Elizabeth Stelle

Director of Policy Analysis

Elizabeth Stelle is the Director of Policy Analysis at the Commonwealth Foundation.

Elizabeth has researched and written on government reform, health care, welfare, energy, and government transparency. Her work has been featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Patriot-News, Philadelphia Inquirer, and a variety of radio and television programs throughout the commonwealth. Elizabeth is a graduate of Grove City College where she earned a bachelor’s degree in history.

A native of Ohio, Elizabeth makes her home in the Pittsburgh area with her husband and four children. She enjoys swimming, traveling to historic landmarks and exploring the moral foundations of capitalism.

State Budget

Tax Hikes Threaten Debbie’s Flower Shop

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 4, 2015

Debbie is a small business owner. She operates Pealer's Flowers with her husband in Camp Hill, and they're worried about Gov. Tom Wolf's tax hikes. Debbie explains: “We're all doing…


Read More: Tax Hikes Threaten Debbie’s Flower Shop

Government Accountability

Too Close for Comfort: Gov. Wolf and SEIU

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 27, 2015

New documents obtained by the Commonwealth Foundation (publicized by the Post-Gazette in a recent story) show a frightening closeness between Gov. Wolf and union leaders, particularly leaders at the SEIU. In…


Read More: Too Close for Comfort: Gov. Wolf and SEIU


Governor Wolf’s Proposed Natural Gas Extraction Tax

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 24, 2015

Gov. Tom Wolf proposed a new severance tax on natural gas extraction, which he claims will generate more than $1 billion annually for public schools. The proposal fails to consider…


Read More: Governor Wolf’s Proposed Natural Gas Extraction Tax


Could Coal’s Savior be PA’s Legislature?

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Gordon Tomb
  • August 5, 2015

180 workers in CONSOL Energy’s coal division recently lost their jobs. Now, Pennsylvania’s legislature may be the only thing standing between the Obama administration and complete destruction of the…


Read More: Could Coal’s Savior be PA’s Legislature?

Government Accountability

Transparency 10 Years after the Pay Raise

  • Elizabeth Stelle, James Paul
  • July 7, 2015

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the midnight pay raise. Although it was ultimately repealed, the pay raise was a dark hour in Pennsylvania political history. Over the…


Read More: Transparency 10 Years after the Pay Raise

Public Union Democracy

Pivotal Pension Reform Passes to Wolf

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 1, 2015

Yesterday, the General Assembly passed landmark legislation to free homeowners from skyrocketing property taxes, make school budgets go further, and protect public employees from politics. SB 1 bill reforms…


Read More: Pivotal Pension Reform Passes to Wolf

Health Care

Losers Outnumber Winners Under King v Burwell Decision

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 26, 2015

Yesterday’s US Supreme Court decision to uphold taxpayer subsidies on healthcare.gov brought a collective sigh of relief to Pennsylvanians, like Barbara, who depend on subsidies to make health insurance…


Read More: Losers Outnumber Winners Under King v Burwell Decision

Taxes & Economy

30,000 Future Jobs at Risk

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 23, 2015

Middle class job opportunities are at risk. We all know that strong middle class employment is at the heart of a healthy economy, but Gov. Wolf’s massive tax increases would…


Read More: 30,000 Future Jobs at Risk

Health Care

Affordable Care Act Brings Unaffordable Premium Hikes

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 11, 2015

Pennsylvania insurance companies are asking for dramatic premium hikes on exchange plans. Highmark underestimated the cost of care for individuals on the exchange and is now requesting a 23%…


Read More: Affordable Care Act Brings Unaffordable Premium Hikes

Taxes & Economy

Reforming the Welfare Benefits Cliff

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Nathan Benefield
  • May 14, 2015

Imagine you’re a single mom earning $47,000 a year (or $22.59 an hour) working full-time as an assistant manager at large department store. Your boss pulls you aside with great…


Read More: Reforming the Welfare Benefits Cliff

Health Care

State Health Care Exchange: A Dangerous Contingency Plan

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 8, 2015

A week ago Governor Wolf announced his plan to create a state-based health care exchange if the U.S. Supreme Court nixes taxpayer subsidies to insurance companies through the federal…


Read More: State Health Care Exchange: A Dangerous Contingency Plan

State Budget

The Next 1,360 Days

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 30, 2015

Governor Wolf marked his 100th day in office by providing a list of accomplishments. In reality, the memo is more of a status update since many of his initiatives, including…


Read More: The Next 1,360 Days

Health Care

Unlike Medicaid, Charity Clinics Lead to Independence

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 29, 2015

This week marks the beginning of Pennsylvania’s transition from Healthy PA to full Medicaid expansion. Over 100,000 beneficiaries were transferred to the traditional one-size-fits-all healthcare plan known for limited…


Read More: Unlike Medicaid, Charity Clinics Lead to Independence

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvanians Are Working Longer for the Government

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 27, 2015

Last Saturday Pennsylvanians passed an important milestone: Tax Freedom Day. This is the day Pennsylvanians earn enough dollars to pay off their federal, state and local tax bills for 2015. …


Read More: Pennsylvanians Are Working Longer for the Government

Health Care

Judge Halts Stealth Unionization Scheme

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 23, 2015

A Commonwealth Court judge has issued a preliminary injunction to stop full enforcement of Gov. Tom Wolf's executive order to stealthily unionize home healthcare workers. For folks like…


Read More: Judge Halts Stealth Unionization Scheme

State Budget

The Unintended Consequences of Wolf’s Budget

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 21, 2015

If the proposed sales tax expansion contained in Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget proposal becomes law, Louise Bell's nursing home costs will jump by $3,000—essentially adding a 13th month to her…


Read More: The Unintended Consequences of Wolf’s Budget

Taxes & Economy

The Worst “Subsidy” Study You’ll Never Read

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Nathan Benefield
  • April 14, 2015

The radical environmentalist group and corporate welfare lobbyist PennFuture has updated an absurd study about the “subsidies” Pennsylvania taxpayers pay for fossil fuels. While we oppose subsidies for any industry, most…


Read More: The Worst “Subsidy” Study You’ll Never Read


Trapped: One Teacher Tells His Story

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 9, 2015

Frank is a high school teacher in Lackawanna County who has been frustrated with the NEA’s support of abortion for a long time: “I just don’t want to see any…


Read More: Trapped: One Teacher Tells His Story

Health Care

Five Years After Obamacare Charity Care Demand Soars

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 23, 2015

Five years later, the promises of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) ring hollow for too many Pennsylvanians. The law’s numerous mandates and regulations continue to drive up the cost of…


Read More: Five Years After Obamacare Charity Care Demand Soars


Protecting Pennsylvania’s Excellent Teachers

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 18, 2015

Shortly after graduation, Dominique took a job at one of Philadelphia’s most challenging turnaround high schools, University City. After one very successful year the district experienced significant layoffs…


Read More: Protecting Pennsylvania’s Excellent Teachers


The Case for More Educational Choice in Philadelphia

  • Elizabeth Stelle, James Paul
  • March 13, 2015

Will’s family thought he was one of the chosen few: A Philadelphia student who managed to secure a seat at the high-performing Christopher Columbus Charter School. But…


Read More: The Case for More Educational Choice in Philadelphia