Transforming Pennsylvania Policy Summit

  • January 14, 2011

WHAT:    Nationally renown policy experts, Pennsylvania legislators and more than 200 citizens will join in a policy debate to drive Pennsylvania to prosperity through policy transformation leading to fiscally responsible…

Press Release

Read More: Transforming Pennsylvania Policy Summit

Government Accountability

Good Government Reforms Stall

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 13, 2011

In November, many legislative candidates campaigned on cutting costs in the legislature through specific, commonsense reforms. Ending the frequent abuse of per diems and requiring receipts for expenses topped the list,…


Read More: Good Government Reforms Stall

State Budget

Medicaid: Breaking the Back of State Budgets

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 13, 2011

Last week, 30 Republican governors and governors-elect, including Tom Corbett, sent a letter to the Obama administration and members of Congress asking for greater flexibility in managing their Medicaid…


Read More: Medicaid: Breaking the Back of State Budgets

Taxes & Economy

Residents Still Moving out of PA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 13, 2011

The latest United Van Lines survey continues to show Pennsylvania is a “high outbound state”—meaning more people are renting trucks to move out of Pennsylvania than moving in (HT…


Read More: Residents Still Moving out of PA


Rendell’s Last Round of Pork

  • January 12, 2011

Governor Rendell recently released his 2010 commitment list for RACP funds (subscription). The Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program, or RACP, is a taxpayer-funded state borrowing program for “economic…


Read More: Rendell’s Last Round of Pork


Lessons on Green Jobs & Corporate Welfare

  • January 12, 2011

My American Tradition Institute colleague Chris Horner calls attention to developments in Massachusetts, where government “investment” of taxpayer dollars in alternative energy…


Read More: Lessons on Green Jobs & Corporate Welfare


Success Makes School Choice Take Top Priority

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 11, 2011

Senators Jeffrey Piccola and Anthony Williams announced The Opportunity Scholarship Act, which expands school choice in Pennsylvania by creating a voucher program for low-income students and increases the state’s…


Read More: Success Makes School Choice Take Top Priority


Liquor Store Union Distorts Facts to Skew Poll

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 10, 2011

We received a forwarded email, in which the United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1776 (the union for liquor store employees) called on members to vote in a PCN…


Read More: Liquor Store Union Distorts Facts to Skew Poll

Taxes & Economy

Politics of Punditry Troubling in Tucson Tragedy

  • January 10, 2011

I knew it would be a challenging few days as I took off the tie and laced up my combat boots to proudly serve a training weekend with my National Guard unit.  Friday…


Read More: Politics of Punditry Troubling in Tucson Tragedy

State Budget

How to Limit State Spending

  • January 10, 2011

A recent study by Matthew Mitchell of the Mercatus Center suggests that not all spending and taxation limits are created equal. The study examines the effect of certain…


Read More: How to Limit State Spending


Joel Klein Gets the Public Pension Problem

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 10, 2011

Joel Klein has an excellent article on teacher pensions in today’s Wall Street Journal: Whether the investment returns are there or not, defined-benefit pensions require the government to…


Read More: Joel Klein Gets the Public Pension Problem

Taxes & Economy

Mann: From Transparency Champion to ‘Bully’ Victim

  • January 9, 2011

As Chris Horner blogged yesterday, the Environmental Law Center at American Tradition Institute (where I am executive director) has requested under the state Freedom of Information…


Read More: Mann: From Transparency Champion to ‘Bully’ Victim