New Year, New Taxes in Pennsylvania
Originally published at RealClearPennsylvania The new year is always a great opportunity to shed vices like smoking and binge eating. For state and local lawmakers, their guilty pleasure tends…
Read More: New Year, New Taxes in PennsylvaniaHigh taxes make for a slow-growing economy. And communities feel the pinch of high taxes as more and more native Pennsylvanians leave the Keystone State to prosper elsewhere. To remain economically competitive, Pennsylvania must lower state taxes and ensure businesses have the opportunity to succeed. Lower taxes will incentivize more individuals to call Pennsylvania their home, ultimately spurring our statewide economy forward.
Taxes & Economy
“No room at the inn”
At the heart of the Christmas story rests some important lessons concerning free enterprise, government, and the role of wealth in society. Let’s begin with one of the most famous…
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New Population Data
The US Census Bureau released their annual population estimates yesterday. Pennsylvania continues to lag behind: Pennsylvania’s population grew by 0.3% last year, slower than the national growth (0.9%) and…
Read More: New Population DataTaxes & Economy
Privatizing Toll Roads
Good study on privatization of Toll Roads in USA Today, summarized by the National Center for Policy Analysis. It save taxpayers money and generates revenue for government. It will…
Read More: Privatizing Toll RoadsTaxes & Economy
Minimum Wage: Q & A
Fact Sheet
Read More: Minimum Wage: Q & APublic Union Democracy
Property Taxpayer Protections: Tax Referendum & Prevailing Wage
The Pennsylvania General Assembly is in the midst of discussing what to do about school property taxes. The discussion is an old one in Harrisburg. The complexity of this issue…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Property Taxpayer Protections: Tax Referendum & Prevailing WageTaxes & Economy
The Minimum Wage: DeWeese as Marx
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial board said it, not me…but they’re right!! This may be the week that the Democrats attempt to artificially increase labor costs in PA. The irony,…
Read More: The Minimum Wage: DeWeese as MarxTaxes & Economy
Help low wage workers by taking away their jobs?
From the National Center for Policy Analysis: In June 2004 Santa Fe became one of three cities in the United States to pass a city-wide minimum wage applying…
Read More: Help low wage workers by taking away their jobs?Government Accountability
Capital Gains Tax Reform Benefits Seniors, Pennsylvanians
The Tax Foundation released an analysis of federal capital gains and dividend taxes: The Tax Foundation – Majority of Seniors Benefit from Reduced Capital Gains and Dividend Tax Rates.
Read More: Capital Gains Tax Reform Benefits Seniors, PennsylvaniansTaxes & Economy
New Poll from Quinnipiac University
Pennsylvania Voters Have Little Confidence In Tax Fix, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Anti-Incumbent Feeling Is Strong…
Read More: New Poll from Quinnipiac UniversityTaxes & Economy
Senate moves to curb eminent domain
News release from Sen. Piccola…. Senate Approves Piccola’s Landmark Eminent Domain Reform HARRISBURG – Senate Majority Whip Jeffrey Piccola (R-15) commended the Senate today for unanimously passing his “Property…
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House Dems Push for Increased Labor Costs in PA
In a seldom-used parliamentary maneuver, House Democrats may utilize House Rule 53 to discharge House Bill 257, legislation which would increase Pennsylvania’s starting wage by nearly 40% — from $5.15…
Read More: House Dems Push for Increased Labor Costs in PATaxes & Economy
Rendell to veto tax cuts
Governor Rendell promises to veto the tax cuts just passed by the General Assembly. His reason: “lawmakers did not pair the legislation with a corresponding spending cut.” Governor Rendell,…
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Minimum Wage: The Faux Pay Raise
This Philadelphia Daily News editorial represents the general economic ignorance among people who think government can artificially increase the cost of labor without any negatives consequences. The reality is…
Read More: Minimum Wage: The Faux Pay RaiseTaxes & Economy
General Assembly Passes Tax Cuts, Sends to Gov. Rendell for Signature
Two Senate news releases (Piccola and Thompson)on the Senate’s concurrence of a PIT and CNI tax rate reduction… Piccola Calls on Governor to Sign Tax Cuts into Law HARRISBURG…
Read More: General Assembly Passes Tax Cuts, Sends to Gov. Rendell for SignatureTaxes & Economy
Lower Taxes = Economic Growth
An analyis of population data and taxes finds that states with low taxes attract residents fleeing states with high taxes: The Heartland Institute – Taxes Fuel Historic American Migration…
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Coalition (for Higher Taxes and Unlimited Government Spending) hopes to stop cap on state spending
The Harrisburg Patriot-News highlights the effort to limit the increases in state government spending. While the beneficiaries of higher government spending want to keep their unlimited access to taxpayers’…
Read More: Coalition (for Higher Taxes and Unlimited Government Spending) hopes to stop cap on state spendingTaxes & Economy
Governor Rendell: “I’m very optimistic that before Christmas we will have a property tax bill on my desk that I can sign”
Although Governor Rendell thinks the General Assembly will come up with a school property tax shift before December 25, Pennsylvanians should not be expecting much from the Harrisburg Santa…
Read More: Governor Rendell: “I’m very optimistic that before Christmas we will have a property tax bill on my desk that I can sign”Taxes & Economy
We all lose when Government tries to pick winners
This Times Leader story highlights how government should not be in the “economic development” business. The best thing government could do for our economy is GET OUT OF THE…
Read More: We all lose when Government tries to pick winnersTaxes & Economy
Pennsylvania can break new ground in protecting property owners from abusive land-takings
Legislation to curb the abuse of eminent domain will likely be moving through the General Assembly this week. Read this commentary from the Institute for Justice. This libertarian public…
Read More: Pennsylvania can break new ground in protecting property owners from abusive land-takingsTaxes & Economy
Rendell will veto business tax break
From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review … “Rendell emphatically said he would veto any legislation that would lower business taxes but not provide substitute funds. ‘I would have to veto…
Read More: Rendell will veto business tax breakTaxes & Economy
They’re Taking Away Your Property for What?
An interesting eminent domain article from the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal.
Read More: They’re Taking Away Your Property for What?