Lawmakers Approve State Spending Limits

  • December 12, 2017

On Monday the state House passed HB 110—one of the most significant changes in how Harrisburg spends your tax dollars. HB 110, also known as the Taxpayer Protection Act (TPA), would…


Read More: Lawmakers Approve State Spending Limits

State Budget

Moving Toward a Better Budget Process

  • December 11, 2017

Pennsylvania received a bit of good news from Fitch Ratings last week, as the agency affirmed the commonwealth’s credit rating. However, the state’s outlook remains negative. A downgrade is…


Read More: Moving Toward a Better Budget Process

Public Union Democracy

House Nears Vote to Protect Public Resources

  • Jessica Barnett
  • December 10, 2017

This Monday, House lawmakers have a chance to vote for landmark ethics reform, Senate Bill 166 Passing this legislation – and sending it to the Senate and governor for approval…


Read More: House Nears Vote to Protect Public Resources


ESAs Offer a Path Forward for Erie Students

  • December 8, 2017

Erie students have been trapped in failing and violent schools for too long. While tax credit scholarships and charter schools help, families need more options. Education savings accounts…


Read More: ESAs Offer a Path Forward for Erie Students

Public Union Democracy

SB 166: Restoring Integrity to PA Government

  • Jessica Barnett
  • December 6, 2017

Pennsylvania has a golden opportunity to enact good government reform, so it’s worth reiterating why SB 166, which House lawmakers continue to debate, deserves legislative approval and the governor’s…


Read More: SB 166: Restoring Integrity to PA Government


How to Combat Harrisburg School Violence

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 4, 2017

“I have been kicked, punched, hit, scratched. I've had a student physically restraining me in front of my other students…. And many of the personal things that I have bought for…


Read More: How to Combat Harrisburg School Violence

Public Union Democracy

Pennsylvania Needs Good Government Reform

  • Jessica Barnett
  • December 4, 2017

Pennsylvanians deserve state and local government that enforces ethical standards across the board. Yet for years, a glaring exception has allowed government union leaders alone to use public resources to…


Read More: Pennsylvania Needs Good Government Reform

Public Union Democracy

Four Reasons to Pass SB 166

  • December 3, 2017

A House committee passed SB 166 last month to end taxpayer-funded collection of campaign money. Here are four reasons this legislation should garner the full support of House members…


Read More: Four Reasons to Pass SB 166


Shocking Pensions a Reminder that we Need More Reform

  • December 1, 2017

The Philadelphia Inquirer recently published an article detailing the $100,000+ pension payouts for 500 retired state employees—a jarring reminder that Pennsylvania’s state retirement system…


Read More: Shocking Pensions a Reminder that we Need More Reform

Taxes & Economy

PA Taxpayers Are Moving to Almost Every Other State

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 1, 2017

Where are Pennsylvanians moving? Turns out, 44 states gained taxpayers from Pennsylvania last year. New data released yesterday by the IRS on state-to-state migration showed Pennsylvania gained residents moving from New…


Read More: PA Taxpayers Are Moving to Almost Every Other State


Making PA Competitive Again

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 30, 2017

Lower post-recession unemployment & labor force participation rates are hopeful signs for a historically-weak economy, but without permanent policy changes, other states will continue to surpass Pennsylvania’s economic performance. At…


Read More: Making PA Competitive Again

Pennsylvanians Need Permission to Work

  • November 30, 2017

Great news! Pennsylvania has the least burdensome licensing laws in the nation. The bad news? Pennsylvania frequently licensees occupations that are not licensed by other states. Want to be a…


Read More: Pennsylvanians Need Permission to Work

Government Accountability

A Step Towards Smarter Spending

  • November 29, 2017

The governor and state lawmakers are taking a step towards tackling our spending problem. On Tuesday a bicameral group of state lawmakers introduced a zero-based budgeting bill. This proposal would…


Read More: A Step Towards Smarter Spending

State Budget

Promising Budget Reforms on the Horizon

  • November 29, 2017

Pennsylvania’s latest budget impasse exposed a dysfunctional state budget process. Several members of the House of Representatives have introduced a package of reforms to correct the myriad of problems contributing to…


Read More: Promising Budget Reforms on the Horizon

State Budget

PA’s Fiscal Predicament in 5 Charts

  • November 28, 2017

Pennsylvania is in poor financial shape and staring down a consequential demographic shift. Check out the 5 charts below for more on the challenges facing our state and the…


Read More: PA’s Fiscal Predicament in 5 Charts

Public Union Democracy

Political Privileges Create an Unfair and Unequal Society

  • November 27, 2017

In Pennsylvania, government unions enjoy a wealth of legal and political privileges not awarded to other organizations. Here are just a few:  Government unions negotiate collective bargaining agreements with the…


Read More: Political Privileges Create an Unfair and Unequal Society

Public Union Democracy

Why Government Should Not Play with Politics

  • Jessica Barnett
  • November 22, 2017

Government should never collect campaign contributions. House committee members agreed yesterday, passing legislation (SB 166 and HB 1174) that stops the taxpayer-funded collection of campaign contributions for government…


Read More: Why Government Should Not Play with Politics

Public Union Democracy

State House Committee Votes to Protect Public Resources

  • Jessica Barnett
  • November 21, 2017

Today, the House State Government Committee passed legislation that protects public resources, a good government reform prioritizing ethics over political privilege. The first piece of legislation, SB 166, prohibits…


Read More: State House Committee Votes to Protect Public Resources

Guest Blog: The Hidden Cost of Tax Complexity

  • November 17, 2017

Editor’s Note: This is the first of a series of occasional blogs by a Philadelphia resident highlighting policy problems holding back the City of Brotherly Love. As a Philadelphia…


Read More: Guest Blog: The Hidden Cost of Tax Complexity