Dunk’s Commentaries

  • August 21, 2007

Bill Dunkelberg–who is a Commonwealth Foundation Board Member, Temple economics professor, and chief economist for the NFIB–provides these regular commentaries on today’s issues. Here’s his latest installment… With…


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Do stop-light cameras kill?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 21, 2007

I am on an email list giving about 85 or so reasons to oppose stop-light cameras. I think I’ve ignored about 52 of these emails so far, but I’ll pass…


Read More: Do stop-light cameras kill?

Like them or not, cyber schools prove accountable

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 21, 2007

Editorial by Dennis Tulli in the Lebanon Daily News on the accountability of cyber schools, along with their underfunding (and the frequent refusal of school districts to pay their…


Read More: Like them or not, cyber schools prove accountable

Pennsylvanians not pleased with plan for I-80

  • August 20, 2007

Pennsylvanians are starting to give their two cents on Gov. Rendell’s proposed plan to toll I-80, and so far, they aren’t singing its praises. Not even close.


Read More: Pennsylvanians not pleased with plan for I-80

Real Consideration of Turnpike Lease?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 20, 2007

Pete DeCoursey at Capitolwire is reporting that not only is Governor Rendell continuing to press for a Turnpike Lease, but that he has several supporters, including Sen. Jake…


Read More: Real Consideration of Turnpike Lease?

Toll of teacher strikes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 20, 2007

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on the cost of teacher strikes in PA, citing this study by the Allegheny Institute. Also read Simon Campbell’s commentary on legislation to end teacher…


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Rendell’s world: Spending and debt

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 20, 2007

Brad Bumsted in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on spending and debt under Rendell – i.e. the “cardboard check syndrome”.


Read More: Rendell’s world: Spending and debt

Pennsylvania Teachers: Number One in Strikes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 17, 2007

Allegheny Institute Report on teacher strikes in Pennsylvania and nationally. The include facts about the number of strikes in each state (60% of all strikes occur in PA), and…


Read More: Pennsylvania Teachers: Number One in Strikes

Cyber Charter Funding Debate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 17, 2007

Good article by William Mulgrew in The Evening Bulletin on the debate over public cyber school funding, with emphasis on the Haverford District: Last year, Haverford School District…


Read More: Cyber Charter Funding Debate

With just the click of a mouse … you’re in school

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 16, 2007

More coverage of the benefits for cyber schools for students and their growing popularity among parents from the Meadville Tribune. Read our FAQ on Cyber Schools here.


Read More: With just the click of a mouse … you’re in school

Expanding SCHIP Will Challenge State Finances

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 16, 2007

Heritage Foundation looks at the effect of the proposed Congressional SCHIP expansion, and offers A State-by-State Analysis of the effect on finances. The SCHIP expansion under consideration would increase…


Read More: Expanding SCHIP Will Challenge State Finances

Another reason why there’s no money for bridges

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 16, 2007

Another story about taxes ostensibly to be used for transportation are going to Pork: That’s because — thanks to state funding — PPL is installing 88 new sidewalk…


Read More: Another reason why there’s no money for bridges

Poll: Campaign Finance

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 15, 2007

Our first ever Policy Blog poll wants to know what our readers think of proposed campaign finance reform in Pennsylvania. After answering, check out our Policy Points on…


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Parochial choice

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 15, 2007

Letter to the Patriot News explains how Harrisburg Schools can save money — through school choice. We have discussed this idea a number of times, including a policy brief,…


Read More: Parochial choice

Property Tax Relief?

  • August 15, 2007

It’s been three years since the passage of the largest expansion of gambling in Pennsylvania. The people of Pennsylvania were told by Gov. Rendell and the majority of House and…


Read More: Property Tax Relief?

Agriculture Number 1?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 14, 2007

I’ve seen politicians, from both parties and from all regions of the state, throw around the claim that Agriculture is PA’s number one industry, most recently in the Governor’s…


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Benefield Testimony on PCN

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 14, 2007

My testimony on campaign finance limits will be carried live on PCN today. I am scheduled to take the hot seat at 1:30. The hearing will re-air beginning at…


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Government Accountability

Campaign Finance “Reform” is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 14, 2007

Good afternoon. My name is Nathan Benefield; I am the Director of Policy Research for the Commonwealth Foundation, a public policy research and educational institution based in Harrisburg. I…


Read More: Campaign Finance “Reform” is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Back to cyber school

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 13, 2007

Rob Gebhart in the Somerset Daily American, looks at cyber schools from the perspective of the student, rather than repeating the criticism of the school board and teachers’ union…


Read More: Back to cyber school