In What World is a 15.9% Increase Called a Decrease?

  • June 11, 2009

Harrisburg, PA — Commonwealth Foundation president and CEO Matthew Brouillette continues to follow Gov. Ed Rendell’s taxpayer-funded bus campaign today.  The  Administration’s “Tax You More Bus Tour” will make a…

Press Release

Read More: In What World is a 15.9% Increase Called a Decrease?


Fact Check: School Choice Saves

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 11, 2009

As the “Tax You More” lobbying tour continues its journey Matt Brouillette continues to offer the real facts on state education spending. Today’s education fact focusing on how…


Read More: Fact Check: School Choice Saves

State Budget

Gov. Rendell Calls the Kettle Black

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 11, 2009

The Sun-Gazette has a recent article on the Pennsylvania state budget titled “Rendell lashes out at Senate plan”.  It didn’t sound like something that would surprise me – but…


Read More: Gov. Rendell Calls the Kettle Black

Health Care

Warmed-Over RendellCare Includes a New Tax on Health Insurance

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 10, 2009

The Pennsylvania State House has been debating HB 1, which would expand the state’s Adult Basic program, to make more individuals eligible for government health care. The Commonwealth Foundation…


Read More: Warmed-Over RendellCare Includes a New Tax on Health Insurance


In What World is an 11.7% Increase Called a Decrease?

  • June 10, 2009

Harrisburg, PA — Commonwealth Foundation president and CEO Matthew Brouillette continues to follow Gov. Ed Rendell’s taxpayer-funded bus campaign into the northeastern part of the state today.  Today’s “Tax You…

Press Release

Read More: In What World is an 11.7% Increase Called a Decrease?


Fact Check: Pennsylvania State and Local Education Spending

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 10, 2009

Today the Pennsylvania Department of Education is on day 3 of their “Tax You More” bus tour. While the administration continues their taxpayer funded lobbying effort, Commonwealth Foundation President…


Read More: Fact Check: Pennsylvania State and Local Education Spending

State Budget

Do PA Democrats Really Want Higher Taxes? Probably Not.

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 10, 2009

While Gov. Rendell and House Appropriations Chair Dwight Evans are talking up a potential increase in Pennsylvania’s Personal Income Tax, some of the rank and file Democrats are…


Read More: Do PA Democrats Really Want Higher Taxes? Probably Not.

Government Accountability

Two Cheers for Transparency

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 10, 2009

Good read on transparency effort in state government by Larry Reed in the latest issue of the Freeman.


Read More: Two Cheers for Transparency

Taxes & Economy

Cap and Trade: An Energy Tax

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 9, 2009

Pretty good video from American Solutions on Cap and Trade. They also have a place on their site to take action.


Read More: Cap and Trade: An Energy Tax


Bob Casey Still Needs to Read the Stimulus Bill

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 9, 2009

Sen. Bob Casey – in remarks designed to counter the facts laid out by the Commonwealth Foundation, namely that Pennsylvania school districts will get a dramatic increase in…


Read More: Bob Casey Still Needs to Read the Stimulus Bill


Why Corporate Welfare Fails

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 9, 2009

Tad Dehaven has a worthwhile read on the Cato Institute's blog about why state corporate welfare subsidies make good politics, but bad economics: Instead of competing with…


Read More: Why Corporate Welfare Fails


Bonus Fact Check: Government Preschool

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 8, 2009

One point that has been raised during the Rendell administration’s taxpayer funding lobbying campaign for higher taxes was the benefits of the Pre-K Counts programs. On this, we…


Read More: Bonus Fact Check: Government Preschool


Brouillette to Counter Rendell’s “Tax You More” Bus Tour

  • June 8, 2009

Harrisburg, PA — Gov. Rendell’s week-long, state-wide bus tour to scare and mislead Pennsylvanians into thinking they pay too little in taxes and don’t spend enough on public education will…

Press Release

Read More: Brouillette to Counter Rendell’s “Tax You More” Bus Tour


Fact Check: K-12 Education Support Increase Under SB 850

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 8, 2009

While the Rendell administration is burning your tax dollars funding a bus tour across Pennsylvania to ask for more education spending (and the higher taxes needed to pay for…


Read More: Fact Check: K-12 Education Support Increase Under SB 850


Big Ideas for Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 8, 2009

The Patriot News has a series of “Big Ideas for Pennsylvania”, including a couple we have championed –  privatizing the state-owned liquor stores and reforming the state…


Read More: Big Ideas for Pennsylvania

Taxes & Economy

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 8, 2009

Reading Eagle writer Mary Young opines that, in the state budget debate, both sides should simply get along. She advocates basically splitting the difference between the Senate’s $27.3…


Read More: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Taxes & Economy

Good Thing We Got That Stimulus!

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 7, 2009

Gov. Rendell claimed Arlen Specter “saved the county” with his vote on the “stimulus” legislation. Here is a chart to turn your laughter into tears, courtesy of…


Read More: Good Thing We Got That Stimulus!

State Budget

“Cuts First, Taxes Last”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 7, 2009

The Philadelphia Inquirer comes out with an editorial calling for cutting wasteful spending in the state budget before talking about a tax increase. Here are some of the points…


Read More: “Cuts First, Taxes Last”

Taxes & Economy

Are Higher Taxes a “Centrist” Position?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 5, 2009

Sharon Ward of the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center (PBPC) writes to the Tribune Review complaining about being a labeled “liberal” or “far left”.  To be fair to Ward,…


Read More: Are Higher Taxes a “Centrist” Position?