Another Poor State Economy Ranking for PA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 19, 2007

The Beacon Hill Institute has released their State Competitiveness Report 2007. Pennsylvania ranks 34th out of 50, based on Government and Fiscal Policy, Security, Infrastructure, Human Resources, Technology,…


Read More: Another Poor State Economy Ranking for PA

Superintendent Contracts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 18, 2007

The Altoona Mirror has put together an extensive list of information on superintendent pay and contracts for all 501 school districts (at least the 447 they obtained information from).


Read More: Superintendent Contracts

Tax Free Christmas Presents

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 17, 2007

For those of you still shopping for Christmas gifts – here is a list of gift ideas, based on products that are exempt from the Pennsylvania Sales Tax: Food…


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Pension Payment Update

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 17, 2007

Update on the coming pension spike from the mid-year briefing report (page 103). Click on image for larger version.


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College affordability

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 17, 2007

Richard Vedder and the Center for College Affordability and Productivity have a new short report on the cost of college and state spending on higher education. Among the…


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52,000 New K-8 Students, 42,500 New K-8 Teachers.

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 17, 2007

Education Intelligence Agency Communique on the discrepancy between school enrollment and school hires: The National Education Association today released its annual report, Rankings and Estimates: Rankings of the…


Read More: 52,000 New K-8 Students, 42,500 New K-8 Teachers.

Turnpike CEO’s spin on I-80 tolling

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 14, 2007

Following the return of the PennDOT-PTC bid to toll I-80 (See our news release here), Turnpike CEO Brimmeier is in full spin mode. From the Post-Gazette:…


Read More: Turnpike CEO’s spin on I-80 tolling

GOP gets on The BOX

  • December 14, 2007

House Democratic Majority Leader Bill DeWeese spent some time on The BOX Program with Matt last weekend. Now Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati and House Republican…


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The Gospel of Paul

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 14, 2007

Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassell on the lessons of Ron Paul. Take note: “Compassionate conservatism” was a smart move on George W. Bush’s part, maybe even…


Read More: The Gospel of Paul

REJECTED: Application to Toll I-80

  • December 13, 2007

Federal government sends Turnpike proposal to tax I-80 drivers back to the drawing board HARRISBURG, PA — Today, in response to the federal government’s rejection of plans to…

Press Release

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Feds Decline I-80 Toll Application (Told you so)

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 13, 2007

The FHWA has declined the state’s application to toll I-80. Paul Nussbuam in the Inquirer reports: Pennsylvania is seeking authority to toll I-80 under a federal pilot program…


Read More: Feds Decline I-80 Toll Application (Told you so)

Taxpayer money for soccer?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 13, 2007

Its looking more likely that taxpayers will buy a new soccer stadium. Paris Hilton Gov. Rendell, who never has enough money to hand out: “It seems to me there…


Read More: Taxpayer money for soccer?

Pa. Senate approves “Rendell Lite”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 13, 2007

With an easy 44-5 vote, the PA Senate approved spending $650M over 10 years on alternative energy. With this vote, Senate Republicans have drawn a line in the sand:…


Read More: Pa. Senate approves “Rendell Lite”

The Freshman Earmarkers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 12, 2007

I’ve heard of the “freshmen fifteen”, but how about the freshmen $70 million? The six freshmen members of congress who have delivered the most in “earmarks” all hail from PA,…


Read More: The Freshman Earmarkers

Turnpike Bond Attorney defends Turnpike Bonding

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 12, 2007

The Patriot News ran Tim Carson’s defense of Act 44 today. I pointed out his six inaccurate claims in an earlier blog post, including the hilarious knee-slapper “I…


Read More: Turnpike Bond Attorney defends Turnpike Bonding

Congressman wants probe of Fumo link to I-80 toll bid

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 12, 2007

Congressman Peterson has asked the Inspector General at US DOT to look into the Sen. Fumo-Turnpike Commission connection, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Apparently he thinks that when an indicted…


Read More: Congressman wants probe of Fumo link to I-80 toll bid

A Health-Insurance Solution

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 12, 2007

Merrill Matthews in the Wall Street Journal on John Shadegg’s Congressional proposal to allow individuals to purchase health insurance from any state. He uses the example of New Jersey…


Read More: A Health-Insurance Solution