
Kids 5 Times as Likely to Suffer Violence at Pa.’s Worst Schools

  • June 26, 2012

Pennsylvania’s worst schools don’t just compromise our children’s education and future success – they compromise our children’s safety.  Kids attending Pennsylvania’s worst academically performing public schools are more than…


Read More: Kids 5 Times as Likely to Suffer Violence at Pa.’s Worst Schools

Public Union Democracy

Unions Fight Flexible Funding

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 25, 2012

Gov. Corbett’s budget proposed combining five county human services programs into one flexible block grant. In the past, state legislation dictated how much counties could spend under each category, regardless…


Read More: Unions Fight Flexible Funding


2 Minutes Can Save Children

  • Priya Brannick
  • June 25, 2012

Meet Willie and Penny, two typical school students in Pennsylvania. Willie is a student from Philadelphia who attends one of the state’s worst violent, failing schools, where students are…


Read More: 2 Minutes Can Save Children

Criminal Justice Reform

Corrections Reform: Don’t Fire Arrows Without Arrowheads

  • June 22, 2012

The Justice Reinvestment Initiative, commissioned by Gov. Tom Corbett and led by national corrections reform experts, generated broad bipartisan support for a reform package that will: Make the…


Read More: Corrections Reform: Don’t Fire Arrows Without Arrowheads


How Much Would School Choice Proposal Save?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 22, 2012

Reports from under the Capitol dome suggest an expansion of Pennsylvania’s successful Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) will be part…


Read More: How Much Would School Choice Proposal Save?


Dailies Declare Defending Dukes of Distillation Dereliction of Duty

  • June 22, 2012

Declaring a dereliction of duty to delay disposal of the PLCB’s monopoly of manipulation, mediocrity, mismanagement and malfeasance, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial team lambasted lawmakers, saying some stood as,…


Read More: Dailies Declare Defending Dukes of Distillation Dereliction of Duty


Attack on Charter Schools Shoddy and Misguided

  • Priya Brannick
  • June 21, 2012

School districts across Pennsylvania are in a budget crunch, due to a combination of overspending, ballooning pension costs and a loss of $1 billion in federal stimulus…


Read More: Attack on Charter Schools Shoddy and Misguided


Who Will Help CF Save You Money?

  • June 20, 2012

Organizations that love to lobby for your tax dollars and special handouts for their special interests are posturing against Gov. Tom Corbett’s corporate welfare package to lure Shell’s new…


Read More: Who Will Help CF Save You Money?


Kings of Cabernet Caught Grabbing Grift, Gifts, Golf

  • June 19, 2012

So how do some alcohol vendors become wine winners and others liquor losers under a state-run monopoly?  Well, a scathing new report by the Inspector General’s Office, broken this…


Read More: Kings of Cabernet Caught Grabbing Grift, Gifts, Golf

State Budget

State Budget: Fireproofing the Economy or Throwing Gas on the Fire?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 18, 2012

Let’s pretend you’ve been financially struggling recently, have spent your savings and pushed off paying some of your bills. But here’s some good news: You have $500 in your checking…


Read More: State Budget: Fireproofing the Economy or Throwing Gas on the Fire?