
Professional licensing and the Italian Stallion

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 31, 2008

In light of recent news about state licensing boards going after eBay sellers and our discussion of professional licensing boards in Government on a Diet, here are some…


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State Liquor Stores Show Age

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 31, 2008

Delco Times editorial on the need to privatize the state liquor stores. Dismissing the myth of state-run stores protecting against underage drinking (through anecdotal evidence, though a report…


Read More: State Liquor Stores Show Age

State Budget

Put Government on a Spending Diet

  • January 31, 2008

Commonwealth Foundation analysis finds $6.7 billion in “unhealthy“ state spending HARRISBURG, PA — Today, in anticipation of Governor Rendell’s 2008-09 budget proposal, the Commonwealth Foundation released Government on a Diet:…

Press Release

Read More: Put Government on a Spending Diet


Pennsylvania takes on online auctions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 30, 2008

Philadelphia Inquirer story on the state’s pursuit of eBay sellers with no auctioneer’s license. As we pointed out on this issue before, eBay’s seller rating do a better…


Read More: Pennsylvania takes on online auctions

Odd U-Turn on Property Tax Relief

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 30, 2008

In the House debate over property taxes relief, focusing on David Levdansky’s HB 1600 (increasing the state sales tax and person income tax to provide about $1.5 billion in…


Read More: Odd U-Turn on Property Tax Relief

Taxes & Economy

Rendell’s Extreme Makeover

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 29, 2008

Jerry Bowyer’s op/ed on Governor Rendell’s extreme makeover – from a Philadelphia mayor who was: a leading “new Democrat” who had outsourced over 40 government functions, stared down…


Read More: Rendell’s Extreme Makeover

State Budget

Bush on Earmarks

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 29, 2008

If his State of the Union Address, Bush promised to veto and/or ignore earmarks in future appropriatiosn legislation. As CAGW and Heritage point out, this would only…


Read More: Bush on Earmarks

Government Accountability

State of the Union Word Analyzer

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 28, 2008

This neat website analyzes State of the Union speeches with word count (Jimmy Carter gave the longest speech) and key word analysis. I like playing with the graphic…


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PTC: We Not Spread Lies

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 28, 2008

PA Turnpike Commission’s Tim Carson sent a letter to Toll Roads News in response to their story about the lack of caps on Turnpike tolls under Act…


Read More: PTC: We Not Spread Lies

Government Accountability

Intern at Commonwealth Foundation through Koch Fellows Program

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 28, 2008

The Charles G. Koch Summer Fellow Program is offering State-Based Policy Internships. Students interested in interning at the Commonwealth Foundation this summer need to apply by Jan…


Read More: Intern at Commonwealth Foundation through Koch Fellows Program


Is School Choice Enough?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 28, 2008

A interesting discussion on City Journal on the subject of school choice. The discussion in a response to an article by Sol Stern implying that school choice advocates…


Read More: Is School Choice Enough?


Vinsanity at PHEAA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 25, 2008

Vince Fumo came to the defense of excesses at PHEAA, demaninding that the Auditor General stop auditing. Jan Murphy of the Patriot News has the story. Fumo contends that…


Read More: Vinsanity at PHEAA

Act 44 – no cap on Turnpike tolls

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 25, 2008

Toll Roads News has a story today on the Turnpike Commission’s claim that future Turnpike Tolls would be capped (with a 25% increase in 2009 and 3% annually thereafter).


Read More: Act 44 – no cap on Turnpike tolls

Taxes & Economy

Bush Revises Stimulus Deal to ‘Rebate All of It’

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 24, 2008

Great fake news from ScrappleFace “It just makes sense,â€? said White House spokesman Dana Perino, “that if $800 per person would stimulate the economy, then giving back…


Read More: Bush Revises Stimulus Deal to ‘Rebate All of It’


Good day for school choice in PA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 24, 2008

The Commonwealth Court ruled that Chester-Upland school district could not limit the number of students enrolling in charter schools. Read the Philadelphia Inquirer story. About 40% of Chester-Upland student…


Read More: Good day for school choice in PA

“Profit” ins’t a dirty word either

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 24, 2008

We received an email in response to the “‘Foreign’ is not a Dirty Word” Commentary. I won’t print that whole email, but the essence was that a private company…


Read More: “Profit” ins’t a dirty word either


Plan would bar linking bonuses to pensions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 23, 2008

Rep. Sean Ramaley proposes ending the pension bump from bonuses. Currently a bonus (or other compensation, such as “unvouchered expenses”) increases the salary used to calculate pensions for state…


Read More: Plan would bar linking bonuses to pensions

‘Foreign’ is not a dirty word

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 23, 2008

Great Op-Ed in the Post-Gazette by Todd Malan on the issue of “foreign” companies bidding on the Turnpike: Finally, if the bidding process is robust, the likely…


Read More: ‘Foreign’ is not a dirty word

Rendell offers toll parameters for Turnpike Lease

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 23, 2008

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article covers Governor Rendell’s statements on a potential lease, with the headline that “Turnpike fare increases will be regulated”. The idea that a Turnpike lease would result…


Read More: Rendell offers toll parameters for Turnpike Lease

Taxes & Economy

How important are elections?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 22, 2008

Here are a couple of good commentaries on the importance of politics and elections. Though they draw the opposite conclusion, they follow a similar theme, and I find myself agreeing…


Read More: How important are elections?