Elizabeth Stelle

Director of Policy Analysis

Elizabeth Stelle is the Director of Policy Analysis at the Commonwealth Foundation.

Elizabeth has researched and written on government reform, health care, welfare, energy, and government transparency. Her work has been featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Patriot-News, Philadelphia Inquirer, and a variety of radio and television programs throughout the commonwealth. Elizabeth is a graduate of Grove City College where she earned a bachelor’s degree in history.

A native of Ohio, Elizabeth makes her home in the Pittsburgh area with her husband and four children. She enjoys swimming, traveling to historic landmarks and exploring the moral foundations of capitalism.

Public Union Democracy

Top 5 Reasons to Support HB 2571

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Jessica Barnett
  • October 9, 2018

HB 2571 is a commonsense reform that benefits public sector workers and aligns Pennsylvania law with the U.S. Supreme Court's Janus v. AFSCME decision. Here are five reasons it must…


Read More: Top 5 Reasons to Support HB 2571

Criminal Justice Reform

Philadelphia Forced to Reform Unjust Confiscation

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 21, 2018

Four years ago we told you the story of Markela and Chris Sourovelis, Philadelphians who lost their home when their son committed a minor drug crime thanks to an…


Read More: Philadelphia Forced to Reform Unjust Confiscation

Work Requirements on Tap in Washington and Harrisburg

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 7, 2018

At the end of this month, the federal farm bill expires. Its replacement—a monolithic piece of legislation—is the subject of significant controversy over strengthening food stamp work requirements for healthy…


Read More: Work Requirements on Tap in Washington and Harrisburg

Public Union Democracy

Four Teachers Finally Gain Control Over their Paycheck

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 4, 2018

Jane Ladley retired from teaching three years ago, but until two weeks ago the teachers union held part of her pay in escrow. Jane was a religious objector to…


Read More: Four Teachers Finally Gain Control Over their Paycheck

State Budget

Refocus on Government Assistance that Transforms Lives for Good

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 20, 2018

Six years ago, the Pennsylvania legislature ended the General Assistance program, a monthly cash benefit to disabled adults. In that same bill, Pennsylvania strengthened food stamp work requirements (later rolled…


Read More: Refocus on Government Assistance that Transforms Lives for Good

Criminal Justice Reform

Removing Barriers to Work for Ex-Offenders

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 15, 2018

Pennsylvania has a 3-year recidivism rate of nearly 61 percent. Research shows one of the most critical components of successful re-entry is a job. But for 255…


Read More: Removing Barriers to Work for Ex-Offenders

Health Care

Trump Administration Bridges Health Insurance Gap

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 8, 2018

Help could soon be on the way for many of those harmed by Obamacare's burdensome rules and regulations. The Trump administration recently announced that they will expand short-term health…


Read More: Trump Administration Bridges Health Insurance Gap

Public Union Democracy

Resigning from a Government Union is No Easy Task

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 31, 2018

Want to join a union? Easy, just sign on the dotted line. Want to leave a union? Sharpen your research skills, because it's no easy task. This fact was made…


Read More: Resigning from a Government Union is No Easy Task

Health Care

Small Increases Expected on Pa.’s Exchange

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 25, 2018

Pennsylvanians who purchase health insurance on the Exchange will finally get some relief from years of premium hikes. Pa. Insurance Commissioner Jessica Altman announced they expect an average premium…


Read More: Small Increases Expected on Pa.’s Exchange

Criminal Justice Reform

Another Step Towards Reducing Barriers to Work

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 23, 2018

Pennsylvania licenses over 250 occupations, creating unnecessary bureaucracy and obstacles to good paying jobs. Across the country states like Arizona, Michigan, Rhode Island, and Nebraska are eliminating licensure requirements…


Read More: Another Step Towards Reducing Barriers to Work

Health Care

Hidden Human Services Spending

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 27, 2018

What’s the main driver of spending in Harrisburg? It’s not education. The main driver of costs is the Department of Human Services, which includes Medicaid, child services, nursing home care…


Read More: Hidden Human Services Spending


Gov. Moves to Eliminate Handful of Occupational Licenses

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 22, 2018

Sally Ladd earned a living managing vacation rental properties in Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains. Her clients gladly pay Sally to manage their listings, but that livelihood was threatened when the…


Read More: Gov. Moves to Eliminate Handful of Occupational Licenses


New Legislation Tackles the EITC and OSTC Waiting List

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 15, 2018

The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs have offered lifelines to hundreds of thousands of low to moderate-income Pennsylvania students. Yet many…


Read More: New Legislation Tackles the EITC and OSTC Waiting List

State Budget

Time for Welfare Work Requirements

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 13, 2018

Yesterday, welfare work requirement bills HB 2138 and HB 1659 moved out of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. This move ensures welfare reform will be a focus…


Read More: Time for Welfare Work Requirements

Taxes & Economy

A Career for Life: Toni’s Work Story

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 6, 2018

DuBois resident Toni Prescott Flanders knows the value of hard work. As a teenager she worked alongside her mom, who owned a restaurant. But Toni wanted more than a job.


Read More: A Career for Life: Toni’s Work Story

Health Care

More than a Paycheck: Amanda’s Work Story

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 30, 2018

A mother of four, Amanda Zernell worked odd jobs – as a certified nurse assistant at minimum wage and later at Sears – to help support her family. But after…


Read More: More than a Paycheck: Amanda’s Work Story

Health Care

A $2,000 Blister and Other Medicaid Failures

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 17, 2018

Sunburns, warts, and blisters—Medicaid recipients receive Emergency Room (ER) treatment for these common ailments, costing state taxpayers millions of dollars according to a WTAE investigation by Paul Van Osdol. With nearly…


Read More: A $2,000 Blister and Other Medicaid Failures

Health Care

A Future for My Kids and Me

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 10, 2018

Megan Spaulding graduated from the Brockway Center for Arts and Technology Medical Assistant program two years ago. This single mom turned medical professional describes her new found career as “life-changing.”…


Read More: A Future for My Kids and Me

Taxes & Economy

The Path to Prosperity

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 2, 2018

Last month we featured the story of Diane, a hardworking medical assistant in Clearfield County and graduate of the Brockway Center for Arts and Technology (BCAT) medical assistant…


Read More: The Path to Prosperity

Taxes & Economy

Wolf’s Severance Tax Among the Highest in the Nation

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 1, 2018

The Governor's fourth natural gas tax proposal, and 11th tax proposal overall, is now embodied in legislation. SB 1000 and HB 2253 join nine other bills sitting in the House and Senate, all…


Read More: Wolf’s Severance Tax Among the Highest in the Nation

Taxes & Economy

Migration Update

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 28, 2018

https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2018/popest-metro-county.html The ten counties that experienced the greatest growth via domestic migration (“destination states”) had a lower average tax burden than the counties that experienced the greatest declines (“deserted states”). p 10…


Read More: Migration Update