Government Accountability

Pennsylvania’s Lawsuit Racket

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 8, 2009

The Wall Street Journal has a scathing piece on pay-to-play politics in Harrisburg, specifically in relation to Gov. Rendell and his ties to another law-firm (HT John Lott):…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Lawsuit Racket

Taxes & Economy

Big Business Still Loves Big Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 8, 2009

HT to Joe Collins for pointing me to Timothy Carney’s article in the Washington Examiner. Despite the oft-repeated rhetoric that free market advocates are the puppets of big…


Read More: Big Business Still Loves Big Government

Taxes & Economy

The Sunspot Recession Crisis

  • April 7, 2009

According to NASA, we are in the midst of the greatest sunspot recession since 1913. Analysts believed the sunspot recession had hit bottom in 2008, but activity has continued…


Read More: The Sunspot Recession Crisis

Government Accountability

PA House GOP Leader Offers Gov’t Reform Plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 7, 2009

Pennsylvania House Republican leader Sam Smith unveiled a 12-point government reform plan which he calls Pennsylvania’s Agenda for Trust in Harrisburg (PATH). The proposals are: No staff…


Read More: PA House GOP Leader Offers Gov’t Reform Plan

Government Accountability

Repeal Salary Increases?

  • April 7, 2009

As of Friday, 89 members of House and 31 members of Senate have either given back their 2.8% pay increase to the Treasury Department or to charity. Senate Majority Leader…


Read More: Repeal Salary Increases?

Taxes & Economy

Citizens Protest Taxes with Tea Parties

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 7, 2009

The Pittsburgh Tribune review has a story on Tea Parties going on in Pennsylvania, and specifically in Pittsburgh, which has upcoming events with Alan Keyes and Glen Meakem speaking.  …


Read More: Citizens Protest Taxes with Tea Parties


Tuition Relief Act Ready to Fold?

  • April 6, 2009

Governor Rendell is still traveling around the state to drum up support for his legalization of video poker scheme. At a recent stop at Reading Area Community College, Gov.


Read More: Tuition Relief Act Ready to Fold?

Public Union Democracy

Rendell Colludes with Unions to Avoid Cutting Wasteful Spending

  • April 6, 2009

Trumpets blared last week as Governor Rendell announced an agreement with state employee unions to “save” $200 million by temporarily reducing payments by 20 percent to their benefit…


Read More: Rendell Colludes with Unions to Avoid Cutting Wasteful Spending


Study Shows School Vouchers are Working

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 5, 2009

The latest research on the Milwaukee school voucher program shows significant improvements in student achievement and millions of dollars in savings for state taxpayers. Interestingly, boys seem to be…


Read More: Study Shows School Vouchers are Working

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania Deficit Watch | April 2009

  • April 3, 2009

Update on Pennsylvania’s Revenue Shortfall from the Commonwealth Foundation The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue released the March revenue collections showing state General Fund revenues are $1.61 billion short…

Press Release

Read More: Pennsylvania Deficit Watch | April 2009


Is Another State Test the Answer?

  • April 3, 2009

Recently, a deal was struck between the Department of Education and Pennsylvania’s School Board Association to establish what is known as the Keystone Exams. The exams would cost the state…


Read More: Is Another State Test the Answer?

Taxes & Economy

Please No More Taxes Video Contest Deadline Extended

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 3, 2009

The deadline for the Please No More Taxes Video Contest has been extended to June 1st! Are you tired of paying high taxes? Enter the Commonwealth Foundation’s “Please…


Read More: Please No More Taxes Video Contest Deadline Extended

Taxes & Economy

FASB Eases “Mark to Market”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 3, 2009

The Federal Accounting Standards Board voted to ease “mark to market” accounting rules, which forced financial firms to markdown the value of their assets.  This is pretty wonkish, but…


Read More: FASB Eases “Mark to Market”

Taxes & Economy

Tax Freedom Day for PA is April 14

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 2, 2009

The Tax Foundation has released the latest report on Tax Freedom Day (get the Full Report in PDF). This year Tax Freedom Day will occur on April 13…


Read More: Tax Freedom Day for PA is April 14

Taxes & Economy

A pop quiz on how Pa. leaders opt to spend your dollars

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 1, 2009

John Baer has a pop quiz on Pennsylvania’s recent government spending.  How much do you know about taxpayer-funded bonuses to legislative staffers, legal fees to defend those bonuses, international…


Read More: A pop quiz on how Pa. leaders opt to spend your dollars

Public Union Democracy

Union Bosses Dupe “Unlicensed” Blogger

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 1, 2009

In his blog today, John Micek makes a couple of jokes about “Joe the Plumber” – probably to avoid being called “Rat Rat Rat” by union bosses (who promise…


Read More: Union Bosses Dupe “Unlicensed” Blogger

Taxes & Economy

PA Governor Releases April Fool’s Joke Too Early

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 31, 2009

Governor Rendell has a great April Fool’s gag, announcing a Pennsylvania “Stimulus Czar” (like anyone would think that’s a real job) that pays $120,000 per year for part-time work.


Read More: PA Governor Releases April Fool’s Joke Too Early


Corporate Welfare Fails to Save PA Jobs

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 31, 2009

Amazon is closing distribution centers in three states, including one in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Just last year the state “helped” the world’s leading on-line retailer to open a new…


Read More: Corporate Welfare Fails to Save PA Jobs

Public Union Democracy

Union Intimidation in Action

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 31, 2009

Unions claim they won’t use intimidation as one of their tactics if the Employee Free Choice Act, a.k.a. “Card Check” is passed, eliminating the secret ballot in union elections. But…


Read More: Union Intimidation in Action