Taxes & Economy

PennEnvironment: Weather is Climate Again

  • September 9, 2010

So PennEnvironment yesterday comes out with a new propaganda piece to capitalize on what they call last winter’s “Snowmageddon,” which is designed to get…


Read More: PennEnvironment: Weather is Climate Again


Failing to Understand Liquor Store Revenues

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 9, 2010

Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell unveiled his state store privatization plan yesterday. This is obviously an issue to watch for in Pennsylvania, where liquor store privatization is also a…


Read More: Failing to Understand Liquor Store Revenues

West Virginia = Almost Heaven?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 9, 2010

The “never-met-a-tax-I-didn’t-like” Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center claims that West Virginia has a booming natural gas drilling industry, despite a natural gas severance tax. This “fact” is extremely misleading.


Read More: West Virginia = Almost Heaven?

Tell the Truth: PennFuture’s Tax in Search of a Problem

  • September 9, 2010

Harrisburg, PA – Commonwealth Foundation President and CEO Matthew Brouillette was on hand Wednesday in Pittsburgh to counter claims that natural gas drilling is a scourge on the environment and…

Press Release

Read More: Tell the Truth: PennFuture’s Tax in Search of a Problem

Taxes & Economy

What Rendell Wants from a Natural Gas Tax

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 8, 2010

An AP story highlighting Gov. Rendell’s push for a natural gas tax comes with the misleading headline “Pa. gov wants gas industry to help shale towns.” Nothing of the…


Read More: What Rendell Wants from a Natural Gas Tax

Taxes & Economy

Stimulus 5.0

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 7, 2010

President Obama has proposed yet another round of stimulus spending. Of course, he won’t call it a “stimulus,” because of how unpopular that has become. Others are, erroneously,…


Read More: Stimulus 5.0


Outsourcing Park Management a Budget Saver

  • September 7, 2010

With economists speculating a double dip recession, unemployment high, and a national deficit expected to reach $1.5 trillion this year, you might disapprove of unnecessary government spending, like putting…


Read More: Outsourcing Park Management a Budget Saver

Taxes & Economy

PA’s Highways Remain Poorly Managed

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 7, 2010

Pennsylvania ranks 38th in the nation in state highway performance and cost-effectiveness, according to Reason’s latest Annual Highway Report. While the Keystone State’s ranking remains unchanged, nationally highway…


Read More: PA’s Highways Remain Poorly Managed

Four Reasons to Fight for Freedom

  • September 4, 2010

My husband, Matt Brouillette, often talks about four of the reasons fighting for freedom in Pennsylvania is personal for him. Their names are Miles, Liberty, Lindy Joy, and Samantha.


Read More: Four Reasons to Fight for Freedom

Taxes & Economy

PennFuture’s Revised Lobbying Numbers

  • September 3, 2010

After ranting about alleged “egregious errors” in our report about their secret, unreported lobbying expenses and siccing their lawyer on us, PennFuture has…


Read More: PennFuture’s Revised Lobbying Numbers


CF Study Helps Liquor Privatization Cause in Virginia

  • September 3, 2010

In order to drum up support for liquor store privatization in Virginia, Gov. Robert McDonnell is using the Commonwealth Foundation report Government-Run Liquor Stores to show that moving…


Read More: CF Study Helps Liquor Privatization Cause in Virginia


New Report Card on American Education

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 3, 2010

ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, today released their latest Report Card on American Education. The annual report looks at both student performance and inputs into the education system, evaluating…


Read More: New Report Card on American Education