A Maverick Mogul, Proudly Politically Incorrect

  • August 27, 2007

The New York Times profiled Commonwealth Foundation First Amendment Scholar Thor Halvorssen’s most recent endeavors at the Moving Picture Institute to use the documentaries to spread the freedom…


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Pennsylvania Political War Over Planned Tolls on I-80

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 27, 2007

New York Times on the debate over tolling I-80. The Times points out, as this blog has, that the plan still requires federal approval, the program the Turnpike…


Read More: Pennsylvania Political War Over Planned Tolls on I-80

Occupational Licensing in the States

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 27, 2007

Reason Foundation report on occupational icensing in the 50 states and how these requirements prevent many individuals from entering into their chosen profession. While Pennsylvania ranks somewhat low among…


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Lessons from Massachusetts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 27, 2007

Sally Pipes on the lessons of Massachusetts’ Health Care Reform. Not to be confused with RomneyCare 2.0 (or as Michael Tanner puts it, Romney abandons RomneyCare)…


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The Myth of Pre-K

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 26, 2007

Adam Schaeffer of the Cato Institute tackles the mythical benefits of universal pre-K: In truth, pre-K costs billions of dollars but returns little benefit. Supporters…


Read More: The Myth of Pre-K

The Global Warming Test

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 26, 2007

What do you know about Global Warming? Take the Global Warming Test from the Heartland Institute.


Read More: The Global Warming Test

Pinocchio Ed

  • August 26, 2007

Allegheny Institute’s Jake Haulk in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review challenges — among other half-baked claims made by Gov. Rendell — the mindset that government “investment” of tax dollars is a…


Read More: Pinocchio Ed

Questions raised about union official’s pension

  • August 24, 2007

Story on the former Pittsburgh Port Authority union leader’s “special retirement package” in today’s Post-Gazette. And we wonder why Pittsburgh’s mass transit system is always on the verge…


Read More: Questions raised about union official’s pension

Watch Benefield on Cyber School Funding

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2007

I will be on Pennsylvania Newsmakers dicussing cyber school funding. Click here for TV listings this weekend and next week.


Read More: Watch Benefield on Cyber School Funding

Rendell, Orie: Privatize PHEAA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2007

Post Gazette – PHEAA bonuses enrage Rendell: “I haven’t seen a mind-set change to ‘We’re a public agency and we’re going to act like a public…


Read More: Rendell, Orie: Privatize PHEAA

More on PHEAA from the Guv

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 23, 2007

Governor calls PHEAA bonuses “outrageous” – Breaking News with The Patriot-News Sens. Jane Orie, R-Allegheny, and John Rafferty, R-Montgomery, reacted to the bonuses by saying they plan to…


Read More: More on PHEAA from the Guv

Feds receive request to toll I-80

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 23, 2007

Toll Roads News on the Application of the PA Turnpike Commission for tolling I-80 – featuring a copy of the actual application and some commentary including: The application…


Read More: Feds receive request to toll I-80

Bonus Time At PHEAA

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 23, 2007

Jan Murphy at the Patriot News on PHEAA’s latest round of bonuses, noting that PHEAA CEO Dick Willey’s bonus is higher than Governor Rendell’s salary.The headline “PHEAA’s…


Read More: Bonus Time At PHEAA

Tobacco companies must pay Pa. growers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 22, 2007

Story from the AP and Intelligencer Journal on a court ruling that tobacco companies must pay tobacco farmers for lost revenue (HT to Grassroots PA). The PA Attorney…


Read More: Tobacco companies must pay Pa. growers

Kids First?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 22, 2007

David Freddoso on SCHIP on National Review Online takes on two key parts of the SCHIP debate. First is the Bush administration’s new rules that states will have to…


Read More: Kids First?

Liberal Views, Black Victims

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 22, 2007

Walter E. Williams on crime in Philadelphia, and what citizens (yes, citizens, not lawmakers) should do about it.


Read More: Liberal Views, Black Victims

How to reduce the cost of insurance by 50%

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 21, 2007

Wall Street Journal article on new, low-cost individual health insurance offerings. (HT to SPN Blog) This sounded good especially, “Humana Inc. packages start at $26 a month“. This…


Read More: How to reduce the cost of insurance by 50%

Drunk on ethanol

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 21, 2007

Los Angeles Times article on politicians love for ethanol – mandating its use and subsidizing its production, while keeping high tariffs on foreign ethanol. They also point out how…


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