Criminal Justice Reform

Corrections Home Run for Gov. Corbett?

  • October 10, 2012

Under Gov. Tom Corbett’s leadership, Pennsylvania unanimously passed (Senate Bill 100) part of a landmark corrections reform package last session. SB 100, now Act 122 of 2012, aims to…


Read More: Corrections Home Run for Gov. Corbett?

State Budget

Gov. Corbett Earns “A” for Fiscal Firefighting

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 9, 2012

Gov. Tom Corbett was one of only four governors to get an “A” in Cato Institute’s Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors. Corbett was joined by Govs. Sam…


Read More: Gov. Corbett Earns “A” for Fiscal Firefighting


How Much Do Philadelphia Schools Spend?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 9, 2012

Following Matt’s appearance on WHYY yesterday morning, we’ve received questions over our calculation on Philadelphia school district spending per student. The error was ours.  Based on the latest spending…


Read More: How Much Do Philadelphia Schools Spend?

Health Care

Medicaid Expansion Bad Deal for Patients

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 3, 2012

Health care interest groups took to the press in Pittsburgh and Harrisburg to argue for expanding Medicaid in Pennsylvania, but these advocates overlook the program’s flaws and its long-term…


Read More: Medicaid Expansion Bad Deal for Patients


“Won’t Back Down” Captures Heart of Education

  • Priya Brannick
  • October 2, 2012

“Won’t Back Down” is a movie about education that fittingly begins and ends with a close-up of a child reading aloud. Education debates in America frequently whirl…


Read More: “Won’t Back Down” Captures Heart of Education

Government Accountability

Oh, Great, More “Convenience”

  • October 2, 2012

From the fine makers of the wine kiosk catastrophe, government-branded grapes of wrath, uncorked comedic cronyism  and wasteful wine surplus trailer parks comes “Convenience…


Read More: Oh, Great, More “Convenience”


Parental Choice + Competition = Better Schools

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 1, 2012

A new study of academic performance in Ohio finds that traditional public schools facing competition from charter schools experience greater gains in student learning.  In summarizing the findings, the…


Read More: Parental Choice + Competition = Better Schools


PLCB Spills Grapes of Wrath!

  • October 1, 2012

Wine Shrines, Kiosk Catastrophes and ethics investigations step aside (okay, hold that last one), the Kings of Cabernet have uncorked their latest mayhem of modernization, malfeasance and…


Read More: PLCB Spills Grapes of Wrath!


Charter Expansion Would Boost Student Learning

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 27, 2012

Priya wrote about the recent decline in state test scores and in the number of schools making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), noting seven facts union bosses don’t want you…


Read More: Charter Expansion Would Boost Student Learning

Health Care

Saylor Broaches Biggest Budget Buster

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 26, 2012

Pensions and transportation top the list of crises the General Assembly won’t address in their short fall session, but little has been said about the biggest budget buster facing the…


Read More: Saylor Broaches Biggest Budget Buster


5 Fixes for Property Tax Fires

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 25, 2012

Yesterday, I testified before the House Select Committee on Property Tax Reform, presenting on the best tax policy to finance government operations, and on…


Read More: 5 Fixes for Property Tax Fires


Bread, Freedom and Halftime Sickles?

  • September 25, 2012

Workers of the world unite at the 50-yard line?  Apparently, that’s the tune played recently at a halftime show by the New Oxford High School Marching Band whose ” St.


Read More: Bread, Freedom and Halftime Sickles?