Public Union Democracy

Teachers Pay the Price for their Unions’ Politics

  • October 22, 2014

CF recently attended a Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) rally with the goal of bringing our message directly to the teachers and families of Philadelphia. What exactly is our…


Read More: Teachers Pay the Price for their Unions’ Politics

Public Union Democracy

Unions Bankroll Candidates on the Backs of Taxpayers

  • October 20, 2014

Government unions have not been reluctant to use their exclusive political privilege to finance candidates this election cycle. According to an AP analysis, four of the top ten…


Read More: Unions Bankroll Candidates on the Backs of Taxpayers


Audio: PFT Fails Students, Teachers & the Poor

  • October 17, 2014

Matt Brouillette and other members of Commonwealth Foundation were on the ground at the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) protest yesterday, handing out fliers and letting teachers know how PFT…


Read More: Audio: PFT Fails Students, Teachers & the Poor

Health Care

Audio: Healthcare Solutions Week—What Comes After Obamacare?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 16, 2014

Four years after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, few think healthcare is more affordable. Premiums and out-of-pocket costs are rising, a new wave of Pennsylvanians are losing their…


Read More: Audio: Healthcare Solutions Week—What Comes After Obamacare?


How the PFT Fails Philadelphia

  • James Paul
  • October 16, 2014

By standing in the way of tens of millions of new dollars for Philadelphia classrooms, the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) has revealed its true identity—a self-interested,…


Read More: How the PFT Fails Philadelphia


How PFT Fails Philadelphia Students, Teachers & the Poor

  • October 16, 2014

For Immediate Release Commonwealth Foundation Contact: 717-671-1901 PFT Leaders Use Students & Teachers as Pawns in a Political Game Leaders Block Millions of Dollars from the…

Press Release

Read More: How PFT Fails Philadelphia Students, Teachers & the Poor