
Senate Committee Passes Major Education Reform Bill

  • May 22, 2018

Every student deserves an education that best fits his or her unique needs. But this vision of education equality is beyond the reach of thousands of Pennsylvania families. That’s why…

Press Release

Read More: Senate Committee Passes Major Education Reform Bill

State Budget

Tax Reform’s Benefits Should Be Embraced, Not Erased

  • May 21, 2018

Tax reform will save Pennsylvania's consumers an estimated $324 million. This according to the Public Utility Commission, which approved rate cuts for 17 utility companies last week. The lower utitlity bills will kick in July 1…


Read More: Tax Reform’s Benefits Should Be Embraced, Not Erased


Pittsburgh School District Rescinds Performance-Based Pay

  • May 21, 2018

In 2009, the Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) utilized a $40 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to implement a comprehensive new K-12 education program.  The program, known…


Read More: Pittsburgh School District Rescinds Performance-Based Pay


Time to Let Fair Funding Work

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 18, 2018

A recent Philadelphia Inquirer editorial on school funding gets it partly right, but partly wrong. They challenge the fact that Pennsylvania spends $3,800 more per student than the national…


Read More: Time to Let Fair Funding Work

Health Care

A $2,000 Blister and Other Medicaid Failures

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 17, 2018

Sunburns, warts, and blisters—Medicaid recipients receive Emergency Room (ER) treatment for these common ailments, costing state taxpayers millions of dollars according to a WTAE investigation by Paul Van Osdol. With nearly…


Read More: A $2,000 Blister and Other Medicaid Failures


Upward Trend in School District Reserve Funds Continues

  • Marc LeBlond
  • May 14, 2018

Pennsylvania’s Department of Education (PDE) released their 2016-17 financial reports less than a week after opponents of education choice for children loudly proclaimed that the sky is falling,…


Read More: Upward Trend in School District Reserve Funds Continues

Government Accountability

Transparency is Fundamental to Good Govt

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • May 11, 2018

Government transparency is a driving issue for Rep. Seth Grove. Without it, citizens can’t determine if state government is spending tax dollars efficiently. And hiding government operations from the public…


Read More: Transparency is Fundamental to Good Govt

Every Child Deserves the Best Education Possible!

  • May 11, 2018

Every Pennsylvania child is unique and deserves the best education possible—no matter their income or ZIP code. School choice is giving opportunities to hundreds of thousands of kids, but too many…


Read More: Every Child Deserves the Best Education Possible!

Public Union Democracy

Reading Schools Stop Paying Ghost Teachers

  • Jessica Barnett
  • May 10, 2018

Since 2011, Reading taxpayers have spent over $500,000 subsidizing the salaries of local teachers’ union officials. Finally, this unfair arrangement will end. In a practice known as “ghost teaching,”…


Read More: Reading Schools Stop Paying Ghost Teachers

Health Care

A Future for My Kids and Me

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 10, 2018

Megan Spaulding graduated from the Brockway Center for Arts and Technology Medical Assistant program two years ago. This single mom turned medical professional describes her new found career as “life-changing.”…


Read More: A Future for My Kids and Me

State Budget

Why the Taxpayer Protection Act Matters to You

  • May 4, 2018

Pennsylvania could end the fiscal year with a budget deficit…again. If the latest Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) projections prove accurate, the commonwealth would need to fill a $195 million…


Read More: Why the Taxpayer Protection Act Matters to You

Taxes & Economy

The Path to Prosperity

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 2, 2018

Last month we featured the story of Diane, a hardworking medical assistant in Clearfield County and graduate of the Brockway Center for Arts and Technology (BCAT) medical assistant…


Read More: The Path to Prosperity

Criminal Justice Reform

Unanimous Senate Vote Advances Criminal Justice Reform

  • May 2, 2018

The state Senate embraced criminal justice reform this week by unanimously passing three pieces of legislation comprising the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI) II reforms. The first slate of JRI…


Read More: Unanimous Senate Vote Advances Criminal Justice Reform

Taxes & Economy

State House Strengthens Food Stamps Work Requirements

  • May 1, 2018

Today, the state House passed HB 1659, which strengthens existing work requirements for able-bodied adults in Pennsylvania’s food stamp program. This follows a work requirement measure for Medicaid,…

Press Release

Read More: State House Strengthens Food Stamps Work Requirements

Taxes & Economy

Wolf’s Severance Tax Among the Highest in the Nation

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 1, 2018

The Governor's fourth natural gas tax proposal, and 11th tax proposal overall, is now embodied in legislation. SB 1000 and HB 2253 join nine other bills sitting in the House and Senate, all…


Read More: Wolf’s Severance Tax Among the Highest in the Nation

Government Accountability

Government that Works?in the Shadows

  • May 1, 2018

Legislation introduced by Rep. Seth Grove—House Bill 1843—injects a much-needed dose of transparency into the state budget. The proposal would give taxpayers access to critical budget documents and financial…


Read More: Government that Works?in the Shadows

Taxes & Economy

Migration Update

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 28, 2018 The ten counties that experienced the greatest growth via domestic migration (“destination states”) had a lower average tax burden than the counties that experienced the greatest declines (“deserted states”). p 10…


Read More: Migration Update

Public Union Democracy

PSU Graduate Students Reject Unionization

  • Jessica Barnett
  • April 25, 2018

According to preliminary results, Penn State graduate assistants have voted to reject joining the Pennsylvania State Education Association. If the Coalition of Graduate Employees convinced a majority of voting graduate…


Read More: PSU Graduate Students Reject Unionization

State Budget

Pa.’s Economy Continues to Underwhelm

  • April 25, 2018

Just how burdensome have Pennsylvania taxes and regulations become? According to the latest edition of Rich States, Poor States (RSPS), the commonwealth ranks 35th in the nation for economic performance…


Read More: Pa.’s Economy Continues to Underwhelm