Public Union Democracy

PA Businesses Feeling the Affects of Recession

  • April 15, 2009

According to the Lincoln Institute of Public Opinion Research, Inc. and it’s Keystone Business Climate Survey, 76% of respondents said business conditions in PA have deteriorated over the past…


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State Budget

Oink, Oink

  • April 14, 2009

Today, Citizens Against Government Waste released its 2009 Congressional Pig Book. The report identifies over 10,000 pork-barrel projects in the federal budget, costing hard-working American’s over $19 billion. Examples…


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Taxes & Economy

Twenty-seven Pennsylvania Cities to Host Tea Parties

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 14, 2009

By my count, 27 cities will be hosting “tea parties” tomorrow, April 15,  in protest of high taxes and wasteful government spending (an additional five events will be taking…


Read More: Twenty-seven Pennsylvania Cities to Host Tea Parties

Taxes & Economy

State Spending Binges

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 14, 2009

The latest Reason Magazine has a fine article on why state governments needed a bailout and why they will again – overspending.  In 2002 the National…


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Jobs and the Economy

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • April 14, 2009

Testimony of Mathew J. Brouillette, President & CEO, Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives to the Pennsylvania House Majority Policy CommitteeApril 14, 2009 Thank you Chairman Sturla for the…


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Rendell Announces Property Tax “Relief”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 13, 2009

Gov. Rendell today announced an estimated $770 million in property tax “relief” from slots revenue, or about $200 per homeowner. As always, I put “relief” in quotes because the…


Read More: Rendell Announces Property Tax “Relief”


Are Lawmakers Considering “Other Options” on Scotland School?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 13, 2009

Several state lawmakers and parents are protesting Governor Rendell’s proposed closing of Scotland School (HT GrassrootsPA) – a school ostensibly for children of veterans – claiming we must…


Read More: Are Lawmakers Considering “Other Options” on Scotland School?


Are Lawmakers Considering “Other Options” on Scotland School?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 13, 2009

Several state lawmakers and parents are protesting Governor Rendell’s proposed closing of Scotland School (HT GrassrootsPA) – a school ostensibly for children of veterans – claiming we must…


Read More: Are Lawmakers Considering “Other Options” on Scotland School?


Charter Schools Always Face a Financial Struggle

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 13, 2009

Kevin Ferris has a piece in the Wall Street Journal on the difficulty that charter schools face funding their facilities.  Ferris uses as his case study First Philadelphia Charter…


Read More: Charter Schools Always Face a Financial Struggle

Health Care

Is Health Care a ‘Right’?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 13, 2009

Many advocates of a single-payer, government run health care system use the argument that “health care is a right.” But as John Graham points out on State House Call,…


Read More: Is Health Care a ‘Right’?

Taxes & Economy

Thousands Attend Pittsburgh Tea Party

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 11, 2009

The Tribune Review reports that several thousand protesters showed up to the Pittsburgh Tea Party held today (HT GrassrootsPA). Instapundit has more, including a picture…


Read More: Thousands Attend Pittsburgh Tea Party


Pennsylvania Pie Fight

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 10, 2009

Wall Street Journal picks up on the fight over government regulation of homemade pies at church bake sales in Pennsylvania. My favorite part of the story is this:…


Read More: Pennsylvania Pie Fight

Taxes & Economy

Which Tax Cuts Have Stimulated the Economy?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 9, 2009

“‘We tried that, and it didn’t work,’ Obama and his partisans sneer in response to arguments that tax cuts are the key to restoring economic growth.”  But as Peter…


Read More: Which Tax Cuts Have Stimulated the Economy?

Taxes & Economy

Video: Understanding The Financial Crisis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 9, 2009

Great (and frightening) video from Stop Spending Our Future on the costs of “fixing” the financial crisis.


Read More: Video: Understanding The Financial Crisis

WACO Blames Glenn Beck

  • April 9, 2009

Recently, the War Against Conservative Opinion (WACO) blamed Fox News’ Glenn Beck for the shooting deaths of three police officers in Pittsburgh. Even MSNBC’s Keith…


Read More: WACO Blames Glenn Beck

Taxes & Economy

Philadelphia Tries to Stop Tea Party

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 9, 2009

UPDATE: Victory ‘Thanks for everyone’s help in putting pressure on the city of Philadelphia! The problem has been resolved. They tea party is only required to pay for…


Read More: Philadelphia Tries to Stop Tea Party


Vouching for D.C.

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 8, 2009

A new report from the US Department of Education finds the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program has been extremely successful.  Matthew Ladner has more in NRO on the reports…


Read More: Vouching for D.C.