PHEAA Ordered to Open Books

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 15, 2006

The Commonwealth Court rules that the Open Records law, which applies to all state agencies, applies to PHEAA, which is a state agency that had refused to disclose many of…


Read More: PHEAA Ordered to Open Books

State eyes gas tax increase

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 14, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review coverage of the Transporation Funding Commission’s report and proposals to increase various taxes for increased transportation Spending.


Read More: State eyes gas tax increase

Freshmen call for leadership reform

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 14, 2006

Herald Standard article on today’s House leadership elections. Newly elected Democratic Representatives “Mahoney, Kula, and Galloway said they would reveal their votes to the press” Read our…


Read More: Freshmen call for leadership reform

State court rejects lawsuit over ‘perks’ for legislators

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 14, 2006

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Harrisburg activist Gene Stilp, who filed the Commonwealth Court suit in February, based his claim on a section of the constitution providing for legislators to…


Read More: State court rejects lawsuit over ‘perks’ for legislators

An English instructor

  • November 13, 2006

Dimitri Vassilaros of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on Simon Campbell’s crusade to give children a strike-free education in Pennsylvania.


Read More: An English instructor

Transit Funding Report

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 13, 2006

The PA Transportation Funding and Reform Commission released their final report today: among their recommendations are: $1.7 Billion Annually in New Funding ($900 million for state highways and bridges,…


Read More: Transit Funding Report

Centralized Cappuccino

  • November 13, 2006

“Imagine what would happen if coffee shops were run like schools.” Hmm … Andrew Coulson of the Cato Institute ponders this question in the American Spectator.


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General Assembly Leadership Elections

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 13, 2006

Even though John Perzel thinks the public should “keep out of something you don’t belong in” – as in leadership elections, here is some of the lastest info anyway.


Read More: General Assembly Leadership Elections

Club For Growth Survey of Voter Attitudes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 10, 2006

This is a must read survey of likely voters by The Club For Growth – particularly for those who think Republicans like Lincoln Chafee and Mike Dewine lost because…


Read More: Club For Growth Survey of Voter Attitudes

Veon’s defeat shocks Democratic leaders

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 9, 2006

Post-Gazette Article on Mike Veon’s loss: “When you wanted money, you went to Mike, no matter what county you were from,” Beaver County Commissioners’ Chairman Dan Donatella said. But…


Read More: Veon’s defeat shocks Democratic leaders

General Assembly Leadership Elections

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 9, 2006

The first vote for 55 new state legislators will be for their caucus leadership. Check out this Patriot News Article on what is shaping up to be quite a…


Read More: General Assembly Leadership Elections

The Rendell Agenda

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 9, 2006

Patriot News article on Rendell’s outline of his second term agenda.


Read More: The Rendell Agenda

The election was a referendum on GOP failure

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 9, 2006

Wall Street Journal editorial analyzing the election results as well as the Democratic agenda – given that most of the freshmen are more moderate to conservative Democrats, whereas the…


Read More: The election was a referendum on GOP failure

Congress and the Stock Market

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 7, 2006

A few financial analysts have attributed stock market gains of the past two days as speculation over the winners of today’s election. However, this study is worth a…


Read More: Congress and the Stock Market


  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 7, 2006

The first breaking news alert on this election day: Britney Spears files for divorce. I’m not even going to bother with the requisite joke.



Remove the stain

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 6, 2006

Post-Gazette Editorial calling for a special session on government reform.


Read More: Remove the stain