Taxes & Economy

Guest Post: How Philly’s Brutal Tax Policies Drive Away Jobs

  • April 18, 2019

Businesses and people vote with their feet. As a long-time Philadelphian, I have unfortunately witnessed my neighbors taking their livelihoods to the suburbs—or beyond. Politicians cast the blame here and…


Read More: Guest Post: How Philly’s Brutal Tax Policies Drive Away Jobs


Gov. Wolf Blinded to Benefits of School Choice

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • April 16, 2019

Gov. Wolf’s 2019 budget promotes public and private options for pre-K and post-secondary education. He calls Pennsylvania’s post-secondary institutions “laboratories for innovation.” Most remarkably, the governor touts Pennsylvania Higher…


Read More: Gov. Wolf Blinded to Benefits of School Choice

Public Union Democracy

Guest Post: Shattering Myths About Government Unions

  • April 15, 2019

As a former public school teacher, I can tell you: plenty of false messages circulate about union membership. Is union membership required? Why do government employees belong to unions and…


Read More: Guest Post: Shattering Myths About Government Unions

Criminal Justice Reform

Fighting Poverty can be a Bipartisan Effort

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 12, 2019

Here's a letter I submitted to the Philadelphia Daily News on how Pennsylvanians of any ideology can share good intent, and work toward a common goal. I was disappointed…


Read More: Fighting Poverty can be a Bipartisan Effort

Public Union Democracy

The Facts about Pa.’s Employee Rights Notification Act

  • April 9, 2019

The Employee Rights Notification Act (HB 785) is exactly what its name suggests: notifying employees of their existing rights. So what are these rights, and why must workers be…


Read More: The Facts about Pa.’s Employee Rights Notification Act

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania, Let’s Make our Taxes an Investment

  • Jessica Barnett
  • April 8, 2019

What do we get for our taxes in Pennsylvania? The question is rarely asked—because the answer is just too painful. But as Tax Day approaches, it's time for taxpayers to…


Read More: Pennsylvania, Let’s Make our Taxes an Investment

State Budget

It’s Time to Tackle Debt

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • April 5, 2019

An ostrich burying its head in the sand is a classic analogy for avoiding difficult decisions. Though this is a mischaracterization—their heads are buried to protect their eggs from predators—the metaphor…


Read More: It’s Time to Tackle Debt

Public Union Democracy

Lawsuits by Trapped Union Members Piling Up

  • Jessica Barnett
  • April 2, 2019

Curtis Thompson loves his school, his district, and helping students succeed. He considers his job as an education aide for at-risk students in the Cumberland Valley School District “an opportunity to…


Read More: Lawsuits by Trapped Union Members Piling Up


Time to Start Treating Philly Charter Families Like First Class Citizens

  • April 1, 2019

Our children deserve the best, most individually-tailored education available. Sadly, most students in urban districts cannot access educational opportunities. It's a paradox: Pennsylvania schools are receiving more funds than ever—ranking…


Read More: Time to Start Treating Philly Charter Families Like First Class Citizens

Anti-Worker Legislation Introduced in Pa. House

  • March 31, 2019

Rep. Maureen Madden (D-Monroe) and Rep. Thomas Mehaffie (R-Dauphin) have proposed anti-worker legislation that would strip government workers of privacy rights in workplace elections and give union leaders workers’ personal…


Read More: Anti-Worker Legislation Introduced in Pa. House

Taxes & Economy

New Evidence Shows Work is the Path to Prosperity

  • Jessica Barnett
  • March 29, 2019

Poverty and unemployment are vicious cycles. The longer you remain unemployed, the harder it is to find work—and poverty becomes more entrenched. As the Urban Institute puts it, “long-term…


Read More: New Evidence Shows Work is the Path to Prosperity


Economic Growth or Education OpportunityWhy not Both

  • Marc LeBlond
  • March 25, 2019

In a recent Philadelphia Inquirer op-ed, Mark Gleason explains that growing the economy and expanding educational opportunity are complementary, not competing goals: When it comes to preparing our children…


Read More: Economic Growth or Education OpportunityWhy not Both

Public Union Democracy

HB 785: Transparency or Deception

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 19, 2019

Yesterday, the House Labor Committee voted to advance HB 785, the Employee Rights Notification Act. Unfortunately, this innocuous proposal became a partisan issue, with the vote falling along party lines.


Read More: HB 785: Transparency or Deception

Public Union Democracy

Employee Rights Notification Bill Passes House Committee

  • Jessica Barnett
  • March 18, 2019

Today, the House Labor and Industry Committee passed the employee rights notification bill, HB 785. Sponsored by Rep. Kate Klunk (R-Hanover), this legislation ensures public employees can make informed…


Read More: Employee Rights Notification Bill Passes House Committee

Criminal Justice Reform

Milwaukee Study: School Choice Linked to Fewer Broken Families, Convictions

  • Marc LeBlond
  • March 15, 2019

Former Pennsylvania Secretary of Public Welfare Helen O’Bannon once lamented “the family breaking up” as the root cause of an “untrained, unskilled” workforce, which increases “single, female heads of…


Read More: Milwaukee Study: School Choice Linked to Fewer Broken Families, Convictions