Nathan Benefield

Nathan Benefield

Senior Vice President

Nathan (Nate) Benefield is the Senior Vice President at the Commonwealth Foundation.

An Ohio native, Nate holds an undergraduate degree in political science and economics and a master’s degree in public service management from DePaul University in Chicago. He also completed his doctoral studies (ABD) in political science at Loyola University, also in Chicago.

Nate joined the Commonwealth Foundation in 2005. Now as senior vice president, he provides strategic leadership as well as operational oversight spanning policy analysis, government relations, marketing, and communications.

Nate has researched and written extensively on public policy issues including the state budget, public sector labor reform, government spending and taxes, liquor privatization, education, and economic development. Under Nate’s policy leadership, the Commonwealth Foundation’s work on public sector pension law helped drive the bipartisan pension reform of 2017, heralded by the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post as an example for other states to follow.

Nate has testified numerous times before state legislative committees and is often called upon by legislators and members of the media to provide expertise. He is a frequent commentator on both television and radio, and his writings have appeared across the state and nationally in outlets including the Philadelphia Inquirer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Patriot-News, and Weekly Standard.

Nate’s favorite rock song and personal motto are both “Don’t Stop Believin.”

Tax Money for Soccer Stadium?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 4, 2007

Lowman Henry on the wisdom – or lack thereof – of using $45 million in taxpayer subsidies to build a soccer stadium in Pennsylvania. There are a couple of…


Read More: Tax Money for Soccer Stadium?

Bill threatens future of Pa. cyber schools

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 3, 2007

Editorial by Joanne Jones Barnett in the Express Times on the renewed effort to limit funding, enrollment, and now even teachers in cyber charter schools.


Read More: Bill threatens future of Pa. cyber schools

Tolling rivals confront leaders

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 3, 2007

Centre Daily Times on the most recent discussion of tolling I-80. Sounds like it isn’t too popular in that neck of the woods. Also, Turnpike CEO Joe Brimmeier is…


Read More: Tolling rivals confront leaders

State’s pension plans on the edge

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 3, 2007

Lancaster Sunday News article on the state pension system and proposed legislation to convert to a defined contribution plan. For more on the proposed pension reform, check out our…


Read More: State’s pension plans on the edge

How much should we spend on health care?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 30, 2007

A couple of interesting blog post on regarding the Familes USA report on the burden of health care cost (get the PA report here, and the PA…


Read More: How much should we spend on health care?

Reform is Alive and Well

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 30, 2007

Rep. Josh Shapiro enters into the “is reform dead” debate on his new blog.


Read More: Reform is Alive and Well

No single solution to transportation crisis

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 30, 2007

Robert Latham takes us (along with the Turnpike Commission) to task in an Patriot News op-ed. Among the charges lobbed our way is that we are pushing a Turnpike…


Read More: No single solution to transportation crisis

JoePa makes more than me.

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 29, 2007

Penn State is ruined! At least that is what their lawyers claimed would happen if they had to reveal Joe Paterno’s salary. But the state Supreme Court ruled that the…


Read More: JoePa makes more than me.

Act 44/Turnpike Links

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 29, 2007

Act 44 Information: Act 44 and Transportation Policy Points I-80 Lease and other documents Morgan-Stanley report Rendell on CNBC – “Act 44 wasn’t good enough” IRRPP…


Read More: Act 44/Turnpike Links

More on REAL ID

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 29, 2007

More on the topic of our REAL ID Budget & Tax News update on REAL ID in the states. From Cato: The REAL ID Act: An Update…


Read More: More on REAL ID

FreedomWorks calls for Repeal of Act 44

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 28, 2007

Freedom Works has joined in the calls for repeal of Act 44 – the Transportation Funding scheme of borrowing, raising Turnpike tolls, and tolling I-80 to fund road…


Read More: FreedomWorks calls for Repeal of Act 44

Rendell-Lite alternate energy bills advance

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 28, 2007

The PA Senate keeps pushing forward alternative energy legislation, or “Rendell Lite.” One of the bills would “provide a $1 state subsidy for each gallon of biofuel, made…


Read More: Rendell-Lite alternate energy bills advance

Britney Spears to adopt?!?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 28, 2007

My first thought on reading the headline “Britney Spears to adopt Chinese twins” was that it was a cruel joke. My second thought, on reading the story, was that…


Read More: Britney Spears to adopt?!?

Another “Is Reform Dead” Editorial

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 27, 2007

Madonna and Young’s Politically Uncorrected attempts to assess “the reform movement” (which as a monicker needs to be killed). They are generally accurate in their assessment of the lack…


Read More: Another “Is Reform Dead” Editorial

Blaim Steelers’ Fans for Soggy Field

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 27, 2007

A lot has been made about the condition of the field during last night’s Steelers-Dolphins game. First off let me say that was a great football game, and anyone who…


Read More: Blaim Steelers’ Fans for Soggy Field

A new rathole

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 27, 2007

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial on the use of taxpayer money to conduct political polls.


Read More: A new rathole

Turnpike Commission’s version of MiniTru

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 26, 2007

Turnpike Commission Vice-Chair and bond attorney Tim Carson in the Morning Call offers a rebuttal to the Brouillette-Gilroy Commentary. Carson’s editorial is as accurate as an Enron…


Read More: Turnpike Commission’s version of MiniTru

The Tragedy of the Commons

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 21, 2007

John Stossel on the lost lesson of Thanksgiving: When the Pilgrims first settled the Plymouth Colony, they organized their farm economy along communal lines. The goal was to…


Read More: The Tragedy of the Commons