Taxes & Economy

How Much will Your Tax Bill Increase in 2011?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 23, 2010

The Tax Foundation has a great new tool to calculate your federal tax burden in 2011 – comparing your tax bill if the 2001 & 2003 tax cuts (“Bush…


Read More: How Much will Your Tax Bill Increase in 2011?

Taxes & Economy

When Your Ideas Harm Taxpayers, Make Stuff Up

  • Charles Mitchell
  • July 22, 2010

The Patriot-News has been all over the Commonwealth Foundation’s recent report exposing the activities of PennFuture, the environmental lobbying group whose former president is in charge of Gov. Rendell’s Department…


Read More: When Your Ideas Harm Taxpayers, Make Stuff Up

Taxes & Economy

The PennFuture Scandal: We’re Not Mudslinging

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 22, 2010

Jan Murphy of the Patriot-News did a fine job in her Sunday article, giving an evenhanded account of our report on PennFuture’s lobbying, but the…


Read More: The PennFuture Scandal: We’re Not Mudslinging

State Budget

Check Out State Budget Solutions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 22, 2010

State Budget Solutions is a new website put together by a coalition of free-market organizations. They’ve been up for a while with a “soft launch,” but had their “hard…


Read More: Check Out State Budget Solutions

$316,000 Apartments for Low-Income Families in Tamaqua

  • July 21, 2010

The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) has approved $3.8 million in financing to convert an old building in Tamaqua into 12 apartments to house low-to-moderate tenants. The committee awarded…


Read More: $316,000 Apartments for Low-Income Families in Tamaqua

Taxes & Economy

Natural Gas & Forced Pooling

  • July 21, 2010

The soon-to-be unbalanced FY 2010-11 state budget, included language that a severance tax on natural gas would be passed in Pennsylvania by October 1. Many drillers would support a…


Read More: Natural Gas & Forced Pooling

Taxes & Economy

Reforms for PA’s UC Fund include CF Proposals

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 21, 2010

State Representative Scott Perry has proposed new legislation to reform PA’s bankrupt unemployment compensation (UC) fund. A few of his suggested reforms are…


Read More: Reforms for PA’s UC Fund include CF Proposals


New School Choice Legislation Introduced in PA Senate

  • July 20, 2010

Sen. Anthony Williams (D-Philadelphia) introduced Senate Bill 1405, the Opportunity Scholarship Act, last month with three Republican co-sponsors.  This legislation represent a huge opportunity to increase parental choice in…


Read More: New School Choice Legislation Introduced in PA Senate


Your Liquor Dollars at Work

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 20, 2010

The Post Gazette highlights the continued efforts of the liquor control board to be a better business. This includes the ridiculous: The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board is…


Read More: Your Liquor Dollars at Work


PA’s Largest Employers Then and Now

  • July 20, 2010

The Center for Workforce Information & Analysis provides a list of Pennsylvania’s top 50 employers in ranked order. In 1967, Pennsylvania’s top five largest employers were: U.S. Steel Corporation…


Read More: PA’s Largest Employers Then and Now

Why States Delay on Fiscal Crisis

  • July 19, 2010

States have delayed taking substantial action in the fiscal crisis many now face. Though it appears unlikely that states will default on their debts, some pundits fear that option is…


Read More: Why States Delay on Fiscal Crisis

Government Accountability

PA House GOP Unveils Policy Agenda

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 19, 2010

Earlier this month, the PA House GOP put out a Policy Agenda for Pennsylvania. Not everything gets Commonwealth Foundation Approval – e.g., the “jobs package”, praise for…


Read More: PA House GOP Unveils Policy Agenda

Taxes & Economy

Win PennFuture Junk!

  • July 16, 2010

Over on the home page Commonwealth Foundation has responded to PennFuture’s allegations of “serious errors” in our report, “PennFuture’s Lobbying: Hypocritical, Unethical and Possibly Illegal.”…


Read More: Win PennFuture Junk!

Taxes & Economy

CF Responds to PennFuture Demands

  • July 16, 2010

A July 14, 2010 letter from PennFuture’s attorney claimed the Commonwealth Foundation’s Policy Brief, “PennFuture’s Lobbying: Hypocritical, unethical, and possibly illegal,” contained three inaccuracies and demanded…

Press Release

Read More: CF Responds to PennFuture Demands

Taxes & Economy

New Drilling Study Highlights Regulation Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 16, 2010

Recently, the Pennsylvania Environmental Council released a study on Marcellus Shale drilling focusing on what Pennsylvania needs to do to ensure responsible development of this newly tapped resources. As…


Read More: New Drilling Study Highlights Regulation Reform