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Pennsylvania’s Education Tax Credit Scholarships: How EITC Serves Children and Families in the Commonwealth
Key Findings Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) are state tax credit programs that give thousands of low- to middle- income students access to…
Read More: Pennsylvania’s Education Tax Credit Scholarships: How EITC Serves Children and Families in the CommonwealthState Budget
EITC and Economically Disadvantaged Schools
Read More: EITC and Economically Disadvantaged SchoolsPublic Union Democracy
The Impact of Compulsory Unionism on Economic Development
Executive Summary With increasing global competition taking a toll on U.S. manufacturing jobs, and state governments and municipalities struggling to achieve greater operating efficiencies in the face of declining revenues…
Read More: The Impact of Compulsory Unionism on Economic DevelopmentEducation
Property Tax & School Funding Reform: The Michigan Experience and Principles for Pennsylvania
Executive Summary After decades of relative inaction, Pennsylvania policymakers may finally tackle the issue of property-tax and school-funding reform. While states such as Michigan have already substantively addressed the problem…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Property Tax & School Funding Reform: The Michigan Experience and Principles for PennsylvaniaEducation
The Pennsylvania State Education Association: Compelling Teachers, Lobbying Politicians, and Increasing Taxes
Executive Summary Originally founded as the Pennsylvania State Teachers Association in 1852, the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) has transformed itself from a professional development organization for educators into one…
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Read More: The Pennsylvania State Education Association: Compelling Teachers, Lobbying Politicians, and Increasing TaxesTaxes & Economy
R. A. D. is Bad for Pennsylvania
Executive Summary A quiet campaign is currently underway to increase taxes on consumers in four central Pennsylvania counties. By granting elected officials in those counties the power to create a…
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Read More: R. A. D. is Bad for PennsylvaniaEducation
The Myth of the Special Education Burden
Executive Summary Over the past thirty years, school property taxes in Pennsylvania have increased at a rate more than twice the concurrent rate of inflation. Local school boards—those elected officials…
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Read More: The Myth of the Special Education BurdenEducation
Dispelling the Myth of Pennsylvanias Under-Funded Public Schools
Executive Summary The perennial debate over education funding in Pennsylvania—when it is not about how much more schools should get—is about how the taxpayers should fund the schools. Current discussions…
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Read More: Dispelling the Myth of Pennsylvanias Under-Funded Public SchoolsTaxes & Economy
Budget Basic: Pennsylvanias Economy Loses When Policymakers Try to Pick Winners
Executive Summary For too long, Pennsylvania has relied too heavily on generously funded but ultimately ineffectual taxpayer-funded government subsidy programs in an attempt to stimulate economic growth. The strategy of…
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Read More: Budget Basic: Pennsylvanias Economy Loses When Policymakers Try to Pick WinnersState Budget
Barriers to Entrepreneurship: How Pennsylvanias Government Stifles Job Creation
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY There is no doubt that Pennsylvania benefited from the booming national economy of the 1990s. But when compared to the rest of the United States, the Commonwealth’s economic…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Barriers to Entrepreneurship: How Pennsylvanias Government Stifles Job CreationTaxes & Economy
Growth and Pennsylvanias Environment: The Facts
Fact Sheet
Read More: Growth and Pennsylvanias Environment: The FactsTaxes & Economy
Pennsylvanias Death Tax: The State As The Grim Reaper
Taxation is regarded as a necessary evil in today’s society. Nobody parts happily with the considerable portion of their paycheck withheld for income and other taxes. Yet as much as…
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Read More: Pennsylvanias Death Tax: The State As The Grim ReaperTaxes & Economy
Growing Pennsylvania’s Economy: Tax Cuts vs. Economic Development Programs
INTRODUCTION As the competition between states for economic growth intensifies, an increasing amount of attention is being evoted to what state governments can—or should—do to help create and attract jobs…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Growing Pennsylvania’s Economy: Tax Cuts vs. Economic Development Programs