Health Care

The Immorality of Medicaid Expansion

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 9, 2013

Recently, I noted there is nothing moral about throwing more people into a broken Medicaid program without reform. Proponents of the expansion have twisted that statement to claim expansion opponents think no…


Read More: The Immorality of Medicaid Expansion

Health Care

Podcast: Medicaid Expansion with AFP

  • August 9, 2013

Does Medicaid really help the poor? What are the consequences of expanding the program? What are the costs involved for taxpayers? How can you make your voice heard on this…


Read More: Podcast: Medicaid Expansion with AFP


PLCB’s “Record Revenue” No Reason to Celebrate

  • August 7, 2013

For Release: August 5, 2013 PLCB’s “Record Revenue” No Reason to Celebrate New numbers tell only half the story Harrisburg, PA—Today, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control…

Press Release

Read More: PLCB’s “Record Revenue” No Reason to Celebrate

Public Union Democracy

Who’s Strangling Whom?

  • Charles Mitchell
  • August 7, 2013

Jodi Hirsh wants you to believe that a shadowy, deep-pocketed, Washington-based organization called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has a “stranglehold on our statehouse.”  That’s the claim Ms. Hirsh,…


Read More: Who’s Strangling Whom?


BREAKING: State Monopoly Brings in Record Revenue

  • August 6, 2013

Yesterday, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board reported record revenue and “profits,” leading some to claim that privatization just isn’t necessary. Not so fast. First, it should be no surprise that…


Read More: BREAKING: State Monopoly Brings in Record Revenue

Get Rid of Forced Union Representation

  • August 6, 2013

My name is Robin Fought and I am a Science teacher in Chester County. I have worked in my school district for 17 years and “Fair Share” was never in…


Read More: Get Rid of Forced Union Representation

Reforming Teachers Unions from Within

  • August 6, 2013

I am a special educator because I wanted to teach students who learn differently that they can be successful in school, both academically and socially. I did not become a…


Read More: Reforming Teachers Unions from Within

Government Accountability

New Video: CF President on FOX Business

  • August 5, 2013

This morning, CF President & CEO Matthew Brouillette appeared on FOX Business’s Varney & Co. to highlight the public pension crisis facing Pennsylvania and cities and states across the…


Read More: New Video: CF President on FOX Business


Copycat Union Letters Repeat Pension Myths

  • Priya Brannick
  • August 5, 2013

In July, a commentary by Matt Brouillette on why pension reform failed in our state legislature ran in several newspapers across Pennsylvania. Now response letters from teachers have been…


Read More: Copycat Union Letters Repeat Pension Myths


PSEA’s Political Cartoon Targets Corbett, Belittles Teachers

  • August 1, 2013

This perspective was written by Steve Calabro, a cyber charter school educator in Pennsylvania. This latest political email alert from the Pennsylvania State Education Association—using union dues, I might add—is…


Read More: PSEA’s Political Cartoon Targets Corbett, Belittles Teachers