High taxes make for a slow-growing economy. And communities feel the pinch of high taxes as more and more native Pennsylvanians leave the Keystone State to prosper elsewhere. To remain economically competitive, Pennsylvania must lower state taxes and ensure businesses have the opportunity to succeed. Lower taxes will incentivize more individuals to call Pennsylvania their home, ultimately spurring our statewide economy forward.

Health Care

Medicaid Waivers & the Looming Fiscal Crisis

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 9, 2012

In the waning days of 2008, the state of Rhode Island secured a global waiver for its Medicaid program. The waiver exempted the state from many federal rules and mandates in exchange for a…


Read More: Medicaid Waivers & the Looming Fiscal Crisis


Schools Get Property Tax Referendum Exemptions for Pension Costs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 4, 2012

Last year, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed, and Gov. Corbett signed, legislation reducing the number of exemptions to the school tax referendum requirement. But as noted this…


Read More: Schools Get Property Tax Referendum Exemptions for Pension Costs

Taxes & Economy

Marcellus Shale: Pennsylvania’s Manna From Heaven

  • April 4, 2012

Yesterday, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and the Pennsylvania Chemical Industry Council hosted a forum on the benefits of natural gas for Pennsylvania’s manufacturing sector. David Taylor of the…


Read More: Marcellus Shale: Pennsylvania’s Manna From Heaven

Taxes & Economy

PA to Copy Missouri’s Failed Land Banking Policy

  • April 3, 2012

Pennsylvania is close to adopting Missouri’s 40 year old failed land banking policy. House Bill 1682, which has already passed the House and the Senate’s Urban Affairs and…


Read More: PA to Copy Missouri’s Failed Land Banking Policy

Health Care

Not Why I’m Here

  • Charles Mitchell
  • March 30, 2012

“Why am I here?”  That’s an excellent question to ask yourself if you work in Harrisburg.  This week, as I read a piece by Karen Langley in the Pittsburgh…


Read More: Not Why I’m Here

State Budget

Do Government Programs Grow the Economy?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 29, 2012

While decades of increased government spending have resulted in economic stagnation, many advocates of increasing government spending claim that their favored program will “grow the economy.” They argue that…


Read More: Do Government Programs Grow the Economy?

Health Care

Change We Can’t Afford

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • March 28, 2012

This week, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act celebrated its two-year anniversary before the U.S. Supreme Court. The controversial health care law finds itself in front of the highest…


Read More: Change We Can’t Afford

Taxes & Economy

Chart of the Day: Welfare Overlap

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 26, 2012

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW) encompasses much more than Food Stamps and Medicaid. There are numerous federally-funded and state-only aid programs. In fact, most of the 2.7 million…


Read More: Chart of the Day: Welfare Overlap

Health Care

PPACA Will Put a Quarter of Pennsylvanians on Medicaid

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 23, 2012

There is no shortage of media coverage marking PPACA’s two year anniversary, but one statistic from the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare did grab my attention: Instead of…


Read More: PPACA Will Put a Quarter of Pennsylvanians on Medicaid

Taxes & Economy

Energy Essential to Economic Growth

  • March 23, 2012

The World Economic Forum has a released an updated study on energy and economic growth in the US and guess what sector plays a huge role? That’s…


Read More: Energy Essential to Economic Growth


No School Tax Referendums in Pennsylvania this Year

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Nathan Benefield
  • March 21, 2012

Remember the gnashing of teeth over “cuts” in state education subsidies (driven by the end of federal stimulus money)? The education establishment and partisan critics of Gov. Corbett insisted this…


Read More: No School Tax Referendums in Pennsylvania this Year

State Budget

Pennsylvania Government Debt

  • March 21, 2012

Today, Pennsylvanians owe $121 billion in state and local government debt. This equates to more than $9,400 for every person, and almost $38,000 for the average family of four in…

Fact Sheet

Read More: Pennsylvania Government Debt


Is Corporate Welfare for Shell Cracker Good for PA?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 19, 2012

Astute readers may remember that last month Pennsylvania earned the dubious distinction of the highest taxes for mature businesses and the second highest taxes for new businesses. So how…


Read More: Is Corporate Welfare for Shell Cracker Good for PA?

Taxes & Economy

For Dimock, The Verdict Is In

  • March 16, 2012

In an update to the ongoing saga of federal overreach in Dimock, Pa., the Environmental Protection Agency has released results of drinking water testing at 11 area homes…


Read More: For Dimock, The Verdict Is In


Principled, Punchy Pols Are Popular Pols

  • Charles Mitchell
  • March 15, 2012

I’ve written previously in this space about Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who has garnered enormous popularity while governing courageously.  Today, with a new Quinnipiac poll about Gov.


Read More: Principled, Punchy Pols Are Popular Pols

Criminal Justice Reform

Saving Rather than Spending in Corrections

  • March 14, 2012

Last week, PCN’s Call In Program featured a great discussion with PA Corrections Sec. John Wetzel. The Secretary is committed to both saving money and improving safety by making sure…


Read More: Saving Rather than Spending in Corrections


House Passes Corporate Welfare Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 14, 2012

This week the Pennsylvania House passed RACP (pronounced RCAP) reform by a wide margin of 184 to 9. RACP – the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program – is a political…


Read More: House Passes Corporate Welfare Reform

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania’s Fork in the Road on Transportation Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 14, 2012

Motorists frustrated with high gas prices should be on the alert—your pain at the pump could get worse, and it has nothing to do with Middle East tensions or gas…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Fork in the Road on Transportation Spending

Taxes & Economy

Fighting Fiction with Fracking Facts

  • March 13, 2012

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of speaking to Tea Party Patriots of Central Pa on environmental aspects of natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania and new Marcellus Shale regulations and…


Read More: Fighting Fiction with Fracking Facts

Criminal Justice Reform

Chart of the Day: Corrections Spending

  • March 12, 2012

Today’s chart highlights the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections’ skyrocketing spending since 1980. This unsustainable growth is part of the four-alarm fire that threatens Pennsylvania’s fiscal house. For more…


Read More: Chart of the Day: Corrections Spending

Criminal Justice Reform

Nurses’ Union Opposes Corrections Reform

  • March 7, 2012

At yesterday’s House Appropriations Committee, Department of Corrections Sec. John Wetzel explained his roadmap to reducing corrections spending, now the third-largest department in the General Fund Budget. What was…


Read More: Nurses’ Union Opposes Corrections Reform