Government Accountability

Transparency for PA Stimulus Money?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 28, 2009

State Senator Mike Brubaker has a proposal to create greater oversight over how Pennsylvania spends its transparency money (HT: John Micek at Capitol Ideas).  The proposal has two…


Read More: Transparency for PA Stimulus Money?


Time for Universities to Focus on Education

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 28, 2009

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports on the Pennsylvania State Board of Education’s recent suggestion to establish “no-frills” 4-year colleges. The proposal has sparked debate over what constitutes a “frill”. Francis…


Read More: Time for Universities to Focus on Education


Home Sweet Home

  • February 27, 2009

WGAL has a feature on homeschooling. Homeschooling has become a popular alternative for families in recent years: over 1.5 million students across the country are currently taught at home…


Read More: Home Sweet Home


Wisconsin Governor Proposes Eliminating Film Tax Credit

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 27, 2009

The Tax Foundation points out that at least one governor is proposing eliminating his state’s tax credit for Hollywood films.  As we have noted, tax credits for movies…


Read More: Wisconsin Governor Proposes Eliminating Film Tax Credit

Santorum: I’m Proud of My Earmarks

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 27, 2009

Former Senator Rick Santorum rips the Democrats’ earmarks in the omnibus bill as “payoffs to the folks that support them”  and special interests, as well calling Obama a…


Read More: Santorum: I’m Proud of My Earmarks


Do we need to subsidize our 22nd largest industry?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 26, 2009

A news story on covers some Republican lawmakers complaints that Governor Rendell budget cuts are too steep, at least in regard to agriculture subsidies (HT Grassroots PA). …


Read More: Do we need to subsidize our 22nd largest industry?

Taxes & Economy

Bushels of Bibles for Pennsylvania Lawmakers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 26, 2009

Mario Cattabiani has a story in the Philadelphia Inquirer on the cost of new Bibles (and other holy books) for lawmakers to be sworn in on – $13,700.


Read More: Bushels of Bibles for Pennsylvania Lawmakers


Local Proficiency Measures are Lacking in PA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 26, 2009

A new study from Penn State reveals that local school districts’ assessments, allowed as an alternative to the 11th-grade PSSA exam to demonstrate proficiency for Pennsylvania students before graduating,…


Read More: Local Proficiency Measures are Lacking in PA

“Tea Parties” Coming to Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 25, 2009

Online conservative activists have rallied to CNBC’s Rick Santelli’s call last for a “Nationwide Tea Party” to protest the economic “stimulus,” bailouts, and erosion of liberty. Here are some…


Read More: “Tea Parties” Coming to Pennsylvania

Government Accountability

PA House, Senate Refuse Request for Lobbyist Records

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 25, 2009

Here is an AP Story on the ruling by Pennsylvania House and Senate have ruled that lobbyist contact is not covered under the new Open Records law (HT…


Read More: PA House, Senate Refuse Request for Lobbyist Records

Obama’s Mortgage Plan vs. Predatory Lending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 24, 2009

A Heritage Insider blog post asks what the difference is between the mortgage plan proposed by Obama and the predatory lending using “teaser rates” that contributed to the rise…


Read More: Obama’s Mortgage Plan vs. Predatory Lending


Fact Check: PA Education Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 24, 2009

A myth floating around Harrisburg is that the state government used to fund 50% of K-12 education, and has reduced support since then. This was most recently stated by…


Read More: Fact Check: PA Education Spending

Taxes & Economy

Federal stimulus is a trap for states

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2009

The Wall Street Journal today looks at governors considering rejecting the federal stimulus dollars, as it will increase the cost to states.  For example, the stimulus expands Medicaid subsidies,…


Read More: Federal stimulus is a trap for states


State and local owe enormous obligations to retirees

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2009

The Allegheny Institute has a new policy report examining the pension plans of the 10 largest Pennsylvania cities. They find these plans have a combined unfunded liability of $4.5…


Read More: State and local owe enormous obligations to retirees


Report Card on American Education: A State-by-State Analysis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 23, 2009

The American Legislative Exchange Council has released their annual Report Card on American Education. The report is filled with education data – spending, inputs, academic performance – with a…


Read More: Report Card on American Education: A State-by-State Analysis

Taxes & Economy

Rendell admits “stimulus” may not stimulate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 22, 2009

Governor Rendell has acknowledged that he’s not sure the stimulus legislation just passed will actually help the economy (HT PA Watercooler).  On the one hand, I’ll like to…


Read More: Rendell admits “stimulus” may not stimulate

Taxes & Economy

Policies that Produce Real Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 21, 2009

Dan Mitchell has another educational video produced by the Center for Freedom and Prosperity. He uses the Fraser Institute Economic Freedom of the World (Heritage has a…


Read More: Policies that Produce Real Growth

Taxes & Economy

Roots of the Crisis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 21, 2009

FreedomWorks has a great looking redesign of their website.   They also have a new feature article on the “roots of the financial crisis“, which is full…


Read More: Roots of the Crisis

Taxes & Economy

Is tolling I-80 dead?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 20, 2009

Some of the Turnpike Commissioners think that tolling I-80 across PA remains a strong possibility, and that the federal government did not “reject” the tolling plan.  See the…


Read More: Is tolling I-80 dead?


More on the PA Pension “Spike”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 19, 2009

A couple of editorials on the crisis in Pennsylvania’s public pension crisis from the Daily Review and the Courier Express.  Both called for depoliticizing the plans by moving…


Read More: More on the PA Pension “Spike”