
A Risk Too Great: Bonds Alone Could Worsen Pension Crisis

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 14, 2014

Is your family ready to bend their budget to pay for Pennsylvania’s pension crisis? State pension costs are set to drive up the average family’s taxes by nearly $900 annually,…


Read More: A Risk Too Great: Bonds Alone Could Worsen Pension Crisis


Charter School Reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 14, 2014

Good morning, my name is Nathan Benefield; I am the vice president of policy analysis for the Commonwealth Foundation. I wish to thank Auditor General DePasquale for the opportunity to…


Read More: Charter School Reform

Doing Teacher Evaluations and Seniority Right

  • March 12, 2014

George Parker is a veteran math teacher and former head of the teachers union in Washington, DC. As union president, he spearheaded with then-Chancellor Michelle Rhee reforms removing seniority…


Read More: Doing Teacher Evaluations and Seniority Right

Public Union Democracy

Super PAC will Super Size Union Dues in Politics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 12, 2014

You may have read articles about a federal judge allowing a “Super PAC” to operate in Pennsylvania to attack Republicans. Effectively, Super PACs can collect and spend unlimited amounts…


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Fact Check, Please! Anti-Liquor Privatization Study Falls Short

  • Bruce Cornibe
  • March 12, 2014

As several states (Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Oregon) look to rid themselves of antiquated government-run liquor systems, the defenders of state-control status quo are fighting back harder than ever.  And some…


Read More: Fact Check, Please! Anti-Liquor Privatization Study Falls Short

Government Accountability

State House to Tackle Union Violence

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 11, 2014

Federal charges of racketeering and arson against several Philadelphia union members, who called themselves The Helpful Union Guys (or T.H.U.G.s) has renewed interest in closing a loophole in…


Read More: State House to Tackle Union Violence