Taxes & Economy

Money discriminates against blind people

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 20, 2008

A federal court ruled that paper money discriminates against blind people, since they can’t tell how much the money is worth. Note to Paulistas: This is because the blind…


Read More: Money discriminates against blind people

Turnpike Lease Resources

  • May 20, 2008

Turnpike Lease/Bid OverviewFull Concession AgreementSynopsis of Lease Requirements/LimitsConcerns About Turnpike Lease Misguided…

Press Release

Read More: Turnpike Lease Resources

Pennsylvania Turnpike Lease Info and Resources

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 20, 2008

Turnpike Lease/BidOverviewFull Concession AgreementSynopsis of Lease Requirements/LimitsConcerns About Turnpike Lease MisguidedTurnpike Commission implicit “bid”: $5.3 billionP3 Information…


Read More: Pennsylvania Turnpike Lease Info and Resources

Turnpike Lease News Roundup

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 20, 2008

There are plenty of news articles on the Turnpike lease deal/bid, offering a number of legislative leaders and local lawmakers’ takes (articles quoting the Commonwealth Foundation listed first):…


Read More: Turnpike Lease News Roundup

Taxes & Economy

Freedom from Government Day

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 19, 2008

The American Institute for Economic Research has calculated that today, May 19, is the date at which Americans have earned enough income to pay for all governing spending. They…


Read More: Freedom from Government Day

Turnpike Lease Details

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 19, 2008

Details from the Governor’s announcement on the winning bid for a Turnpike lease. The complete concession agreement (686 pages) is here. Top Bid: $12.8 Billion Winning Bidder: Abertis/Citi Infrastructure…


Read More: Turnpike Lease Details

Medicaid Money Laundering

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 19, 2008

Wall Street Journal reviews how states are taking advantage of the Medicaid system to get more money from the federal government (i.e. ripping off taxpayers). Here is a…


Read More: Medicaid Money Laundering

Government Accountability

Pa. lawmakers fill up at your expense

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 19, 2008

Philadelphia Inquirer article covers the price of lawmakers buying gas at taxpayer expense. There is also a list of who drives taxpayer subsidized, non-hybrid SUVs (i.e. gas guzzlers).


Read More: Pa. lawmakers fill up at your expense


NEA on the Presidential Candidates

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 16, 2008

The National Education Association put out their candidate guide, giving both the candidates’ positions and the NEA’s positions on power grabs for union leaders education issues. Here is the…


Read More: NEA on the Presidential Candidates

Nation’s Newest School Choice Program

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 16, 2008

Georgia enacted new legislation that would create a tax credit for donations to scholarship organizations. Much like Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit, the Georgia plan allows…


Read More: Nation’s Newest School Choice Program

“Simple math” on turnpike lease

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 16, 2008

Williamsport SunGazette editorializes that the math should be easy on a Turnpike lease bid: use what the Turnpike Commission will give (i.e. our calculation) and the bid –…


Read More: “Simple math” on turnpike lease


More Outrage at Pension COLA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 15, 2008

Tony Phyrillas has added to the number of voices noting that the proposed Pension COLA means higher property taxes.


Read More: More Outrage at Pension COLA

Video: Choosing our Judges

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 15, 2008

Here is the video from yesterday’s luncheon on the subject of merit selection vs. election of Pennnylvania judges:…


Read More: Video: Choosing our Judges

Taxes & Economy

Politicians and Economics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 15, 2008

While a number of people say that many economic policy issues are “too complex” for the general public Thomas Sowell argues that for the most part these concepts –…


Read More: Politicians and Economics

Government Accountability

Cerberus Responds

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 14, 2008

Responding to my commentary today, Rep. Babbette Josephs – who I termed the Cerberus of the General Assembly – issued a news release defending her record, and…


Read More: Cerberus Responds


Big Business Loves Big Government

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 14, 2008

Michael G. Franc in NRO Online analyzes a seemingly suprising fundraising advantage by Democratic candidates among corporate CEOs – surprising given that Democrats continue to call for higher taxes,…


Read More: Big Business Loves Big Government


Gaming Control Board screw-ups continue

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 13, 2008

A number of PA House Republicans are calling for PA AG Tom Corbett to investigate the Gaming Control Board (as if he didn’t already have enough government officials…


Read More: Gaming Control Board screw-ups continue

Government Accountability

Taxpayer bill in Bonusgate grows

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 13, 2008

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that legal fees in the Bonusgate scandal now top $1 million – $700,000 by House Democrats. Yes, that is taxpayer-funded lawyers to defend politicians…


Read More: Taxpayer bill in Bonusgate grows


The myths of cyber schools

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 13, 2008

A May 11 article on cyber schools in the Daily Local repeats claims that cyber schools are a major drain on taxpayers (though with a strong rebuttal…


Read More: The myths of cyber schools

Taxes & Economy

Who Gets Federal Energy Subsidies?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 12, 2008

The Wall Street Journal has an article on who gets federal energy subsidies, based on a EIA report. The WSJ focuses most of the attention on electricity subsidies;…


Read More: Who Gets Federal Energy Subsidies?