High taxes make for a slow-growing economy. And communities feel the pinch of high taxes as more and more native Pennsylvanians leave the Keystone State to prosper elsewhere. To remain economically competitive, Pennsylvania must lower state taxes and ensure businesses have the opportunity to succeed. Lower taxes will incentivize more individuals to call Pennsylvania their home, ultimately spurring our statewide economy forward.

Health Care

New Healthcare Regs Would Cost PA Taxpayers $50 Million

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 15, 2012

A bill on the floor of the state House would circumvent consumer freedom when it comes to prescription drugs. Many employers, including the state, encourage employees to buy less costly…


Read More: New Healthcare Regs Would Cost PA Taxpayers $50 Million

Criminal Justice Reform

Real Corrections Reform, Right Now

  • May 14, 2012

Albert Einstein is said to have remarked that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We the undersigned submit that unfortunately,…


Read More: Real Corrections Reform, Right Now

State Budget

Chart of the Day: General Fund Spending and Revenue

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 9, 2012

Yesterday, the Pa. Senate Appropriations Committee advanced a budget (the full Senate is expected to vote on it today) that includes $27.65 billion in General Fund spending. Unfortunately, this…


Read More: Chart of the Day: General Fund Spending and Revenue

State Budget

CF Applauds Pa. Senate Budget Use of TPA Index

  • May 8, 2012

HARRISBURG, PA (05.08.12) – The Commonwealth Foundation applauded Pennsylvania Senate leadership today for using the Taxpayer Protection Act index – inflation plus population growth – to compose their fiscal year 2012-13…

Press Release

Read More: CF Applauds Pa. Senate Budget Use of TPA Index

State Budget

Why Pennsylvania Needs Spending Limits

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 8, 2012

In a Capitolwire story (subscription), Senate Appropriations Chair Jake Corman notes that the proposed version of the state budget the Senate will take up this week increases spending by…


Read More: Why Pennsylvania Needs Spending Limits

Criminal Justice Reform

Correcting Corrections Correctly

  • May 8, 2012

Over the last 30 years, Pennsylvania’s incarceration rate has increased by 500 percent and corrections spending has skyrocketed 1,700 percent. The unprecedented prison population growth at unsustainable costs…


Read More: Correcting Corrections Correctly

State Budget

This is the Change You’ve Been Looking For

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 7, 2012

I had the opportunity to hear Scott Rasmussen speak last week. The theme of his speech was “change”—as in how policy change happens. The lesson he gave was that policy…


Read More: This is the Change You’ve Been Looking For

Criminal Justice Reform

HOPE for PA Corrections Reform

  • May 4, 2012

Launched in 2004, Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE) is an innovative supervision strategy that provides swift, predictable sanctions on substance-abusing probationers. Research shows the program has reduced probationers’ positive…


Read More: HOPE for PA Corrections Reform


Reform Bills Would Begin to Reduce Fiscal Fire

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 3, 2012

While the fiscal fire is raging across Pennsylvania, Rep. Eli Evankovich’s pension reform proposal begins to extinguish the flames that threaten to consume the commonwealth. We’ve been on record…


Read More: Reform Bills Would Begin to Reduce Fiscal Fire

State Budget

GAO Sounds the Fiscal Alarm on State Medicaid Costs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 26, 2012

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has a new report on state and local government finances. Of greatest concern are the expected increases in Medicaid spending and health care for…


Read More: GAO Sounds the Fiscal Alarm on State Medicaid Costs

Taxes & Economy

Feds Tackling Long-Term Unemployment Georgia Style

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 25, 2012

The Federal Government is taking a page from the Peach State and looking for 10 states to participate in a new unemployment program modeled off of “Georgia Works.” The program…


Read More: Feds Tackling Long-Term Unemployment Georgia Style

Taxes & Economy

What Does the Primary Earthquake Mean?

  • Charles Mitchell
  • April 25, 2012

I’m writing to you from Pittsburgh, which was, in a certain sense, ground zero of last night’s primary earthquake. Last night, I watched Tom Smith—who has made it a matter…


Read More: What Does the Primary Earthquake Mean?

Criminal Justice Reform

Unprecedented Prison Population Growth

  • April 24, 2012

This is the first installment in a three-part series that will look at Pennsylvania’s correctional system, public policies that have worked in other states, and provide a blueprint to bring…


Read More: Unprecedented Prison Population Growth


Chart of the Day: Pennsylvania School Revenue per Student

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 23, 2012

Critics of state spending cuts claim there is a lack of funding for public schools. But from the 1995-96 school year through 2009-10 (the latest year with data available…


Read More: Chart of the Day: Pennsylvania School Revenue per Student

Government Accountability

Veterans: Let’s Do It For Them – VOTE!

  • April 20, 2012

Why should you vote in the upcoming elections? Hear from three generations of combat veterans, all from the same Pennsylvania hometown, who speak of the selfless sacrifice of our…


Read More: Veterans: Let’s Do It For Them – VOTE!

Taxes & Economy

The Facts about Fracking and Physicians

  • April 19, 2012

Yesterday’s statement by the Pennsylvania Medical Society President Marilyn Heine should put to rest the recent panic over a provision in Act 13—the newly enacted Marcellus Shale legislation…


Read More: The Facts about Fracking and Physicians

Taxes & Economy

Today We Celebrate PA’s Tax Freedom Day

  • April 18, 2012

You might have thought Tax Freedom Day was April 17—the last day to file your taxes—but for Pennsylvania, it’s really today, April 18. Tax Freedom Day is calculated…


Read More: Today We Celebrate PA’s Tax Freedom Day

Health Care

Medicaid Flexibility: The Key to a Sustainable Safety Net

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 13, 2012

As we inch towards the state budget deadline, welfare spending reductions in Pennsylvania continue to be contentious. The reductions that are proposed concentrate on 20 percent of spending, since…


Read More: Medicaid Flexibility: The Key to a Sustainable Safety Net


Government-run Golf a Taxpayer Double Bogey

  • April 11, 2012

Believe it or not, local governments, i.e., taxpayers, own 49 golf courses in Pennsylvania.  One of the poorest performers is Dauphin Highlands Golf Course, owned by Dauphin County taxpayers, which…


Read More: Government-run Golf a Taxpayer Double Bogey

State Budget

State Spending Limits for Pennsylvania

  • April 10, 2012

Prior to 2011-12, Pennsylvania's total operating budget had increased for at least 40 consecutive years. The Taxpayer Protection Act (TPA) would force lawmakers to limit government spending during boom years,…

Fact Sheet

Read More: State Spending Limits for Pennsylvania