Nathan Benefield

Nathan Benefield

Senior Vice President

Nathan (Nate) Benefield is the Senior Vice President at the Commonwealth Foundation.

An Ohio native, Nate holds an undergraduate degree in political science and economics and a master’s degree in public service management from DePaul University in Chicago. He also completed his doctoral studies (ABD) in political science at Loyola University, also in Chicago.

Nate joined the Commonwealth Foundation in 2005. Now as senior vice president, he provides strategic leadership as well as operational oversight spanning policy analysis, government relations, marketing, and communications.

Nate has researched and written extensively on public policy issues including the state budget, public sector labor reform, government spending and taxes, liquor privatization, education, and economic development. Under Nate’s policy leadership, the Commonwealth Foundation’s work on public sector pension law helped drive the bipartisan pension reform of 2017, heralded by the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post as an example for other states to follow.

Nate has testified numerous times before state legislative committees and is often called upon by legislators and members of the media to provide expertise. He is a frequent commentator on both television and radio, and his writings have appeared across the state and nationally in outlets including the Philadelphia Inquirer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Patriot-News, and Weekly Standard.

Nate’s favorite rock song and personal motto are both “Don’t Stop Believin.”

State Budget

Video: Jim DeMint on Earmark Moratorium

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 12, 2008

Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina gives a masterful speech on the need for earmark reform in Washington (the same could be applied to handouts in Harrisburg).


Read More: Video: Jim DeMint on Earmark Moratorium

Government Accountability

Twenty-two disgraced governors

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 12, 2008 has the complete list of governors to leave office (resigned or impeached) because of scandal or legal problems.


Read More: Twenty-two disgraced governors

Government Accountability

State paid law firms $111 million for advice

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 12, 2008

Tom Barnes of the Post-Gazette reports that Pennsylvania taxpayers have paid law firms $111 million for legal advice to state government under the Rendell administration (note: I believe this…


Read More: State paid law firms $111 million for advice

Government Accountability

Fumo to retire

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 12, 2008

Senator Vince Fumo, the subject of many PolicyBlog stories will reportedly be retiring; read the Pennsyltucky Politics blurb.


Read More: Fumo to retire

Phyrillas on property tax hikes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 11, 2008

Over 100 school districts have applied for exemptions to increase property taxes above the Act 1 index, notes Tony Phyrillas. He points out that this is fewer than last…


Read More: Phyrillas on property tax hikes

Health Care

A Short Course in Brain Surgery

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 11, 2008

Video from FreeMarketCure on how government run health care, like that in Canada, is hazardous to your health.


Read More: A Short Course in Brain Surgery


Teachers Unions Exposed

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 11, 2008 is a new website (from the Center for Union Facts) focusing on teachers’s unions role in blocking education reform, bargaining away quality, and protecting bad teachers. They…


Read More: Teachers Unions Exposed

State Budget

Earmark abusers jump on earmark reform wagon

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 11, 2008

The Club for Growth notes that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have signed on to DeMint-McCain earmark moratorium. While this will likely force passage of the bill,…


Read More: Earmark abusers jump on earmark reform wagon


Government on a Diet: Spending Tips 2008

  • Matthew Brouillette, Nathan Benefield
  • March 10, 2008

State government consumption and spending of taxpayer money has grown rapidly over the years. Since 1970, Pennsylvania’s operating budget increased from $4.2 billion to $59 billion in FY 2007-2008, an…


Read More: Government on a Diet: Spending Tips 2008

Health Care

Pennsylvania proposes to cheat Medicaid

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 10, 2008

Michael Cannon writes that the Rendell administration’s plan to tax Philly and Pittsburgh hospitals, but give them higher reimbursements from Medicaid is a great plan … for Pennsylvania.


Read More: Pennsylvania proposes to cheat Medicaid

Taxes & Economy

A Philly Tax Cutter?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 10, 2008

City Journal sounding on what Mayor Nutter needs to do to turn the Philadelphia economy around. The results of the city’s hostility toward business are evident. While the…


Read More: A Philly Tax Cutter?

State Budget

Central PA Congressman and businesses giving up earmarks

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 10, 2008

Central Penn Business Journal on the Congressman Pitts and Platts joining those taking a moratorium on earmarks and the response of most business leaders – except the beneficiaries of…


Read More: Central PA Congressman and businesses giving up earmarks


How government makes things worse

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 10, 2008

Boston Globe piece by Jeff Jacoby covers the “Law of Unintended Consequences” of government intervention. Jacoby takes on government mandates and subsidies for ethanol: But now comes word…


Read More: How government makes things worse

Taxes & Economy

Are We Talking Ourselves Into Recession?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 10, 2008

BusinessWeek article on whether the media’s obsession with bad economic news may be driving low consumer confidence and turning a “slowdown” into a recession. Case in point: I recently…


Read More: Are We Talking Ourselves Into Recession?


Home-Schooling Under Attack

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 7, 2008

Here is some commentary on the recent California court ruling that would require parents homeschooling their children to have full teaching credentials/certification. Acton Institute PowerBlog Cato-At-Liberty…


Read More: Home-Schooling Under Attack

State Budget

Earmark Nation

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 7, 2008

Wall Street Journal on the political value of taking a hard line opposing earmarks, compared with the value of pork projects. Unorthodox as he’s been on some conservative…


Read More: Earmark Nation

Taxes & Economy

Pa. legislative Democrats’ I-80 report worthless

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2008

Towanda Daily Review editorial on the “study” commissioned by House Democrats on a Turnpike lease. One addition to my previous notes on the “study”: To show…


Read More: Pa. legislative Democrats’ I-80 report worthless

Taxes & Economy

Median U.S. Gross Income: $61,500

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 6, 2008

TaxProf Blog has the latest US Median Income, along with a couple of nifty charts on median income growth (in both nominal and real terms) and the average income…


Read More: Median U.S. Gross Income: $61,500


Determining the Cost of an Adequate Education

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 5, 2008

The Pennsylvania General Assembly recently commissioned a $650,000 study to determine what it “costs” to educate a child. The firm winning the commission reported that the state should increase spending…


Read More: Determining the Cost of an Adequate Education

Government Accountability

PSU Study: Whites still think Blacks are apes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 5, 2008

In addition to commenting on policy issues, I also like to comment on some of very weird, esoteric studies conducted by academic researchers. The most recent is this study…


Read More: PSU Study: Whites still think Blacks are apes

State Budget

Campbell on Earmark Moratorium

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 5, 2008

Video of John Campbell on earmarks. I especially like him bringing up the “monuments to me” – i.e. earmarks by legislators for projects named after themselves – noting “I hope…


Read More: Campbell on Earmark Moratorium