Gordon Tomb

Senior Fellow

Gordon Tomb is a Senior Fellow with the Commonwealth Foundation.

Gordon is senior advisor for the CO2 Coalition in Arlington, Virginia, and the primary editor of the best-selling book Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know.

As an energy writer and consultant, his clients have included the natural gas and nuclear power industries and the operator of the nation’s largest high-voltage transmission system.

Gordon has spoken on behalf of the International Atomic Energy Agency on lessons of the Fukushima and Three Mile Island nuclear accidents and is a winner of the Cicero Speechwriting Awards.

As an executive in the electric utility and nuclear power industries, Gordon led communications teams in the recovery from the TMI accident, the development of an electric transmission project, and the reorganization of a FORTUNE 500 company. He has worked as a newspaper reporter and columnist and as a director with an international management consulting firm.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and attended Grove City College.

Taxes & Economy

Fracking Helps Poor More than Government Programs

  • Gordon Tomb
  • September 10, 2013

The natural gas boom spawned by free enterprise and new technology is doing more to help the poor than LIHEAP, a decades-old welfare program, according to the Wall…


Read More: Fracking Helps Poor More than Government Programs

Taxes & Economy

Drilling Moratorium Handcuffs Landowners, Stunts Economy

  • Gordon Tomb
  • July 18, 2013

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) continues to stymie development of the Marcellus Shale in all or parts of 13 Pennsylvania counties even as Governor Corbett, Senator Pat…


Read More: Drilling Moratorium Handcuffs Landowners, Stunts Economy

Taxes & Economy

EPA Quietly Drops Flawed Fracking Study

  • Gordon Tomb
  • July 8, 2013

With all of its enormous resources, the federal government’s capacity to influence exceeds even that of Hollywood and Madison Avenue. That is why it is so disconcerting when Washington…


Read More: EPA Quietly Drops Flawed Fracking Study

Taxes & Economy

Demanding More Dollars From Drillers

  • Gordon Tomb
  • May 20, 2013

Pennsylvania’s new drilling impact fee has not deterred special interests from demanding more money from the state’s most prolific producers of new energy. Act 13 of 2012 imposed…


Read More: Demanding More Dollars From Drillers

Taxes & Economy

Free-market Gas Outshines Subsidized Solar

  • Gordon Tomb
  • April 9, 2013

One news story highlights hundreds of jobs lost and millions of taxpayer dollars down the drain via corporate welfare. Another celebrates millions of new state revenue and free market job…


Read More: Free-market Gas Outshines Subsidized Solar

Taxes & Economy

Taking Wind out of the Subsidy Sail

  • Gordon Tomb
  • April 4, 2013

For years, you’ve heard conservatives say the wind power industry would be better off without government subsidies. But now even wind industry advocate and Tang Energy CEO Patrick Jenevin…


Read More: Taking Wind out of the Subsidy Sail

Taxes & Economy

FrackNation Exposes Gasland Lies

  • Gordon Tomb
  • March 14, 2013

“FrackNation” is not only about the development of natural gas, but also about journalism, says Phelim McAleer, co-director of the 70-minute documentary. Shown this week to about 70…


Read More: FrackNation Exposes Gasland Lies

Taxes & Economy

Carbon Tax Devastating for Manufacturers

  • Gordon Tomb
  • March 7, 2013

A study reported by the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association says a carbon tax would have a devastating effect on the state’s manufacturers. Manufacturing output in energy-intensive activities could drop by…


Read More: Carbon Tax Devastating for Manufacturers