The Disaster that Is Dirigo

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 30, 2007

Michael Cannon on the failures and unintended consequences of Maine’s universal health care program, Dirigo.


Read More: The Disaster that Is Dirigo

State legislators getting specific about government reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 30, 2007

Brad Bumsted on proposals to reduce wasteful spending with the legislature, as well as other reforms. Noted is Sen. Jane Orie’s proposal which would limit “pinstripe patronage” – the…


Read More: State legislators getting specific about government reform

The climb to high taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 30, 2007

Morning Call story examines the growth of state and local taxes in Pennsylvania. The story uses both data on the rising state and local tax burden and individual…


Read More: The climb to high taxes

Top 5 Reasons to Lease the Turnpike

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 27, 2007

Matt Brouillette featured in this week’s Central Penn Business Journal talking about a Turnpike lease. Also read Geoff Segal’s letter in the same edition.


Read More: Top 5 Reasons to Lease the Turnpike

Tax-shift votes likely to divide communities

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 27, 2007

Patriot News on the potential winners and losers tax-shift referendum vote on May 15. Read our Taxpayers’ Guide to the Rendell Property Tax Relief Act of 2006 for…


Read More: Tax-shift votes likely to divide communities

A call to rein in state spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 27, 2007

Tribune-Review article on Thursday’s hearing on state spending limits. The Commonwealth Foundation’s newest fellow (and former Congresswoman) Melissa Hart testified: “Often elected officials have been unwilling or simply unable…


Read More: A call to rein in state spending

Video from Health Care Reform Luncheon

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 25, 2007

Video from yesterday’s Policies and Principles Luncheon on health care reform, featuring Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute is now available online. You can also get more audio and…


Read More: Video from Health Care Reform Luncheon

Energy Myths

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 25, 2007

Max Schulz offers a series of energy “myths” that are driving flawed public policy – appropriate given a press conference later today will discuss Gov. Rendell’s energy plan. MYTH…


Read More: Energy Myths

Is “Fair Share Tax” dead?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 24, 2007

Times Tribune article suggests there is no support in the General Assembly for a payroll tax on businesses to pay for “Cover All Pennsylvanians”. The administration suggested (as they…


Read More: Is “Fair Share Tax” dead?

‘Prescription for Pa.’ blasted for overregulation

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 24, 2007

Lancaster New Era with coverage of Michael Cannon’s take on RendellCare. Video of Cannon’s presentation today at the Commonwealth Foundation will be available on our website soon…


Read More: ‘Prescription for Pa.’ blasted for overregulation

Toast to progress

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 24, 2007

Post-Gazette editorial on the need to privatize state-run liquor stores.


Read More: Toast to progress

Most school districts to limit tax increases

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 23, 2007

Martha Raffaele on the tax increases for school districts, noting most will be “limiting” increases within the index. The index allows districts to increase taxes by 3.4 to 5.5…


Read More: Most school districts to limit tax increases

Some People Probably Shouldn’t Have Health Insurance

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 23, 2007

Michael Cannon blogs on why health care, not health insurance, is a priority at Cato-at-liberty. Cannon will be taking on the rhetoric of health care reform and offerign free-market…


Read More: Some People Probably Shouldn’t Have Health Insurance

Rebutal to Keystone Rebutal

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 20, 2007

The union-backed Keystone Research Center issued a reply to my income vs wage commentary on their blog. I will add a couple more thoughts: Jobs:The job growth…


Read More: Rebutal to Keystone Rebutal

Anti-oil Demagoguery

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 20, 2007

In a news release, Governor Rendell Calls on Bush Administration to Investigate Exorbitant Gas Prices. Governor Rendell is simply using demagoguery about the “profiteering oil companies” to justify his…


Read More: Anti-oil Demagoguery

Turnpike Xenophobia?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 19, 2007

From Capitolwire (subscription): Will opponents dub turnpike-leasing plan “Dubai, Chapter II?” Some political analysts believe they have found the silver bullet to kill off Gov. Ed Rendell’s proposed turnpike-leasing…


Read More: Turnpike Xenophobia?

State budget battle looms

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 19, 2007

Brad Bumsted in the Tribune-Review on the upcoming budget battle. Bumsted also touches on yesterday’s hearing on privatizing the state liquor stores (see related post here): On…


Read More: State budget battle looms

Privatize liquor sales

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 19, 2007

Patriot News coverage of yesterday’s hearing on privatizion of the state stores. Read our News Release on the hearing and get the full testimony of Reason Foundation experts…


Read More: Privatize liquor sales

Eliminate the turnpike commission

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 19, 2007

Sen. Jane Orie in the Post-Gazette on the waste in the Turnpike Commission and why it would be more efficient to run the turnpike – or oversee a lease…


Read More: Eliminate the turnpike commission


Public Benefits from Private Liquor

  • April 19, 2007

Commonwealth Foundation joins Reason in call for LCB privatization HARRISBURG, PA — The Commonwealth Foundation joined with privatization experts from the Reason Foundation to discuss the potential divesture of the…

Press Release

Read More: Public Benefits from Private Liquor