State Budget

Pennsylvania Revenue Collections Fall Short Again

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 2, 2009

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue released their revenue estimates for September.  The collections were $119 million below estimates for the month, and $300 million less than collected one year…


Read More: Pennsylvania Revenue Collections Fall Short Again

State Budget

October Surprise: Rush to Vote on Tax Hikes

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • October 1, 2009

I’ve just received word that Democrats are planning to rush a tax increase vote in the state House of Representatives tomorrow! Specifically, House Democrats are going to hold a vote on legislation…


Read More: October Surprise: Rush to Vote on Tax Hikes

Taxes & Economy

Tax Cuts, Not Government Spending, Good for Economic Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 1, 2009

There is a good piece in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal on the effect of government spending on economic growth.  The conclusion is that government spending does not “stimulate” the…


Read More: Tax Cuts, Not Government Spending, Good for Economic Growth


Why State Government Shouldn’t “Invest” Taxpayer Money

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 1, 2009

There have been countless examples of failed corporate welfare under Governor Rendell, and Governor Ridge before him. The latest example coming from Lebanon, PA: Lebanon Daily News, August 14,…


Read More: Why State Government Shouldn’t “Invest” Taxpayer Money

State Budget

Governing “Responsibly”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 1, 2009

Lowman Henry has another good commentary on the Pennsylvania state budget “deal” over at PA Town Hall: I find it interesting that when Democrats stick to…


Read More: Governing “Responsibly”

State Budget

Pennsylvania Budget Deal Appears Dead

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 30, 2009

The news service Capitolwire (subscribers only) is reporting that PA House Democrat leaders are admitting they don’t have enough votes to pass the state budget deal, give all of…


Read More: Pennsylvania Budget Deal Appears Dead

Taxes & Economy

Cap-and-Trade Threatens Pennsylvania Agriculture

  • September 30, 2009

The PA Farm Bureau recently released an article in the September edition of Country Focus illustrating the stifling effects Waxman-Markey legislation will have on rural farming communities across Pennsylvania.


Read More: Cap-and-Trade Threatens Pennsylvania Agriculture

State Budget

An Honest Budget Debate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 30, 2009

Gov. Rendell and many lawmakers continue to push higher taxes in Pennsylvania, using the rhetoric that if we don’t, students won’t learn,…


Read More: An Honest Budget Debate

Health Care

States to Challenge Individual Mandate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 30, 2009

The New York Times has a story on state legislators pushing back against the individual mandate that could be a part of health care reform.  Health Care Horse…


Read More: States to Challenge Individual Mandate

Public Union Democracy

Union Organizers Drown Out Voice of Rep. Bear

  • September 29, 2009

Today the state capital was abuzz with clamorous shouting from protesting union members.  What was all the hullabaloo about?  Union members organized in opposition to a press conference about a…


Read More: Union Organizers Drown Out Voice of Rep. Bear


Hanger’s Flawed Defense of HB 80

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 29, 2009

Pennsylvania DEP Secretary John Hanger has an absurd editorial defending House Bill 80. His op-ed blatantly ignores the cost that the regulations in House Bill 80 would place…


Read More: Hanger’s Flawed Defense of HB 80

Public Union Democracy

Teachers Compelled To Fund ACORN

  • September 29, 2009

The group ACORN has been in the news more often than it probably prefers to be, especially of late. But such is its notoriety. ACORN is not…


Read More: Teachers Compelled To Fund ACORN

Property Taxes by State

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 28, 2009

The Tax Foundation put out a new map of property taxes by state for owner-occupied homes.  Pennsylvania ranks 11th highest, with the average tax rate of 1.34% of home…


Read More: Property Taxes by State


Is Gov. Rendell “for the Kids” at All?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 28, 2009

On Friday, the REACH Foundation hosted a rally at the state capitol in defense of Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit, which…


Read More: Is Gov. Rendell “for the Kids” at All?

State Budget

PA Budget Deal Undone?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 28, 2009

It would seem that the reported Pennsylvania state budget ‘deal’ is in jeopardy: GrassrootsPA reports at least 5 Senate Republicans will…


Read More: PA Budget Deal Undone?

Taxes & Economy

New Resources on National Energy Proposals

  • September 28, 2009

Earlier this month, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) released an updated version of their booklet, Energy Tax Analysis. The report includes seven new areas of interest and…


Read More: New Resources on National Energy Proposals

Government Accountability

Weekly Blog Roundup

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 27, 2009

Here are some of the latest bloggers citing Commonwealth Foundation work: PA Water Cooler highlights our look into how much state money ACORN is getting and on Matt Brouillette’s…


Read More: Weekly Blog Roundup