High taxes make for a slow-growing economy. And communities feel the pinch of high taxes as more and more native Pennsylvanians leave the Keystone State to prosper elsewhere. To remain economically competitive, Pennsylvania must lower state taxes and ensure businesses have the opportunity to succeed. Lower taxes will incentivize more individuals to call Pennsylvania their home, ultimately spurring our statewide economy forward.


Borrowing ‘Dumb’ Ideas on Pension Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2015

Would you take out a second mortgage on your home to bet on the stock market? Such an idea deserves ridicule—if not alarm. You’d be putting your home and your…


Read More: Borrowing ‘Dumb’ Ideas on Pension Reform


Governor Wolf’s Proposed Natural Gas Extraction Tax

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 24, 2015

Gov. Tom Wolf proposed a new severance tax on natural gas extraction, which he claims will generate more than $1 billion annually for public schools. The proposal fails to consider…


Read More: Governor Wolf’s Proposed Natural Gas Extraction Tax

Taxes & Economy

Taxes and Taxes and Taxes, Oh My!

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2015

A recent NPR article notes that Pennsylvania “gathers less than 1 percent of its total tax receipts from an impact fee” on natural gas production (emphasis mine). Naturally, the…


Read More: Taxes and Taxes and Taxes, Oh My!


Audio: Gov. Wolf’s Gambling Problem

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • August 21, 2015

There are numerous ways Gov. Wolf can balance the budget without raising taxes: reforming the pension system, cutting corporate welfare and selling the liquor business. Instead, he…


Read More: Audio: Gov. Wolf’s Gambling Problem

State Budget

Audio: The Real Danger of a Severance Tax

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • August 19, 2015

The Pennsylvania state budget remains long overdue, mostly due to Gov. Wolf’s misconstrued idea of compromise. He continues to insist on a severance tax to increase education spending, but…


Read More: Audio: The Real Danger of a Severance Tax

Public Union Democracy

Pension Reform to Protect my Kids

  • August 19, 2015

Legislative leaders have rightly rejected a so-called pension reform “compromise,” a plan that fails to address the problems in our pension system and continues to put our kids and grandkids on…


Read More: Pension Reform to Protect my Kids


Wolf’s ‘Compromise’ Rings Hollow

  • August 18, 2015

Wolf’s ‘Compromise’ Rings Hollow Who’s Really Being ‘Disingenuous’ During Budget Talks? As budget negotiations continue, Gov. Wolf recently called Republicans “disingenuous” for criticizing his pension “compromise.” But…

Press Release

Read More: Wolf’s ‘Compromise’ Rings Hollow


Gov. Wolf’s So-Called Compromise

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 17, 2015

Gov. Wolf proposed a new “compromise” on pensions and the budget last week, according to news reports. Here is what that compromise includes: A defined contribution plan for new…


Read More: Gov. Wolf’s So-Called Compromise

State Budget

Audio: Gov. Wolf’s Budget Blindspot

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • August 12, 2015

CF’s Nate Benefield joins Dom Giordano on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT to discuss the budget impasse and Gov. Wolf’s misleading claims. During their conversation, Nate shed light on Gov.


Read More: Audio: Gov. Wolf’s Budget Blindspot

State Budget

A Way Out of Budget Gridlock

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • August 10, 2015

With budget traffic at a standstill, how do we press through the roadblock to a resolution that benefits all Pennsylvanians?…


Read More: A Way Out of Budget Gridlock

State Budget

Listen: Telephone Townhall on PA Budget and More

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • August 10, 2015

Matt Brouillette and Rich Zeoli of Talk Radio 1210 WPHT answer questions about the Pennsylvania budget during a telephone town hall. Matt explains how Gov. Wolf's tax plan that would smack…


Read More: Listen: Telephone Townhall on PA Budget and More

State Budget

Silly Talk with Gov. Wolf

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 6, 2015

Gov. Tom Wolf appeared on Radio Smart Talk yesterday morning. He mostly danced around host Scott LaMar's questions—claiming “You don't know what I’ve been supporting” on pension reform, and…


Read More: Silly Talk with Gov. Wolf


Could Coal’s Savior be PA’s Legislature?

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Gordon Tomb
  • August 5, 2015

180 workers in CONSOL Energy’s coal division recently lost their jobs. Now, Pennsylvania’s legislature may be the only thing standing between the Obama administration and complete destruction of the…


Read More: Could Coal’s Savior be PA’s Legislature?


Truth Lacking on ‘Schools That Teach’ Tour

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 3, 2015

Gov. Wolf’s 'Schools That Teach' public relations tour and statewide ad campaigns supporting him aren’t telling voters the truth about the budget impasse or the governor's tax proposal.


Read More: Truth Lacking on ‘Schools That Teach’ Tour


Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto Warns Wolf on Pension Bonds

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • July 30, 2015

This week, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto criticized Gov. Wolf’s plan to sell $3 billion in pension obligation bonds. In a meeting with editors and reporters from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review,…


Read More: Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto Warns Wolf on Pension Bonds

State Budget

Which States Have the Biggest Tax Increases?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 30, 2015

Previously, we blogged on how Gov. Wolf’s tax proposal raises more revenue than the tax proposals in the 49 other states combined. To put this another way, Wolf’s $4.6 billion tax increase is nearly $4 billion more…


Read More: Which States Have the Biggest Tax Increases?

State Budget

Pay No Attention to Those Tax Increases!

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 29, 2015

The liberal Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center—an arm of the union-funded Keystone Research Center—has a new claim that Gov. Wolf's “property tax relief” is similiar to that in a bill passed…


Read More: Pay No Attention to Those Tax Increases!

State Budget

When Will Gov. Wolf Compromise?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 28, 2015

My letter to the editor in the Times Leader today takes Gov. Wolf to task for claiming to compromise, while still insisting on his sales and income tax increases—the largest tax…


Read More: When Will Gov. Wolf Compromise?

Taxes & Economy

Wolf Truth Squad: The Dirty Dozen

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 23, 2015

Gov. Tom Wolf is touring the state, touting an energy tax for education—while omitting several important facts.  He’s not mentioning that a severance tax will hurt real people with…


Read More: Wolf Truth Squad: The Dirty Dozen

Taxes & Economy

A Cooked Goose Lays No Golden Eggs

  • Gordon Tomb
  • July 21, 2015

Gov. Wolf continues to promote a severance tax on natural gas, even as Pennsylvania energy companies report financial losses and job reductions. This week, Consol Energy projected…


Read More: A Cooked Goose Lays No Golden Eggs