Nathan Benefield

Nathan Benefield

Senior Vice President

Nathan (Nate) Benefield is the Senior Vice President at the Commonwealth Foundation.

An Ohio native, Nate holds an undergraduate degree in political science and economics and a master’s degree in public service management from DePaul University in Chicago. He also completed his doctoral studies (ABD) in political science at Loyola University, also in Chicago.

Nate joined the Commonwealth Foundation in 2005. Now as senior vice president, he provides strategic leadership as well as operational oversight spanning policy analysis, government relations, marketing, and communications.

Nate has researched and written extensively on public policy issues including the state budget, public sector labor reform, government spending and taxes, liquor privatization, education, and economic development. Under Nate’s policy leadership, the Commonwealth Foundation’s work on public sector pension law helped drive the bipartisan pension reform of 2017, heralded by the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post as an example for other states to follow.

Nate has testified numerous times before state legislative committees and is often called upon by legislators and members of the media to provide expertise. He is a frequent commentator on both television and radio, and his writings have appeared across the state and nationally in outlets including the Philadelphia Inquirer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Patriot-News, and Weekly Standard.

Nate’s favorite rock song and personal motto are both “Don’t Stop Believin.”

The Most Important Election of Our Time

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 20, 2007

What happens when there is a tie for election? Run off? Coin Flip? Supreme Court case? Duel to the death? Rock Paper Scissors? In the case of the Wormleysburg Assessors…


Read More: The Most Important Election of Our Time

A new effort on open-records bill

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 20, 2007

Bill DeWeese is planning to push an amendment to the House open records bill, which would strengthen it, making it like the Senate bill, but applying to the…


Read More: A new effort on open-records bill

SEC investigation into Brimmeier?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 19, 2007

Here is a letter to SEC regional director Daniel Hawkes from Sen. Jake Corman, and the response from the SEC director. Corman questions whether or not Pennsylvania Turnpike…


Read More: SEC investigation into Brimmeier?

Pa. puts a heavy stake on I-80 tolls

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 19, 2007

Good summary of the I-80 tolling situation and the concerns regarding federal approval – including noting that mass transit would get $150 million less if I-80 is not tolled…


Read More: Pa. puts a heavy stake on I-80 tolls

EBay sellers pushed to get auctioneer licenses

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 19, 2007

In an absurd extension of state power, the Board of Auctioneer Examiners in the State Department is trying to shut down EBay sellers (those selling on behalf on others). See…


Read More: EBay sellers pushed to get auctioneer licenses

State Small Business Climate Ranking

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 19, 2007

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council released its state rankings on Policy Environment for Entrepreneurship. Pennsylvania ranks a middling 24th (1 is best). The rankings incorporate several taxes, government…


Read More: State Small Business Climate Ranking

Where do judges come from?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 19, 2007

Paul Jacob on on “merit selection” of judges in Missouri. So, just who makes up the Appellate Judicial Commission? How are they chosen? Good questions. The…


Read More: Where do judges come from?

Colossal Waste of Tax Dollars for Useless Education Study

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 16, 2007

Allegheny Institute Policy Brief on the “costing out study”. To further illustrate the wrongheadedness of the study, consider its recommendation for two Southwestern Pennsylvania school districts that…


Read More: Colossal Waste of Tax Dollars for Useless Education Study

More Resources on Costing Out Studies

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 16, 2007

Courtroom Alchemy – Education Next: We reviewed results from professional judgment studies in eight states released from 2001 to 2003. All eight studies were conducted by…


Read More: More Resources on Costing Out Studies

Leave commenting on PA Politics to me, Sandra Day O’Connor

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 15, 2007

Sandra Day O’Connor disses Russ Diamond in today’s Wall Street Journal, along with calling for appointing judges and government-run campaigns: These three reforms [I’ll discuss below] will help,…


Read More: Leave commenting on PA Politics to me, Sandra Day O’Connor

Costing Out Study – Quick Numbers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 15, 2007

I haven’t had a chance to look at the “costing out study” yet, which said we need spend $12,067 per-pupil to achieve an “adequate education” but here is the key…


Read More: Costing Out Study – Quick Numbers

Thursday at 9 PM – Speaker Franklin Awards Dinner on PCN

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 15, 2007

PCN will air the Speaker Franklin Awards dinner – including speakers John Stossel, Ed Feulner, and Award recipient Richard Mellon Scaife – Thursday night at 9 pm. Future airings are…


Read More: Thursday at 9 PM – Speaker Franklin Awards Dinner on PCN

Pa. House Dems force out 7 top aides

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 14, 2007

The Bonus-Gate investigation has apparently claimed the jobs of several Pa. House Democratic staffers. Bill DeWeese isn’t saying much, other than in his press release: “As Majority…


Read More: Pa. House Dems force out 7 top aides

Don’t Look to Government to Cool Down the Planet

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 14, 2007

If you can’t make it to our dinner tonight in Pittsburgh, here is just a taste of what you are missing – John Stossel’s latest column on


Read More: Don’t Look to Government to Cool Down the Planet

Recipients of Corporate Welfare like Corporate Welfare

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 13, 2007

Shocking news release from the Governor’s Office: Businesses that Governor Rendell wants to give taxpayer grants to support Governor Rendell’s plan to give them taxpayer grants.


Read More: Recipients of Corporate Welfare like Corporate Welfare

States’ “Universal” Health Care plans not delivering

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 13, 2007

Mandates and government-run health insurance programs have failed to provide “universal health care” in Maine: Maine’s uninsured rate did not improve significantly between 2003 and 2006 despite…


Read More: States’ “Universal” Health Care plans not delivering

Cyber 101 Day

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 13, 2007

From the Reach Foundation: Cyber 101 day will be held next Tuesday in the Capitol. Lawmakers looking at proposals to limit funding for cyber shools (which represent less…


Read More: Cyber 101 Day

America is still the land of Opportunity

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 13, 2007

A number of pundits on the left cite rising “income inequality” as a cause for alarm (and justification of new government programs). A new treasury department study reveals these claims…


Read More: America is still the land of Opportunity