
How to End Waiting Lists for Opportunity

  • May 9, 2019

Did 20 years of government initiatives improve public schools? A recent American Enterprise Institute report finds all the money poured into efforts like No Child Left Behind and Race to…


Read More: How to End Waiting Lists for Opportunity


House Sends Major School Choice Expansion Bill to Senate

  • May 7, 2019

May 7, 2019, Harrisburg, Pa.—Today, in a bipartisan vote, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed HB 800, a school choice bill that promises opportunity to thousands of students trapped…

Press Release

Read More: House Sends Major School Choice Expansion Bill to Senate

5 Reasons to Expand EITC and OSTC

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • May 7, 2019

House lawmakers just voted for an urgently needed expansion of the Educational Improvement Tax Credit. Here are five reasons state senators should support raising the limits on this important program as…


Read More: 5 Reasons to Expand EITC and OSTC

State Budget

Failure to Save Now Means Tax Hikes Later

  • Tirzah Duren
  • May 7, 2019

Anyone who’s had to pinch a few pennies knows this to be true: Failure to save in good years means you’re not prepared for the bad ones. This is a…


Read More: Failure to Save Now Means Tax Hikes Later

Government Accountability

Union Medicaid Dues Skimming Scheme Finally Ends

  • Jessica Barnett
  • May 3, 2019

Six years ago, Pam Harris fought in court to keep her disabled son at home. A portion of her limited caregiver stipend was being funneled to union she never…


Read More: Union Medicaid Dues Skimming Scheme Finally Ends

Criminal Justice Reform

Four Ways Lawmakers Are Setting Up Pa. For Success

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 3, 2019

Freedom and opportunity are on the move in the Keystone State. In the past week, lawmakers have taken four serious strides for the families and business owners of Pennsylvania. We’re…


Read More: Four Ways Lawmakers Are Setting Up Pa. For Success

Criminal Justice Reform

Senate Committee Passes Transformative Criminal Justice Reform

  • Jessica Barnett
  • May 2, 2019

Pennsylvania is one step closer to another landmark criminal justice reform. Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously passed the Justice Reinvestment Initiative II (JRI II). This three-bill reform package…


Read More: Senate Committee Passes Transformative Criminal Justice Reform

State Budget

Tax Reforms Not Football Will Keep People in Pa.

  • May 1, 2019

The Steelers may not be the most recent Pennsylvania team to win a Super Bowl, but that doesn’t stop them from having the second highest out-of-state fan base. The…


Read More: Tax Reforms Not Football Will Keep People in Pa.


How Low-Income Students Benefit from Education Tax Credits

  • Lenny McAllister, Nathan Benefield
  • April 30, 2019

Yesterday, the House Education Committee advanced legislation to expand Pennsylvania’s successful tax credit scholarship program. HB 800, sponsored by Speaker Mike Turzai, would increase the Educational Improvement Tax Credit…


Read More: How Low-Income Students Benefit from Education Tax Credits

State Budget

Protecting Pa.’s Future: The Taxpayer Protection Act

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 30, 2019

Pennsylvanians currently owe more than $128 billion in state and local debt—an astounding $10,015 for every man, woman, and child. Yet, our state government is raking in more revenue from…


Read More: Protecting Pa.’s Future: The Taxpayer Protection Act

School Choice Expansion Bill Passes House Committee

  • April 29, 2019

April 29, 2019, Harrisburg, Pa.— Last year, Commonwealth Foundation research revealed that more than half of all student applications to Pennsylvania’s tax credit scholarship programs are denied. Now, lawmakers are…

Press Release

Read More: School Choice Expansion Bill Passes House Committee

Public Union Democracy

Gov. Unions: Pennsylvania’s Biggest Political Spenders

  • Jessica Barnett
  • April 29, 2019

We all know that government unions are big players in American politics. However, new research gives us some perspective on just how big they play. According to an analysis by…


Read More: Gov. Unions: Pennsylvania’s Biggest Political Spenders


House Tackles Pa.’s Heavy Regulatory Burden

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 25, 2019

Despite record low unemployment and rising wages, three-quarters of Pennsylvania counties have lost residents to other counties and states. Why? One key factor is our poor business climate. According…


Read More: House Tackles Pa.’s Heavy Regulatory Burden

Taxes & Economy

Let’s Shoot for “Maximum Wages” All Around

  • April 24, 2019

My family knows first-hand the effects of the minimum wage—on consumers and workers alike. In January 2014, New Jersey raised its minimum wage, and workers celebrated their increased wages. However,…


Read More: Let’s Shoot for “Maximum Wages” All Around

Taxes & Economy

Nuclear Subsidies: Grabbing Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

  • Gordon Tomb
  • April 23, 2019

Sales pitches often downplay the cost of the product, so smart buyers have to look beyond the advertised price. For instance, when you purchase a home, you consider the sales…


Read More: Nuclear Subsidies: Grabbing Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

Taxes & Economy

Which Pa. Counties are Attracting Residents?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 22, 2019

How many people are moving into and out of Pennsylvania counties? New data on county population estimates released by the US Census Bureau last week answer that question. Much…


Read More: Which Pa. Counties are Attracting Residents?

Criminal Justice Reform

Moving Toward Efficient, Effective Criminal Justice

  • Jessica Barnett
  • April 22, 2019

The economy is growing, but Pennsylvania just keeps sinking deeper into debt. Since 1970, we’ve tripled our overall operating budget—but our population has grown only 8 percent. Even adjusting for…


Read More: Moving Toward Efficient, Effective Criminal Justice


Future Ready Index: A Tool That Can’t Be Used

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • April 19, 2019

The Data Quality Campaign recently released “Show Me the Data,” a comparison of state report cards in which Pennsylvania’s new Future Ready PA Index fared well. Released…


Read More: Future Ready Index: A Tool That Can’t Be Used