are planning to raise tax rates. Their justification is that the county…
Read More: School Tax Hikes in Allegheny CountyGovernment Accountability
Taxpayers spending over $1 million on lawyers to defend pay raise
As first broken by the Philadelphia Inquirer: “”Do I like hiring lawyers to defend these kinds of suits? No, I hate to do this,” said House Majority Leader Sam…
Read More: Taxpayers spending over $1 million on lawyers to defend pay raiseTaxes & Economy
Does faux reform kill real reform?
Brad Bumstead in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on the likelihood that significant property tax relief is dead following the passage of the facade of reform passed Wednesday. Read our News…
Read More: Does faux reform kill real reform?Health Care
Reduce Health Insurance Cost Through Competition
NCPA Analysis of how allowing insurers to offer healthcare coverage across state boundaries would reduce the cost of insurance. Examining only a handful of states, they find a discrepancy…
Read More: Reduce Health Insurance Cost Through CompetitionTaxes & Economy
Decoding the Swann Property Tax Plan
The property tax relief plan introduced by gubernatorial candidate Lynn Swann last month offers a radically different approach to the problem. Swann’s proposal contains some good provisions, some flawed provisions,…
Read More: Decoding the Swann Property Tax PlanTaxes & Economy
FEMA funds spent on divorce, sex change
AP story on fraud in FEMA aid – as much as $1.4 Billion (16% of all FEMA aid for Katrina and Rita victims) may have been used improperly. My…
Read More: FEMA funds spent on divorce, sex changeEducation
Cut the Fat
While Gov. Ed Rendell claims that his administration is “squeezing every nickel out of government,” an analysis of state spending released by the Commonwealth Foundation and Citizens Against Government Waste…
Read More: Cut the FatGovernment Accountability
Agency: Unvouchered expenses ‘income’
The REPUBLICAN & Herald notes that two lawmakers paid taxes on their “unvouchered expenses.” But I thought UEs are not “income” so as not to be a direct violation…
Read More: Agency: Unvouchered expenses ‘income’State Budget
Cut (half) the Waste!
Williamsport Sun-Gazette editorial on the Pennsylvania Piglet Book 2006.
Read More: Cut (half) the Waste!Taxes & Economy
The More You Know … The More You Wish You Didn’t
How does a $56,000 salary sound? Not bad? What if that salary was for working on a political campaign? Still better? Now imagine that salary was for your 2nd job,…
Read More: The More You Know … The More You Wish You Didn’tTaxes & Economy
Tax Dollars Spent on PR
The Patriot News reports on how your tax dollars are working hard to fund the public relations campaigns of legislative leaders – namely House Speaker Perzel spending $5,000/month on…
Read More: Tax Dollars Spent on PRTaxes & Economy
Groups target legislative spending
From the Courier Times: “Asked about the WAMS — legislative grants for economic development — Rep. Scott Petri, R-178, said, “I don’t know any one of them I would…
Read More: Groups target legislative spendingRegulation
Groups identify $4.3 billion in ‘wasteful’ spending
Public Radio Capitol News on our Piglet Book 2006. Although reporter Damon Baughmer probably doesn’t appreciate the fact that we think his employer (we, the taxpayers) should be funding…
Read More: Groups identify $4.3 billion in ‘wasteful’ spendingTaxes & Economy
Swann plan requires work …
So says our friend Jake Haulk of the Allegheny Institute in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Dr. Haulk concludes that “it’s still tax-shifting, relies on magic money, wrongly disses property tax…
Read More: Swann plan requires work …Taxes & Economy
Minimum Wages Politics vs. Economics
The push for a minimum wage increase is going on in North Carolina as well as here in PA. A piece in the Raleigh News Observer looks at the…
Read More: Minimum Wages Politics vs. EconomicsRegulation
Govenment benefits for retirees grow into ‘monster’
An article in today’s USA TODAY points out that future unfunded liabilities for Medicare, Social Security, and govenment employees pensions and retirement benefits have grown to $57.8 trillion. To…
Read More: Govenment benefits for retirees grow into ‘monster’State Budget
Return the Windfall Profits
There is a massive organization imposing a financial burden on the Pennsylvania economy. It is consuming an ever larger portion of the average person’s income. The costs for what it…
Read More: Return the Windfall ProfitsTaxes & Economy
Government made bumper stickers
The Pennsylvania Office of Tourism (part of the Department of Community and Economic Development) have started voting for a PA Bumper Sticker. Not only is developing an “official state…
Read More: Government made bumper stickersTaxes & Economy
Building excise fees will not mean property-tax relief
Read Grant Gulibon’s commentary in the latest News Item.
Read More: Building excise fees will not mean property-tax reliefTaxes & Economy
Building Excise Fees are Not Property Tax Relief
Henry David Thoreau said, “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” In Pennsylvania, that “evil” is the school property…
Read More: Building Excise Fees are Not Property Tax ReliefTaxes & Economy
PUC: Free market is OK
As reported in the Central Penn Business Journal, the Public Utility Commission will not stop a new taxicab company from competing with existing companies. It always heartwarming when a…
Read More: PUC: Free market is OK