State Budget

How about the people paying the bills???

  • January 18, 2006

Well, the Senate released its schedule for the 2006-07 Budget hearings. After Gov. Rendell presents his $24-25 BILLION taxpayer tab in early February to the General Assembly, the Senate has…


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Public Pensions Running Wild

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 17, 2006

A National Center for Policy Analysis summary of facts about state and local government pensions. The bottom line is that states continue to enhance benefits far beyond private sector…


Read More: Public Pensions Running Wild


PSBA: “Limit School Spending for Cyber Schools”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 17, 2006

The Pennsylvania School Board Association has finally come to agree that school spending should be limited to what it actually costs to educate a child: Patriot News – Districts…


Read More: PSBA: “Limit School Spending for Cyber Schools”

Utah Man Wanted by Truth Police

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 17, 2006

An article appearing on – Why isn’t Jazz owner under fire? – argues that Utah Jazz owner Larry Miller should be penalized (fined, suspended or just chastised) for…


Read More: Utah Man Wanted by Truth Police


Public nonprofit, privately profitable

  • January 17, 2006

The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, a taxpayer-supported, government-monopoly student loan organization, will pay its top executive, Dick Willey, nearly a half million dollars in 2006, reports the Harrisburg…


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Public Union Democracy

Union ousted

  • January 16, 2006

Montgomery County Court-related employees throw out AFSCME, reports The Times Herald.


Read More: Union ousted


“Living in an alternate universe”

  • January 16, 2006

The Brownsville Area School District recently voted to give administrators some retirement benefits that no private sector would even consider–Nine years of free healthcare insurance for retiring early. As The…


Read More: “Living in an alternate universe”


Conservative professors face discrimination

  • January 16, 2006

Commonwealth Foundation Adjunct Scholar and Villanova University associate professor of political science Bob Maranto in the Philadelphia Inquirer on how diversity on college campuses excludes conservative academics.


Read More: Conservative professors face discrimination


The birthplace of school choice

  • January 16, 2006

John Fund of the Wall Street Journal says the “front lines of today’s civil rights struggle are not in the South but in Milwaukee.” Read Fund’s Political Diary.


Read More: The birthplace of school choice


The pensions crunch

  • January 13, 2006

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial on pensions in the private sector. You think its bad at IBM, Verizon, et al. Just wait til you see what’s going on in state…


Read More: The pensions crunch

Taxes & Economy

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

  • January 13, 2006

From the Central Pennsylvania Business Journal… Poll: Taxes are most pressing problem What’s the most pressing problem facing the state? The answer is taxes…


Read More: Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

Health Care

Maryland’s Wal-Mart Bill: Coming to PA?

  • January 13, 2006

From the National Federation of Independent Businesses… Maryland lawmakers voted this week to over-ride a veto by Gov. Robert Erlich of a bill that will force Wal-Mart and other companies…


Read More: Maryland’s Wal-Mart Bill: Coming to PA?


John Stossel: ‘Stupid in America’

  • January 13, 2006

John Stossel plans to look at how the public schools are failing kids tonight on ABC. ‘Stupid in America’ will ask the question: Does the U.S. government’s monopoly over public…


Read More: John Stossel: ‘Stupid in America’

Health Care

Maryland Senate seeks control over Wal-Mart

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 12, 2006

The Maryland Senate voted to override the governor’s veto of the “Wal-Mart Bill” (Financial News – Yahoo! Finance), so called because it applies only to one company in the…


Read More: Maryland Senate seeks control over Wal-Mart

Override of guv’s veto?

  • January 12, 2006

Text of Jan. 11 press release. Turzai and Reed move to override Governor’s veto.Say job creation bill has necessary support in House and Senate HARRISBURG — Rep. Mike Turzai…


Read More: Override of guv’s veto?


Referendum exemption is blackmail

  • January 10, 2006

From the York Dispatch… Thumbs Down to Rep. Stan Saylor’s proposal to amend property tax reform legislation to an extent that renders taxpayer approval impotent when it comes to increases…


Read More: Referendum exemption is blackmail


States Throwing Money at Higher Education

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 10, 2006

An analysis of state spending on higher education from The Chronicle of Higher Education shows that overall spending increases substantially outpaced inflation. While the article’s perspective (and the perspective…


Read More: States Throwing Money at Higher Education


Are American Kids Stupid?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 9, 2006

I love John Stossel reports – this Friday (on 20/20) he asks, “Are American Kids Stupid?” The answer, of course, is no, but our monopolistic public school system is.


Read More: Are American Kids Stupid?

Give us the right to vote!

  • January 9, 2006

The Public Opinion in Chambersburg agrees, school tax increases should require voter approval. Read their editorial.


Read More: Give us the right to vote!