Government Accountability

Will Fumo Conviction Deter Public Corruption?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 15, 2009

Alex Charyna mocks Governor Rendell’s ridiculous statement that Sen. Vince Fumo (sentenced to 55 months in prison, or about 12 days for each felony conviction), should only spend…


Read More: Will Fumo Conviction Deter Public Corruption?

Health Care

Federal Government, M.D.

  • July 15, 2009

President Obama’s $1.5 trillion health care plan would make health insurance a “right” for all Americans. The proposed plan empowers the federal government to ensure that employers provide insurance…


Read More: Federal Government, M.D.

Who is Blogging on CF

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 15, 2009

Here are some recent blogs linking to, quoting, or citing the Commonwealth Foundation in the past week: PA WaterCooler links to our post on the Auditor General’s solutions to…


Read More: Who is Blogging on CF

State Budget

Pennsylvania House Democrats Budget, By the Numbers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 15, 2009

As we have done with Gov. Rendell’s proposed budget, the Senate passed budget, and the House GOP proposed budget amendment, here is a breakdown of the proposed…


Read More: Pennsylvania House Democrats Budget, By the Numbers

Time to End Direct Higher Education Subsidies

  • July 14, 2009

Harrisburg, PA — The Commonwealth Foundation applauds the Pennsylvania House Democrats’ proposed elimination of higher education funding in the state budget, forcing lawmakers to re-examine the state’s role in funding…

Press Release

Read More: Time to End Direct Higher Education Subsidies

Pennsylvania’s Flawed Film Tax Credit

  • July 14, 2009

HARRISBURG, PA — The Commonwealth Foundation today released Pennsylvania’s Flawed Film Tax Credit: What the ERA study won’t tell you, a policy brief by economists and adjunct scholars Pavel Yakovlev…

Press Release

Read More: Pennsylvania’s Flawed Film Tax Credit


Will “State-Related” Universities Get Stimulus Funding, No Stimulus Funding, or No Funding at All?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 14, 2009

On June 26th the Governor submitted his application for federal stabilization funds, including the following phrase:”The Commonwealth’s “state-related universities” are excluded from all calculations for purposes of the State Fiscal…


Read More: Will “State-Related” Universities Get Stimulus Funding, No Stimulus Funding, or No Funding at All?

State Budget

PA House GOP Budget by the Numbers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 14, 2009

The Pennsylvania House Republicans unveiled their state budget proposal Friday, to be added as an amendment if and when a budget bill is brought to the House floor. As we…


Read More: PA House GOP Budget by the Numbers

State Budget

PA Budget Craziness

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 13, 2009

Alright, I’m still trying to figure out what the Pennsylvania House Democrats did to the state budget proposal today in the Appropriations Committee. But here’s the basics: They took…


Read More: PA Budget Craziness

Keystone Opportunity Zones Fail to Deliver Economic Prosperity

  • July 13, 2009

On Thursday, the Legislative Budget and Finance committee heard testimony evaluating the effectiveness of the Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) program. The KOZ is an “economic revitalization” program that provides…


Read More: Keystone Opportunity Zones Fail to Deliver Economic Prosperity

Rendell’s spokesman called me a “flaming a–hole”

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • July 13, 2009

Governor Ed Rendell held a news conference today to continue his campaign to raise taxes on working Pennsylvanians. We showed up with our billboards saying “Yes, We Can!”…


Read More: Rendell’s spokesman called me a “flaming a–hole”

A Real Budget Solution!

  • July 13, 2009

HARRISBURG, PA — Today, the Commonwealth Foundation unveiled a new proposal to help generate revenue to fill the state budget deficit—selling statuettes of Gov. Ed Rendell. Last week, Gov. Rendell…

Press Release

Read More: A Real Budget Solution!


Rendell Administration Continues to Lie on Education Funding

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 13, 2009

Pennsylvania Education Secretary Gerald Zahorchak continues the administration’s scare tactics and ininaccurate propaganda claiming that the $27.3 billion PA House budget would force schools to increase property…


Read More: Rendell Administration Continues to Lie on Education Funding

Taxes & Economy

Stop the PA Rip-off: End Rate Caps

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 13, 2009

Democratic candidate for Governor Tom Knox just launched a website to promote the extension of electric rate caps. The site,, ignores the cost of extending rate caps…


Read More: Stop the PA Rip-off: End Rate Caps


“Tax You More Bus Tour” Hits Speed Bump

  • July 11, 2009

The “Tax You More Bus Tour” is still puttering along in the taxpayer-funded luxury bus – or at least it was scheduled to. The Department of Education twice attempted…


Read More: “Tax You More Bus Tour” Hits Speed Bump

Health Care

Socialized Health-Care Not Paying Off

  • July 10, 2009

There have been many claims that medical costs have led to bankruptcies across the United States. As a result, advocates of socialized medicine argue that the mixed public-private health…


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CF Applauds House Republicans’ Budget

  • July 10, 2009

HARRISBURG, PA — The Commonwealth Foundation today applauded state House Republicans for offering a fiscally responsible state budge proposal.   “The House Republicans’ proposal shows that ‘yes, we can‘ balance…

Press Release

Read More: CF Applauds House Republicans’ Budget

State Budget

Obituary for the Pennsylvania Income Tax Hike

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 10, 2009

Rendell’s personal income tax hike plan is dead, declared PA House Republicans yesterday.  Brad Bumsted has the obituary in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review. Despite not having…


Read More: Obituary for the Pennsylvania Income Tax Hike

State Budget

Balancing the Budget: Another Rendell Lie?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 9, 2009

The Rendell administration has been saying for weeks that the budget passed by the Senate in May (SB 850) is “$1.5 billion out of balance”.   As John Micek…


Read More: Balancing the Budget: Another Rendell Lie?