Taxes & Economy

Remembering 9/11 Through Coercion

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 8, 2009

Cato has a post on eminent domain abuse in rural Pennsylvania and the flight 93 9/11 memorial. The contention centers on 7 owners and their 500 acres of the…


Read More: Remembering 9/11 Through Coercion

Taxes & Economy

What Are They Drinking in DC?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 8, 2009

Ok, this is getting pathetic. I was going to ridicule Obama’s proposal to cut $17 billion from the federal budget, just as I ridiculed his previous proposal to cut…


Read More: What Are They Drinking in DC?


Will Pennsylvanians Starve Without Farm Subsidies?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 8, 2009

Some early criticism coming from the Rendell administration about the Senate budget is that cuts to the Department of Agriculture will result in less farming and possibly event mass…


Read More: Will Pennsylvanians Starve Without Farm Subsidies?

Public Union Democracy

McGovern on Card Check

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 7, 2009

Former Senator and Presidential nominee George McGovern – and though I hate the cheap labels used by the media, they would probably call him an “ultra-liberal” – writes in…


Read More: McGovern on Card Check

Taxes & Economy

Specter on Curing Cancer

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 6, 2009

The Wall Street Journal takes Sen. Arlen Specter to task for claiming Jack Kemp would still be alive if only taxpayers spent more on cancer research.  Not only for…


Read More: Specter on Curing Cancer

Government Accountability

Shining Some Light on Pennsylvania Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 6, 2009

Kevin Ferris has a good piece in the Philadelphia Inquirer on proposals to create online databases of state spending in Pennsylvania, as well as the success of other states…


Read More: Shining Some Light on Pennsylvania Spending

Eliminating the Property Tax

  • May 6, 2009

State Rep. Sam Rohrer will soon introduce his proposed legislation to eliminate the collection of property taxes to fund Pennsylvania’s school districts. This will have the pleasant effect of…


Read More: Eliminating the Property Tax


Saving School Choice (and Savings of School Choice)

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 5, 2009

Great new video from ReasonTV on the DC Voucher program, and the threats to eliminate it, despite a US Department of Education report that it helps improves student learning…


Read More: Saving School Choice (and Savings of School Choice)


Allegheny Power Looks to Keep Prices Down

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 5, 2009

Pittsburgh Tribune Review has a story on Allegheny Power buying additional electric power cheaply on the wholesale market, while…


Read More: Allegheny Power Looks to Keep Prices Down

Taxes & Economy

PA Senate Budget by the Numbers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 5, 2009

Jake Corman, PA Senate Appropriations Chairman, has introduced the Senate Republicans version of the state budget (SB 850). The $27.3 billion General Fund budget represents a $1.7 billion reduction…


Read More: PA Senate Budget by the Numbers

Taxes & Economy

Industry Leaders Fact Check Misleading Severance Tax Report

  • May 5, 2009

Last week, the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center (PBPC) released a report advocating for a severance tax on natural gas and other extracted natural resources. In response, three of the…


Read More: Industry Leaders Fact Check Misleading Severance Tax Report


Stimulus Money to Help Deal with Pension Crisis?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 4, 2009

A number of Pennsylvania House Republicans are proposing using a portion of the federal stimulus money to pay into PSERS, the retirement fund for school employees.  The $435 million…


Read More: Stimulus Money to Help Deal with Pension Crisis?

State Budget

Commonwealth Foundation Applauds Senate Budget

  • May 4, 2009

HARRISBURG, PA — The Commonwealth Foundation today applauded the state Senate for passing a General Fund budget that counters Governor Rendell’s proposal to continue along the failed and unsustainable path…

Press Release

Read More: Commonwealth Foundation Applauds Senate Budget

Taxes & Economy

Bailouts and the Press

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 4, 2009

History has a way of repeating itself and all these comparisons between today’s recession and the great depression are sometimes eerily similar. Economic conditions and the popularity of the internet…


Read More: Bailouts and the Press

Taxes & Economy

Obama’s New Business Tax Scheme

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 4, 2009

President Obama is set to unveil a plan to crack down on cabinet members corporations that, in his view, are avoiding paying their share in taxes.  Basically the plan…


Read More: Obama’s New Business Tax Scheme


Weighted Student Funding Formula

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 4, 2009

Reason Foundation has a new yearbook and resources on weighted student funding.  Weighted student funding is a way for school districts, and states, to fund students instead of school…


Read More: Weighted Student Funding Formula

State Budget

Pennsylvania Budget Deficit Grows by Nearly $1 Billion

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 1, 2009

Both the Pennsylvania House Democrats and Republicans are reporting an April General Fund revenue shortfall of $941.5 million. I am still waiting for the report from the Department of…


Read More: Pennsylvania Budget Deficit Grows by Nearly $1 Billion

Taxes & Economy

Over $4 Million in PA Unemployment Fraud

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 1, 2009

WGAL has a story on reports from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry of over $4 million in fraud in unemployment compensation benefits.  You can assume there is…


Read More: Over $4 Million in PA Unemployment Fraud

State Budget

PA House Dems to Introduce Budget

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 1, 2009

Dwight Evans, chair of the Pennsylvania House Appropriations Committee, is scheduled to introduce the 2009-10 budget legislation “using the Rendell budget proposal as the basis.” They are also estimating…


Read More: PA House Dems to Introduce Budget

Taxes & Economy

Wrong Time for a Severance Tax

  • April 30, 2009

The Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center (PBPC) released a report this week advocating for a severance tax on natural resource extraction, such as the proposed tax by Governor Rendell…


Read More: Wrong Time for a Severance Tax