Government Accountability

Savor these election snapshots

  • May 21, 2006

OK, for the record, I don’t sleep in a coat and tie, despite what Pat Carroll thinks! 🙂 It has indeed been a great experience to work alongside folks…


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VIP perks are history for ousted legislators

  • May 21, 2006

Morning Call on what the ousted Senate leaders will be losing as a result of their loss at the ballot box last Tuesday. Don’t worry though, they’ll still be…


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Taxes & Economy

PUC: Free market is OK

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 19, 2006

As reported in the Central Penn Business Journal, the Public Utility Commission will not stop a new taxicab company from competing with existing companies. It always heartwarming when a…


Read More: PUC: Free market is OK

Eye of the Beholder

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 19, 2006

Tongue-in-cheek piece comparing California to Iraq (and media coverage of each) from The American Enterprise.


Read More: Eye of the Beholder

Taxes & Economy

Tax hike referendum sinks like a stone

  • May 18, 2006

The Bristol Township School District signed on to Act 72, the property tax shift proposal that 80% of school districts rejected. To my knowledge Bristol was the only district out…


Read More: Tax hike referendum sinks like a stone

Government Accountability

John Baer on Tuesday’s Impact

  • May 18, 2006

There wasn’t a “clean sweep,” but there may very well be some “housecleaning.” Read more in the Philadelphia Daily News.


Read More: John Baer on Tuesday’s Impact

Government Accountability

Even The Gray Lady Gets The Message In PA

  • May 18, 2006

From Captain’s Quarters Even The Gray Lady Gets The Message In PAThe New York Times recognized the Pennsylvania Earthquake which removed at least thirteen…


Read More: Even The Gray Lady Gets The Message In PA

Government Accountability

The Harrisburg Hogs

  • May 17, 2006

Wall Street Journal takes note of the PA primaries. The lesson from Tuesday’s results? “It seems this is a message GOP politicians have to relearn over and over: When…


Read More: The Harrisburg Hogs

Government Accountability

Defeats leave power vacuum in Pa. Senate GOP leadership

  • May 17, 2006

AP story on the upcoming leadership changes in the Senate. Sen. Jake Corman apparently got part of the message: “Clearly the election was a mandate for government reform,” Corman…


Read More: Defeats leave power vacuum in Pa. Senate GOP leadership

Government Accountability

The Victory In Primaries For Conservatives

  • May 17, 2006

From the Captain’s Quarters Blog…. Over the past week, many of us have written on the frustration felt by conservatives (especially fiscal conservatives) over the past few years. Some…


Read More: The Victory In Primaries For Conservatives

Government Accountability

The king is dead

  • May 17, 2006

Philadelphia Daily News’ John Baer on the “Astonishing defeats for Jubelirer, Brightbill”…


Read More: The king is dead

Government Accountability

Payback: Pennsylvania voters kick out incumbents

  • May 17, 2006

Tony Phyrillas says: “The incumbents had the money. They had the name recognition. They had the party machine behind them. They had all the advantages. But they still lost.”…


Read More: Payback: Pennsylvania voters kick out incumbents

Taxes & Economy

‘Live Free or Move’

  • May 16, 2006

Jobs are flocking to low-tax states for a reason. Commentary in today’s Wall Street Journal says, “new data is out and it shows that the states that embraced supply-side…


Read More: ‘Live Free or Move’

Government Accountability

Incumbents Under Fire

  • May 15, 2006

The Wall Street Journal’s John Fund sees PA’s primary tomorrow as a possible bellwether election for conservative anger at unprincipled leadership.


Read More: Incumbents Under Fire

Taxes & Economy

For Now, Gasoline Is Our Only Cheap Fuel

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 12, 2006

Cato Commentary by Jerry Taylor: “Mandating a switch given current technology would increase, not decrease, pump prices.”…


Read More: For Now, Gasoline Is Our Only Cheap Fuel

Government Accountability

Democracy vs incumbency

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 11, 2006

John Baer on the power of incubmency in the Philadelphia Daily News (citing Commonwealth Foundation data).


Read More: Democracy vs incumbency

Peggy Noonan on the problem in DC

  • May 11, 2006

Peggy Noonan in today’s Wall Street Journal: “Baseless Confidence“ “Power is distancing. “When you’ve been in Congress for a while, or the White House for a while,…


Read More: Peggy Noonan on the problem in DC