High taxes make for a slow-growing economy. And communities feel the pinch of high taxes as more and more native Pennsylvanians leave the Keystone State to prosper elsewhere. To remain economically competitive, Pennsylvania must lower state taxes and ensure businesses have the opportunity to succeed. Lower taxes will incentivize more individuals to call Pennsylvania their home, ultimately spurring our statewide economy forward.

Taxes & Economy

Estimating Marcellus Shale’s Economic Impact

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 30, 2011

A new study from Penn State’s Marcellus Shale Education & Training Center estimates that natural gas drilling in Marcellus Shale created 24,000 jobs in Pennsylvania and added $3.1 billion…


Read More: Estimating Marcellus Shale’s Economic Impact


Preserving Penn’s Woods Proven by Public-Private Partnerships

  • August 30, 2011

Earlier this month, Gov. Tom Corbett suggested the commonwealth consider leasing state park operations and services. Almost immediately and without thoughtful consideration, pundits launched political fire, claiming "privateers" would exploit…


Read More: Preserving Penn’s Woods Proven by Public-Private Partnerships

Taxes & Economy

Scorecard: Toomey Scores, Casey Fumbles for Pa.

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 26, 2011

Yesterday, Heritage Action released its legislative scorecard for all members of the 112th U.S. Congress. The scorecard can be searched by name, state or even zip code. Current…


Read More: Scorecard: Toomey Scores, Casey Fumbles for Pa.

Taxes & Economy

Marcellus Shale Local Impact Fee

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 26, 2011

Good evening. I am Elizabeth Stelle, a Policy Analyst for the Commonwealth Foundation. We are Pennsylvania’s free market think that crafts and promotes free-market policies based on guiding principles like…


Read More: Marcellus Shale Local Impact Fee

Public Union Democracy

When Union Bosses Make Stuff Up, We Offer Facts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 23, 2011

In a story by PA Independent, AFL-CIO head honcho Rick Bloomingdale attempts to deny the incredible job growth in right-to-work states like Texas. Bloomingdale comments: “Most likely, the…


Read More: When Union Bosses Make Stuff Up, We Offer Facts

Taxes & Economy

EPA Regs Kill PA Jobs

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 22, 2011

Cap and Trade may be officially dead in Congress but the EPA is busy resurrecting it in a far more disastrous policy agenda that kills thousands of Pennsylvania jobs and…


Read More: EPA Regs Kill PA Jobs

Taxes & Economy

Marcellus Drilling not Increasing Local Government Costs

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 18, 2011

A new study from the Marcellus Shale Center for Outreach and Research at Penn State provides an analysis of the cost to local government from Marcells Shale drilling. With…


Read More: Marcellus Drilling not Increasing Local Government Costs


This Is What a Boom Looks Like

  • Charles Mitchell
  • August 16, 2011

About half an hour ago, I was in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. (For my fellow natives of the Philadelphia area, Canonsburg is southwest of Pittsburgh, where they say “younse” instead of “youse”…


Read More: This Is What a Boom Looks Like

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania’s Cost of Government Day

  • Priya Brannick
  • August 15, 2011

By the calculation of Americans for Tax Reform, Pennsylvania just reached its Cost of Government Day. That is, it took the average Keystone worker until Aug. 15, or 227…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Cost of Government Day

Taxes & Economy

Welfare Fraud Persists

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 12, 2011

The LIHEAP heating assistance program is once again under fire from Auditor General Jack Wagner. A 2007 audit lead the district attorney of Philadelphia to charge 18 people with…


Read More: Welfare Fraud Persists

Taxes & Economy

Who’s Nutty Now?

  • Charles Mitchell
  • August 8, 2011

There’s a ton of chatter out there right now about how nutty the Tea Party is, most recently with 29 percent of voters saying Tea Party members are “economic…


Read More: Who’s Nutty Now?

Taxes & Economy

PA Among Least Attractive Places to Drill in the World

  • August 5, 2011

According to the Fraser Institute’s 2011 Global Petroleum Survey, Pennsylvania remains one of the least attractive places to drill in the world. The state ranks 65, an improvement of…


Read More: PA Among Least Attractive Places to Drill in the World


Taxing Gas will Burden Pennsylvanians

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • August 1, 2011

Despite the manufactured fears of disaster and cheers for a unique tax on drilling, Pennsylvania can balance economic growth with environmental protection without imposing a new tax. The true impacts…


Read More: Taxing Gas will Burden Pennsylvanians

Taxes & Economy

Debating a Natural Gas Tax

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 1, 2011

Today’s Philadelphia Inquirer features two editorials debating a natural gas jobs tax. The Inquirer‘s editorial board begins its article with a straw-man argument, that tax opponents’ claim the industry…


Read More: Debating a Natural Gas Tax

Taxes & Economy

The Great Frack Attack: The War on Natural Gas

  • July 27, 2011

Much attention has been paid to the efforts of gas companies to influence the political debate through campaign contributions and lobbying efforts.  But anti-drilling activists—while claiming gas companies use their…

Fact Sheet

Read More: The Great Frack Attack: The War on Natural Gas

Taxes & Economy

Marcellus Shale Impact Continues to Grow

  • July 25, 2011

Last week, Penn State economists released the third in a series of economic analysis on Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale industry. The report estimated: Private companies spent $5.3 billion on drilling…


Read More: Marcellus Shale Impact Continues to Grow


Penn State’s Smallest Tuition Hike in Years

  • Charles Mitchell
  • July 18, 2011

The conventional wisdom ever since March 8, when Gov. Tom Corbett made his budget address, has been very simple:  The sky is falling!  How, exactly?  In the form of crippling…


Read More: Penn State’s Smallest Tuition Hike in Years