
Universal preschool is inviting universal disaster

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 5, 2005

SF Chronicle article – Universal preschool is inviting universal disaster. Advocates of universal pre-school in Pennsylvania would do well to heed this warning.


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Taxes & Economy

Lower Taxes = Economic Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 5, 2005

An analyis of population data and taxes finds that states with low taxes attract residents fleeing states with high taxes: The Heartland Institute – Taxes Fuel Historic American Migration…


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Brookings Institution Presents “Much Ado About Nothing”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 5, 2005

The Brookings Institution released a report today titled Higher Education in Pennsylvania: A Competitive Asset for Communities. In this report, they offer findings such as: Pennsylvania has many institutions…


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Taxes & Economy

We all lose when Government tries to pick winners

  • December 4, 2005

This Times Leader story highlights how government should not be in the “economic development” business. The best thing government could do for our economy is GET OUT OF THE…


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A tiny little tidbit of totalitarianism

  • December 4, 2005

Paul Jacob’s Townhall column on how the school employee labor union in Oklahoma (OEA) is fighting against state government spending limits. Sound familiar? Labor unions everywhere are dying…


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Is Wal-Mart Good for America?

  • December 3, 2005

Yes, our family shops at the local Wal-Mart from time to time. Although the company’s recent support of raising the minimum wage (even though Wal-Mart’s average starting wage is already…


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The Freedom to Hate Wal-Mart

  • December 2, 2005

From Paul Jacobs’ Common Sense radio broadcast … Some folks don’t like Wal-Mart. Okay. Fine. It’s a free country. No one should be forced at gunpoint to shop at Wal-Mart.


Read More: The Freedom to Hate Wal-Mart

Taxes & Economy

Rendell will veto business tax break

  • December 2, 2005

From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review … “Rendell emphatically said he would veto any legislation that would lower business taxes but not provide substitute funds. ‘I would have to veto…


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