High taxes make for a slow-growing economy. And communities feel the pinch of high taxes as more and more native Pennsylvanians leave the Keystone State to prosper elsewhere. To remain economically competitive, Pennsylvania must lower state taxes and ensure businesses have the opportunity to succeed. Lower taxes will incentivize more individuals to call Pennsylvania their home, ultimately spurring our statewide economy forward.


Phila. Cigarette Tax to be Levied on Non-Philadelphia, Non-Smokers

  • James Paul
  • January 5, 2017

Since Philadelphia residents aren’t buying enough cigarettes, taxpayers across the state will chip in millions to fund Philadelphia schools. Huh? Julie Shaw of Philly.com attempts to make sense of…


Read More: Phila. Cigarette Tax to be Levied on Non-Philadelphia, Non-Smokers


Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: January 2017

  • January 4, 2017

Pennsylvania fell further into a financial hole during the month of December. According to the Department of Revenue, total General Fund collections came in $105.2 million below the state's official estimate. This marks…


Read More: Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: January 2017

State Budget

What Population Trends Tell Us

  • January 4, 2017

Before the holidays, CF publicized the historic decline in Pennsylvania’s population. The state was one of only eight to see an absolute decline in its number of residents. Domestic…


Read More: What Population Trends Tell Us

Taxes & Economy

How to Grow PA’s Economy

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 28, 2016

An intimidating budget shortfall this year and next has state leaders calling for a change to the status quo. That is: surging state spending. Governor Wolf is pulling back on corporate…


Read More: How to Grow PA’s Economy

State Budget

An Early Christmas Present from Gov. Wolf

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 22, 2016

Yesterday, Gov. Tom Wolf indicated he would not propose an income tax or a sales tax increase as part of his next budget. This comes as something of…


Read More: An Early Christmas Present from Gov. Wolf


A Christmas Wish List for Pennsylvania

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 22, 2016

“No more lives torn apart, and wars would never start, and time would heal all hearts.” You might recognize those words from the ubiquitous-around-the-holidays song, “Grown-Up Christmas List.” Grown up? Sure.


Read More: A Christmas Wish List for Pennsylvania

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania is Shrinking

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 21, 2016

For the first time in 31 years, Pennsylvania's population is shrinking. The Census Bureau reports Pennsylvania’s total population fell by more than 7,600 last year. In state-to-state migration,…


Read More: Pennsylvania is Shrinking

Taxes & Economy

Pa. Population Drops for First Time in 31 Years

  • December 21, 2016

Pa. Population Drops for First Time in 31 Years Thousands Leave for Friendlier Tax Climates December 21, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.— For the first time since 1985, Pennsylvania’s…

Press Release

Read More: Pa. Population Drops for First Time in 31 Years

Criminal Justice Reform

Embracing Innovation in State Government

  • December 21, 2016

Conventional governing is hampering Pennsylvania’s progress. Growing state budgets combined with one-time revenue transfers and targeted tax hikes are delaying the structural reforms essential to improving the quality…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Embracing Innovation in State Government

Taxes & Economy

One of the Worst Run States in America?

  • December 15, 2016

Pennsylvania is in a slump. The latest grades from 24/7 Wall St. have the Keystone State ranked 42nd in terms of The Best Run State in America. This is…


Read More: One of the Worst Run States in America?


A Turning Point in Pennsylvania?s Budget Debate?

  • December 14, 2016

Pennsylvania must confront a $604 million deficit, according to Budget Secretary Randy Albright. This sober assessment was offered during the mid-year budget briefing earlier today. The Independent Fiscal Office (IFO)…


Read More: A Turning Point in Pennsylvania?s Budget Debate?

Public Union Democracy

Watch for Sweeping Changes Outside the Beltway

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 13, 2016

The political landscape has experienced a seismic shift, and it isn't centered in Washington DC. This past weekend Kyle Peterson of the Wall Street Journal highlighted Pennsylvania and six other…


Read More: Watch for Sweeping Changes Outside the Beltway

State Budget

State Spending to Blame for Low Economic Opportunity in Pa.

  • December 13, 2016

State Spending to Blame for Low Economic Opportunity in Pa. New Report Shows Need for Government Spending Restraint December 13, 2016, HARRISBURG, Pa.—When it comes to controlling…

Press Release

Read More: State Spending to Blame for Low Economic Opportunity in Pa.


Don’t Wait on Washington for Manufacturing Jobs

  • Gordon Tomb
  • December 12, 2016

During his campaign stops in Pennsylvania, President-elect Donald Trump touted his intention to bring manufacturing jobs back to the state. That’s a worthy goal, but the truth…


Read More: Don’t Wait on Washington for Manufacturing Jobs

Taxes & Economy

No Doubt About it: PA has a Severance Tax

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 8, 2016

What do Christmas festivities, a new office building, and a Ford Explorer have in common? They were all paid for with impact fees on natural gas, raising doubts about the necessity of…


Read More: No Doubt About it: PA has a Severance Tax


What Pennsylvania’s Budget Trends Mean for You

  • December 8, 2016

State government is growing at a startling rate. Since 1970, spending has risen by $4,010 per person—an inflation-adjusted increase of 189 percent. This is one of many findings in our…


Read More: What Pennsylvania’s Budget Trends Mean for You

Taxes & Economy

PA’s Conflicted Relationship with Natural Gas

  • Gordon Tomb
  • December 6, 2016

The government giveth, and the government taketh away. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Pennsylvania’s relationship with the natural gas industry. On the one hand, Gov. Wolf offers a…


Read More: PA’s Conflicted Relationship with Natural Gas


Hits and Misses from the 2015-16 Legislative Session

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 5, 2016

That's a wrap. The 2015-16 legislative session is officially in the history books. Despite a $650 million tax hike, Pennsylvanians have a lot to celebrate from the past two years.


Read More: Hits and Misses from the 2015-16 Legislative Session

State Budget

Tracking State Budget Trends

  • December 2, 2016

The 2016-17 General Fund budget added to Pennsylvania’s fiscal challenges. Lawmakers approved the $31.6 billion budget without implementing meaningful reforms or authorizing enough revenue to balance the budget. Despite lacking…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Tracking State Budget Trends


Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: December 2016

  • December 2, 2016

State revenue collections came in at $79.5 million below the official estimate for November, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. Lackluster collections wiped away the little progress made during October when revenue collections…


Read More: Pennsylvania Deficit Watch: December 2016